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Marie's Teaching Resources

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Hi! I'm Marie. From experience as a primary teacher, I enjoy creating sets of teaching resources (often with my own illustrations!) for introducing and teaching school topics, and with practical activities. Hope you find something useful. Happy teaching! :)




Hi! I'm Marie. From experience as a primary teacher, I enjoy creating sets of teaching resources (often with my own illustrations!) for introducing and teaching school topics, and with practical activities. Hope you find something useful. Happy teaching! :)
Under The Sea Animal Classification Posters

Under The Sea Animal Classification Posters

Set of posters: text about the different groups of aquatic animals including fish, mammal, reptile, crustacean, mollusc, echinoderm, coelenterate, worm and sponge – show on IWB For more useful activities, please check my other Under the Sea resources in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Jack and the Beanstalk - Story Structure & Characters

Jack and the Beanstalk - Story Structure & Characters

Set of worksheets to learn about characters and story structure based on the story of Jack and The Beanstalk. Activities include oral retelling, sequencing events, identifying different parts of the story, describing characters & setting, and creative writing. Set includes: • Tell The Tale – story pictures for sequencing and oral retelling • What Happens Next? –cut and paste pictures and text in the correct sequence • Story Map - complete a map with captions • Story Sequence – blank sheet for writing • Story Structure – list characters, settings, events and resolution • Character Portrait – illustrate and describe one character • Describing Characters – use adjectives word bank • Describing Setting – list adjectives for the castle; describe how it feels walking inside the giant’s castle • Blank sheets for rewriting the story For additional resources based on the story of Jack and The Beanstalk, please check my PowerPoint and Bingo Game. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Jack and the Beanstalk - Story & Comprehension

Jack and the Beanstalk - Story & Comprehension

Printable story of Jack and The Beanstalk and comprehension worksheets for assessing understanding. Activities include reading and answering questions and comparing different versions to write a book review. Set includes: • Story of Jack and The Beanstalk – text • Comprehension - text, questions, write a different ending • True or False - identify which sentences are true or not and rewrite the false sentences so that they are true • Book Review – compare 2 versions of the same story and record preferences For additional resources based on the story of Jack and The Beanstalk please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Little Red Riding Hood– Word Mat

Little Red Riding Hood– Word Mat

A handy word mat for independent writing with sentence starters for each part of the story, verbs and adjectives. Includes blank writing sheets. For additional resources based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Jack and the Beanstalk– Word Mat

Jack and the Beanstalk– Word Mat

A handy word mat for independent writing with sentence starters for each part of the story, verbs and adjectives. Includes blank sheets for story writing. For additional resources based on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources :) For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Amazon Rainforest Animals – Worksheets

Amazon Rainforest Animals – Worksheets

Set of worksheets to learn about the different groups of animals from the Amazon rainforest including text for reading activities. • Animals From The Amazon Rainforest – to know about groups of animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects and spiders) found in the rainforest: text (2 pages) followed by labelling animals and questionnaire • Where Do Animals Look For Food – to know how animals search for food among the different rainforest layers: text followed by questionnaire • Predator or Prey? - to know which animals eat others: circle predator in each pair of animals • Diets – Animals Groups – to know which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores: complete table • Diets – Animals Groups – easier: circle animals in different colours • What’s For Dinner? Food Chain – to know that animals and plants are part of a food chain and who eats what : label in correct order • An Animal From The Amazon – to describe in details an animal: illustrate and use word bank to label body parts and complete sentences For more useful activities and resources about the Amazon rainforest and its animals, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. Hope that you like and find them useful. If you have any comments or recommendations to make, please do not hesitate to do so. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Animals from the Rainforest -  Bingo

Animals from the Rainforest - Bingo

Based on animals from the Amazon rainforest A Bingo game that will encourage a lot of discussions as you play :) Enables to identify and match different animals with their names, animal groups and diet groups. Children can check their boards - answer sheet for each bingo mat included. For more useful activities, please check my set of worksheets and Animal Classification activities in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Minibeasts Classification Bundle

Minibeasts Classification Bundle

2 Resources
A great set of resources to teach about most common minibeasts Set includes: Minibeasts Classification Sorting Activity including flash cards, group and features labels and worksheets. This is a great whole class teaching activity while children work in groups to identify different groups of minibeasts. Minibeasts Fact Sheets Fact sheets - for reading activities and independent research A5 fact sheets (A4 folded) with clear information about each minibeast - for a Reading Corner, Topic Board or Writing Corner. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Hansel and Gretel – PowerPoint  KS1

Hansel and Gretel – PowerPoint KS1

6 parts PowerPoint that can be used over 6 lessons (objectives, teaching task and plenary each) and worksheets for follow up activities. Part 1 – Storytelling To know the beginning, middle and end of the story To retell the story orally Includes diagram of elements of a traditional tale; the story of Hansel and Gretel; prompt for oral storytelling Part 2 – Sequence To sequence the main events of the story To match text with pictures Activities prompting children to order story pictures and to match text with pictures; think of a good sentence opener for each picture Part 3 – Sentence Starters To know how to start sentences differently To retell the story orally using sentence openers Includes looking at different sentence openers for each part of the story; think of a good sentence opener for each picture Part 4 – Characters To talk about the characters in the story and say what you think about each one To describe each characters using adjectives Includes adjectives for each character, asking children to explain why; complete sentences with best adjectives Part 5 – Settings To talk about the settings in the story To describe settings using adjectives Includes adjectives for each setting; change the adjectives in the sentences Part 6 – Story Plot To know the different parts that makes a story To give some reasons why things happen Includes story plot diagrams; a question for each part of the story with a prompt to answer For additional resources based on the story of Hansel & Gretel please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Under The Sea Bundle

Under The Sea Bundle

3 Resources
This bundle includes information about most popular sea creatures and includes Science and Literacy related resources and activities Under The Sea Worksheets Set of worksheets to learn about living underwater, sea zones and different groups of sea animals - Can be used as shared reading activities (Literacy) Under the Sea - Animal Classification This is a great activity for children to learn how animals are grouped into different categories - vertebrate, invertebrate, fish, mammal, reptile, crustacean, mollusc, echinoderm, coelenterate, worm and sponge. Includes teaching suggestions, activity set (pictures and labels), instructions, worksheets, information posters and answer sheets. Under the Sea - Fact Sheets A lot of useful information about different groups of most common aquatic animals – includes fish, mammal, reptile, crustacean, mollusc, echinoderm, coelenterate, worm and sponge. For more useful activities, please check my other Under the Sea resources in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Amazon Rainforest Animals  Bundle

Amazon Rainforest Animals Bundle

4 Resources
This bundle includes information about the Amazon rainforest and its animals. Amazon Rainforest - Worksheets Set of worksheets to learn about the Amazon rainforest, including text for reading activities. Amazon Rainforest Animals - Worksheets Set of worksheets to learn about the different groups of animals from the Amazon rainforest. Amazon Rainforest Animals- Word Mats Useful word mats with names of animals from the Amazon rainforest, classification groups and features, verbs and adjectives. Amazon Rainforest Animals- Classification Includes teaching suggestions, activity set (pictures and labels), instructions, worksheets, posters and answer sheets. For additional resources based on Amazon Rainforest Animals, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Going To The Seaside - Story Mats

Going To The Seaside - Story Mats

Story prompts for creative writing An alternative to story cubes, I have created a set of boards which can be used with a dice. Children record each word they land on and build sentences to create a story. Recording sheet, Story Plan worksheet and instructions included. For more useful seaside activities, please check my set of worksheets and PowerPoint in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears– Word Mat

Goldilocks and the Three Bears– Word Mat

A handy word mat for independent writing with sentence starters for each part of the story, verbs and adjectives. For additional resources based on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Goldilocks and The Three Bears  - Bingo

Goldilocks and The Three Bears - Bingo

This Bingo set is designed to reinforce the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and provides lots of opportunities for teachers and children to talk about characters and story plot as they play! Enables to identify and match different parts of the story and captions with pictures. There are 3 different picture boards with matching sets of pictures and captions. Captions and speech bubbles will need to be cut separately to create flash cards. Boards and flashcards can be laminated for durability if you wish to. For additional resources based on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, please check my PowerPoint and worksheets. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Little Red Riding Hood - Story Structure & Characters

Little Red Riding Hood - Story Structure & Characters

Set of worksheets to learn about characters and story structure based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Activities include oral retelling, sequencing events, identifying different parts of the story, describing characters & setting, and creative writing. Set includes: • Tell The Tale – story pictures for sequencing and oral retelling • What Happens Next? –cut and paste pictures and text • Story Map - complete a map with captions • Story Structure – list characters, settings, events and resolution • Story Sequence – blank sheet for writing • True or False - identify which sentences are true or not and rewrite the false sentences so that they are true • Character Portrait – illustrate and describe one character • Describing Characters – use adjectives word bank • Different Words! – Synonyms - Identify words from word bank that have the same meaning • Describing Settings – list adjectives for the woods; describe a walk in the woods • Treats for Grandma!! – write a list of foods • Wanted Poster For additional resources based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood, please check my PowerPoint and Bingo Game. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Little Red Riding Hood - Bingo

Little Red Riding Hood - Bingo

Based on story of Little Red Riding Hood. A Bingo game that will encourage a lot of discussions as you play :) Enables to identify and match different parts of the story and captions with pictures. There are 3 different picture boards with matching sets of pictures and captions. Captions and speech bubbles will need to be cut separately to create flash cards. Boards and flashcards can be laminated for durability if you wish to. For additional resources based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood, please check my PowerPoint and worksheets. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Little Red Riding Hood -  PowerPoint

Little Red Riding Hood - PowerPoint

Suitable for KS1 - 6 parts PowerPoint that can be used over 6 lessons (objectives, teaching task and plenary each) Part 1 – Storytelling To know the beginning, middle and end of the story To retell the story orally Includes diagram of elements of a traditional tale; the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears; prompt for oral storytelling Part 2 – Sequence To sequence the main events of the story To match text with pictures Activities prompting children to order story pictures and to match text with pictures; complete sentences with missing words using word bank Part 3 – Sentence Starters To know how to start sentences differently To retell the story orally using sentence openers Includes looking at different sentence openers for each part of the story; think of a good sentence opener for each picture Part 4 – Characters To talk about the characters in the story and say what you think about each one To describe each characters using adjectives Includes adjectives for each character, asking children to explain why; complete sentences with best adjectives Part 5 – Settings To talk about the settings in the story To describe settings using adjectives Includes adjectives for each setting; describe how it feels like walking through a forest; complete a sentence using different adjectives Part 6 – Story Plot To know the different parts that makes a story To give some reasons why things happen Includes story plot diagrams; a question for each part of the story For follow up / matching activities worksheets, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Goldilocks – Origin and Versions

Goldilocks – Origin and Versions

• Text - about the origin of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and its significant authors • Questionnaire – from the text • Book Review – to compare 2 different versions of the same story • Different Stories! – To briefly write about the version just read, and write what would happen in the story if one of the characters was changed. For additional resources based on Goldilocks and the Three Bears, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Hansel and Gretel - Bingo

Hansel and Gretel - Bingo

This Bingo set is designed to reinforce the story of Hansel and Gretel and encourages children to • read captions and match with a picture from the story • read captions and match with pictures • read speech bubbles and match with pictures Provides lots of opportunities for teachers and children to talk about characters and story plot as they play! For additional resources based on the story of Hansel and Gretel, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources :) For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Animals from Africa- Word Mats

Animals from Africa- Word Mats

Useful word mats with names of African animals from the Savannah, classification groups and features, verbs and adjectives – could be put back to back and laminated together to create one lasting document. For additional resources based on African Savannah Animals, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)