Useful end of topic summary test + answers. Complete with marking grid to give students easy to read feedback, tips for improvement and extension work.
Great for showing comprehension, then progress if students are given time to make correction or attempt the extension based on teacher feedback.
In this test:
Solving equations
Solving with negatives
Solving with brackets
Solving worded questions
Lots of other topics and levels available.
Useful end of topic summary test + answers. Complete with marking grid to give students easy to read feedback, tips for improvement and extension work.
Great for showing comprehension, then progress if students are given time to make correction or attempt the extension based on teacher feedback.
In this test:
Find the mean, median, mode and range
Find averages from a frequency table
Find averages from a grouped frequency table
Interpret a stem and leaf diagram
Draw and use a stem and leaf diagram
Lots of other topics and levels available.
Quick, fun and easy quiz aimed at younger pupils to name the Nursery Rhyme from the picture. Great little time-filler and perfect to have on hand for wet break.
Answers provided.
A double sided learning mat and question guide to help students with trigonometry revision. All formulae and diagrams on one side with a helpful flow chart on the other, assisting students with which formula to use for each question.
A revision and consolidation activity intended to allow students to see the progress they are making in a particular topic.
Graded worksheet with 4 questions for each objective. Full answer sheet and blank student sheet for students to write their answers.
Also included is a basic powerpoint presentation that allows teachers to display the sheets on the board and outlines the learning objectives at the start.
A revision and consolidation activity intended to allow students to see the progress they are making in a particular topic.
Graded worksheet with 4 questions for each objective. Full answer sheet and blank student sheet for students to write their answers.
Also included is a basic powerpoint presentation that allows teachers to display the sheets on the board and outlines the learning objectives at the start.
A great activity to engage students and build both their mathematical ability and confidence, based on Kagan cooperative learning.
Students have a card each and move around the room asking the question on their card to other students. The answer is also printed on their card so they can see if their partner has the right answer. If needed, they can use their understanding to coach their partner towards the right answer. Once both students have asked their question they trade cards and move on so each student has a variety of questions that they are asking to others.
This activity involves simplifying algebraic expressions.
A revision and consolidation activity intended to allow students to see the progress they are making in a particular topic.
Graded worksheet with 4 questions for each objective. Full answer sheet and blank student sheet for students to write their answers.
Also included is a basic powerpoint presentation that allows teachers to display the sheets on the board and outlines the learning objectives at the start.
Solve simple one-step equations
Solve simple two-step equations
Solve simple two-step equations involving negative numbers
Solve equations involving one pair of brackets
Solve equations involving two pairs of brackets
Solve equations involving two pairs of brackets and negative numbers
Solve equations with an unknown on both sides of the equals sign
A revision and consolidation activity intended to allow students to see the progress they are making in a particular topic.
Graded worksheet with 4 questions for each objective. Full answer sheet and blank student sheet for students to write their answers.
Also included is a basic powerpoint presentation that allows teachers to display the sheets on the board and outlines the learning objectives at the start.
A great activity to engage students and build both their mathematical ability and confidence, based on Kagan cooperative learning.
Students have a card each and move around the room asking the question on their card to other students. The answer is also printed on their card so they can see if their partner has the right answer. If needed, they can use their understanding to coach their partner towards the right answer. Once both students have asked their question they trade cards and move on so each student has a variety of questions that they are asking to others.
This activity involves simplifying ratios (including different units)
Also included is an optional student answer sheet that students can keep with them to jot down any method if necessary.
A revision and consolidation activity intended to allow students to see the progress they are making in a particular topic.
Graded worksheet with 4 questions for each objective. Full answer sheet and blank student sheet for students to write their answers.
Also included is a basic powerpoint presentation that allows teachers to display the sheets on the board and outlines the learning objectives at the start.
Change mixed numbers into improper fractions
Change improper fractions into mixed numbers
Add and subtract fractions with an equal denominator
Add and subtract fractions with different denominators
Multiply two fractions
Divide two fractions
Add and subtract mixed numbers
Multiply mixed numbers
Solve worded problems involving mixed numbers
Multiply algebraic fractions
A revision and consolidation activity intended to allow students to see the progress they are making in a particular topic.
Graded worksheet with 4 questions for each objective. Full answer sheet and blank student sheet for students to write their answers.
Also included is a basic powerpoint presentation that allows teachers to display the sheets on the board and outlines the learning objectives at the start.
Solve simple two-step equations
Solve simple two-step equations involving negative numbers
Solve equations involving one pair of brackets
Solve equations involving two pairs of brackets
Solve equations involving two pairs of brackets and negative numbers
Solve equations with an unknown on both sides of the equals sign
Solve equations with an unknown on both sides with brackets
Solve equations with fractions
A revision and consolidation activity intended to allow students to see the progress they are making in a particular topic.
Graded worksheet with 4 questions for each objective. Full answer sheet and blank student sheet for students to write their answers.
Also included is a basic powerpoint presentation that allows teachers to display the sheets on the board and outlines the learning objectives at the start.
A revision and consolidation activity intended to allow students to see the progress they are making in a particular topic.
Graded worksheet with 4 questions for each objective. Full answer sheet and blank student sheet for students to write their answers.
Also included is a basic powerpoint presentation that allows teachers to display the sheets on the board and outlines the learning objectives at the start.
A great activity to engage students and build both their mathematical ability and confidence, based on Kagan cooperative learning.
Students have a card each and move around the room asking the question on their card to other students. The answer is also printed on their card so they can see if their partner has the right answer. If needed, they can use their understanding to coach their partner towards the right answer. Once both students have asked their question they trade cards and move on so each student has a variety of questions that they are asking to others.
This activity involves recalling angle facts, angles on a straight line/triangle/quad etc.
A revision and consolidation activity intended to allow students to see the progress they are making in a particular topic.
Graded worksheet with 4 questions for each objective. Full answer sheet and blank student sheet for students to write their answers.
Also included is a basic powerpoint presentation that allows teachers to display the sheets on the board and outlines the learning objectives at the start.
A set of cards/posters that I was asked to create that were printed out for each classroom. They are used around school to allow all subject teachers to easily show students when they are using numeracy skills across the curriculum.
Eye-catching and student-friendly design to help engage students.
Ideal for quickly showing the links between subjects and all the cross-curricular elements of numeracy.
An unusual and eye-catching maths display based on Taxi Cab Geometry.
A great way to engage students and introduce them to different types of geometry. Also good intro to distance between two points using Pythagoras, loci and perpendicular bisectors.
Full resources that I have created myself.
Title letters
Distance between two points diagrams and descriptions
Circle/Ellipse/Parabola/Hyperbola diagrams and descriptions
(the files 'e' and 't' denote the loci in Euclidean and taxi cab geometries)
Perpendicular bisectors with diagrams and descriptions
Not included due to copyright are the two pictures I haven't created myself - the taxi and the grey square - both easily available online,
A revision and consolidation activity intended to allow students to see the progress they are making in a particular topic.
Graded worksheet with 4 questions for each objective. Full answer sheet and blank student sheet for students to write their answers.
Also included is a basic powerpoint presentation that allows teachers to display the sheets on the board and outlines the learning objectives at the start.
Find the percentage of an amount using a mental method
Find the percentage of an amount using a calculator
Find the percentage of an amount using a calculator – worded questions
Increase or decrease an amount by a percentage
Increase or decrease an amount by a percentage – worded questions
Find the percentage change