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How many syllables activity? Word list and sorting table

How many syllables activity? Word list and sorting table

An activity that can be very useful when used alongside a poetry unit where there are rules about number of syllables in lines, i.e. Haiku's There is a table split into 3 columns for 1, 2 and 3 syllable words with a word list set out on the next page for children to read out, clap out, sound out and sort into the three columns. Used with Year 4
3 way differentiated comprehension texts and questions around persuading someone to visit France

3 way differentiated comprehension texts and questions around persuading someone to visit France

3 way differentiated comprehension texts and questions based around the theme of visiting France. For the BA group there is a advertising poster for the children to read and answer questions from dating from 1951 For the A group a postcard has been written for the children to read and answer questions from picking out the persuasive language For the HA group there is a persuasive letter for the children to read and answer questions from picking out the persuasive writing techniques The resource provides a nice link to a persuasive writing topic and MFL Used with a Year 4 class
French Alps persuasive poster correct and improve exercise

French Alps persuasive poster correct and improve exercise

An advertising poster persuading people to visit the French Alps for a holiday using different persuasive writing techniques. Trick is there are a lot of Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation mistakes for children to read and correct. As an extension they are then asked how they can improve the persuasive poster, add in different techniques and write. Used with Year 4 during a persuasive writing unit, can link in with MFL
Missing punctuation activity, based around Ancient Egypt

Missing punctuation activity, based around Ancient Egypt

A Literacy task asking children to add in the missing punctuation to a series of facts about life in Ancient Egypt Can be used as a lesson starter in Literacy or a Topic lesson with a Literacy link Please add the . and CL missing from the following sentences. Extension: are there any other punctuation marks you could add for extra effect?
Tutankhamen newspaper article comprehension

Tutankhamen newspaper article comprehension

A series of comprehension questions ranging in marks and activity from matching exercises to 3 mark questions based on the newspaper article about the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb that can be found at the link below: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-newspaper-article-about-tutankhamun-6187451
Christmas word orienteering cards

Christmas word orienteering cards

3 Sets of orienteering cards spelling out, Frankincense Good Tidings we bring and Happy Christmas Kept my Year 4 occupied for nearly an hour searching round to find which number leads to the next to spell out different Christmas word. Each card contains its number, a letter and then the next number to find. If printed on different coloured paper the three games can run consecutively and children move from one to the other
Weather graphs comprehension exercise comparing the UK and France

Weather graphs comprehension exercise comparing the UK and France

A 3 way differentiated set of graphs and questions looking at comparing the weather in France and the UK For the BA they have to read and answer simple questions based on a bar chart For the A they have to read and answer slightly more challenging questions based on a comparative bar chart For the MA they have to read a line graph and answer more challenging questions
Non-fiction text feature and purpose matching activity

Non-fiction text feature and purpose matching activity

A 4 way differentiated text feature and purpose matching activity. For SEN they have a whole list of text features and purpose definitions to cut out and match The BA have a couple of names of features and purposes missing, so they have to match the rest and work out which are the missing features and what are the missing purposes For A they have the same activity with a few more blanks to fill For the HA they have just a blank table with all the features listed and have to come up with a purpose for each. Features listed include; sub-heading, glossaries, captions, indexes, labels, table of contents, bullet points, photographs and titles