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I am a retired EAL teacher. My resources are being produced as a result of need identified while teaching a wide range of EAL students.




I am a retired EAL teacher. My resources are being produced as a result of need identified while teaching a wide range of EAL students.
Verbs - Present, Past and Past Participle

Verbs - Present, Past and Past Participle

Game (2-6 players) The aim of the game is to get the most sets of verbs. (A set consists of the present, past and past participle of one verb.) Mix the cards. Each player is dealt 9 cards and the remaining cards are placed face down in a pile in the middle of the table. The top card is turned face up and placed beside the pile on the table. Players look at their cards. If they have a set, they place that on the table. (This counts as 1 point) The player(s) then draw cards to make up 9 cards in their hands. The person on the left of the dealer starts, he/she can either pick the card that is turned over or take the top card. He/She then has to discard, so that he he/she always has 9 cards. If the player can make a set of 3 cards, he places the set on the table.(As soon as a player thinks he/she has a set, it is suggested that players show their sets to other players to ensure that the set has the correct verbs.) He/she must then draw cards from the pile to maintain 9 in his/her hand. Continue play until the pack on the table has been used. Then turn the pack over and start using the cards again. When all cards have been used from the table, players then take turns to select an unseen card from the player on their left. This continues until all sets of verbs has been made. The winner is the player with the most points or sets.
Easter chicks, eggs, stars and words days months and seasons

Easter chicks, eggs, stars and words days months and seasons

This resource provides Easter related activities for teaching/consolidating the days months and seasons in English. Chickens have to be matched with their baskets, then put in the correct day order. Eggs have to be laid out in the correct month order. There are pictorial clues on the eggs and egg cups to help with the identification of the seasons. Students can be asked to identify the seasons by using the picture clues. (Northern Hemisphere) Names of the days, months and seasons are also included for ordering and using as flash cards for reading.
Easter Egg Male and Female Matching

Easter Egg Male and Female Matching

Easter Egg Male and Female Matching is a fun way of learning the male and female words for different people. There are two sets of eggs, one with colour borders to help with the completion of the task and the other with black borders to make the matching more challenging. The reference/ answer sheet can be used as an aid to completion or as an assessment of how well the task has been completed. There are two worksheets: 1. for insertion of the correct male/female words 2. for insertion of the correct male/female words and translation to L1 (First Language) The vocabulary included: girl/boy, woman/man, wife/husband, daughter/son, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, female/male, queen/king, princess/prince, duchess/duke, waitress/waiter, lass/lad, countess/earl, bride/bridegroom, landlady/landlord. There are 11 pages.
EAL/ ESL/ EFL/ ELD / ELL Irregular verbs present and past tense bingo

EAL/ ESL/ EFL/ ELD / ELL Irregular verbs present and past tense bingo

Laminating the boards is recommended for long term use. This Bingo game has 12 cards, 6 are coloured and 6 are white. There are 18 words on each card. The coloured cards have the past tense words and the white cards have the present tense words. Game 1 for 6 players Each player is given a coloured card. The white cards are cut up to make individual words and are used as call out cards. Someone reads out the present tense words. The first player to indicate he/ she has the past tense of that word is given the card which is placed on the board. This continues until, the first player to have a full board is the winner. Game 2 for 6 players Each player is given a white card. The coloured cards are cut up to make individual words and are used as call out cards. Someone reads out the past tense words. The first player to indicate he/ she has the present tense of that word, is given the card which is placed on the board. This continues until, the first player to have a full board is the winner. Activities for individuals Students can be given individual coloured past tense cards and the corresponding cut up white cards and are then asked to match present with past. or Students can be given individual white present tense cards and the corresponding cut up coloured cards and are then asked to match past with present. If a Bingo game is required for 12 players, the boards could be cut in half, giving each player 9 words.
Close Reading, Sentence construction ,Wild Animals, EAL/ESL/EFL/ELL

Close Reading, Sentence construction ,Wild Animals, EAL/ESL/EFL/ELL

This printable booklet will be useful for students who are beginning to write simple sentences. Writing answers to the simple questions in sentences will help with word order and sentence construction. Passages are written mainly in simple sentences, so many answers can be lifted straight from the passages. This will help students to achieve success, gain a sense of achievement and build confidence in writing their own sentences in English. This is most suited to students at the Emergent/Consolidating stage of acquiring English as a certain level of comprehension is required. If students are literate in their home language, use of a home language dictionary could be used to aid comprehension of any unknown vocabulary. This booklet is also suitable for use with native English speakers. The Wild Animals booklet has 10 pages containing information about the following animals:- elephants, lions, camels, giraffes, tigers, zebras, kangaroos, hippos, rhinos and pandas These pages can be used over and over again. After the information sheets, there are 10 worksheets. Each worksheet has 5 questions about one of the animals. Students could either write the answers on the worksheets or write the answers in a jotter/ notebook. If students are writing on the worksheets, a booklet could be produced using the worksheets and one of the two front covers available at the end of the booklet. Because, the passages provide factual information, they are suitable for use with a wide age range. This booklet is copyright. You may photocopy it only within and for use in the institution which has purchased it. No other photocopying is permitted without the permission of the author and copyright holder. The animal clip art used is from:- Openclipart.org, IconBug.com. VectorOpenStock.com, Clker.com, ClipArtLord.com , ClipArtist.info
Colour Snap with words

Colour Snap with words

This game can be used to teach colours and colour words to students new to English and even native English speakers. The cards are dealt out. Each player takes turns at placing the cards. While doing so, the player names the colour and can be corrected by other players if an error is made. If the colour on the card laid is the same as the previous card, the player says' snap' and takes the pile of cards that has built up on the table. A time limit can be put on playing the game. When time is up the winner is the person with the most cards. If players are unsure of the name of a colour, they can be encouraged to sound out the word. Even if only the first sound is known, this provides a clue to the name of the colour.
Alphabet Boats Match Lower Case with Upper case

Alphabet Boats Match Lower Case with Upper case

Alphabets boats is a fun way for students to learn the upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet. This could be used with EAL students and would be particularly useful if the student’s home language has a different script. Resources designed for EAL students are of course suitable for use with all students. The activity involves matching the lower case letters with the uppercase letters which are displayed on the boats. There are two sets of lower case letters. One set is in colour and colour coordinated with the boats. The other set is in black and for use when students are more competent at completing the task with the coloured letters. If this is given as an individual task to a new arrival, the reference page ( displaying upper and lower cases side by side) will enable students to successfully complete the task. For a student new to English, this also allows time out from listening to a language which he/she doesn’t understand and it is a useful activity which can be successfully completed. If this is done as a group activity, there is a lot of scope for discussion and reinforcement of colour vocabulary plus the opportunity for students to learn from their peers. E.g. Do you have a green letter? Do you have a light blue boat? Can I have the purple boat? etc
5 booklet pack EAL / ESL / ELL worksheets and Games for Initial Learners  Vocabulary

5 booklet pack EAL / ESL / ELL worksheets and Games for Initial Learners Vocabulary

If you have students with very little English or no English, this is what you need. Students will be able to achieve success and build confidence from day one, and consequently reduce stress. The reference sheets at the beginning of each section have photographs with names written underneath. This enables easy identification of items and can be referred to when vocabulary has been forgotten. Once the vocabulary has been introduced, students can work independently. Students who have little or no Education in their home language should also be able to achieve success. This printable pack of 5 booklets is also excellent value for money. The topics covered are School, Colour, Number, School Clothes and Food and Drinks. The booklets are available for purchase individually. This pack offers excellent value for money, as you will be able to see in the EALEE store purchasing the 5 books individually is more expensive.
English as an Additional Language Worksheets and Games for Initial Learners Food and Drinks Vocab.

English as an Additional Language Worksheets and Games for Initial Learners Food and Drinks Vocab.

This is booklet 5 called EAL worksheets and Games for Initial Learners Food and Drinks Vocabulary. There are 4 other booklets available in the pack containing vocabulary building worksheets and games for Initial Learners of English. All 5 booklets are printable. The topics covered in the pack are 1. School, 2. Colour 3. Number 4. School Clothes 5. Food and Drinks. All booklets are printable/ photocopiable. Worksheets and games are suitable for use from age 8 to adult. Some games could be used with younger children. Worksheets and games are suitable for use from age 8 to adult. The booklets could be suitable for use with a group of refugees who have a wide age range and who are beginning to learn English. The word matching activities could be particularly useful for students who have had little education in their first language and perhaps might not be literate in their first language. Consolidation of new vocabulary is possible by using a range of different worksheets and games. By using this pack, Initial Learners should be able to achieve success and build confidence in the early days of acquiring English. If new arrivals use the reference sheets they will be able to complete worksheets correctly. This will help to reduce stress and allow them to build confidence in using a new language. The skills developed by using the worksheets are reading and writing.Games provide opportunities for the development of speaking, listening and interaction with peers. The vocabulary is introduced in two sections: Food and Drinks (1) Vocabulary - water, sandwich, biscuit, milk, grapes, orange, apple, yogurt, banana, sushi, samosa, crisps Food and Drinks (2) Vocabulary - coffee, tea, roll, rice, pasta, potatoes, meat, fish, chips, bread, sausage roll, noodles The reference sheets are at the beginning of each section. Games and activities included in this booklet include, cut and stick, snap, words for matching with pictures, crosswords, word searches, bingo, dominoes - match pictures with pictures, dominoes - match pictures with words. Contents and Record of Work pages are also included. The set of 5 booklets is suitable for use with isolated learners and classes of beginners, including EFL students. The other 4 booklets are available in the EALEE store.
EAL / ESL / ELL Worksheets and Games School Clothes Vocabulary

EAL / ESL / ELL Worksheets and Games School Clothes Vocabulary

This is booklet 4, called EAL Worksheets and Games for Initial Learners School Clothes Vocabulary. There are 4 other booklets available in the pack containing vocabulary building worksheets and games for Initial Learners of English. All 5 booklets are printable. The topics covered in the pack are 1. School, 2. Colour 3. Number 4. School Clothes 5. Food and Drinks. Photographs have been used so that items are easily identified. All booklets are printable/ photocopiable Worksheets and games are suitable for use from age 8 to adult. Some games could be used with younger children. The booklets could be suitable for use with a group of refugees who have a wide age range and who are beginning to learn English. The word matching activities could be particularly useful for students who have had little education in their first language and perhaps might not be literate in their first language. Consolidation of new vocabulary is possible by using a range of different worksheets and games. By using this pack, Initial Learners should be able to achieve success and build confidence in the early days of acquiring English. If new arrivals use the reference sheets, they are able to work independently while successfully completing the selected worksheets. The skills developed by using the worksheets are reading and writing. Games provide opportunities for integration with peers and the development of speaking and listening skills. The vocabulary is introduced in two sections. School Clothes (1) Vocabulary - shirt, trousers, skirt, tie, shoes, sand shoes, sweatshirt, T shirt, polo shirt, shorts, jacket, socks. School Clothes (2) Vocabulary - jacket, cardigan, hat, gloves, scarf, wellingtons, coat, dress, pinafore The games/activities include snap, words and pictures for matching, crosswords, word searches, cut and stick, dominoes - match pictures with words, dominoes-match pictures with pictures. All five booklets have contents and record of work pages.
EAL /ESL/ ELL Worksheets and Games for Initial Learners  Number Vocabulary

EAL /ESL/ ELL Worksheets and Games for Initial Learners Number Vocabulary

This is booklet 3 called EAL worksheets and Games for Initial Learners Number Vocabulary. There are 4 other booklets available in the pack containing vocabulary building worksheets and games for Initial Learners of English. All 5 booklets are photocopiable. The topics covered in the pack are 1. School, 2. Colour 3. Number 4. School Clothes 5. Food and Drinks. The printable worksheets and games are suitable for use from age 8 to adult. Some games could be used with younger children. Consolidation of new vocabulary is possible by using a range of different worksheets and games. By using this pack, Initial Learners should be able to achieve success and build confidence in the early days of acquiring English. The skills developed by using the worksheets are reading and writing.Games provide opportunities for the development of speaking and listening. Page 3 has a reference page with number, word and appropriate number of happy faces beside the number. The numbers and number words are from 1 to 10. This reference page enables students to complete worksheets/activities by referring to the reference page if number/ word has been forgotten. The games / activities include cut and stick, crosswords number and word dominoes or snap cards, bingo call out cards - number, bingo call out cards - number words and addition and subtraction using words. Crosswords and a word search are also available for use. These kinds of activities have been found to be very useful for new arrivals, particularly if he / she is an isolated learner because by using the reference sheet, work can be completed independently and success in using a new language can be achieved. The worksheets and games are also suitable for classes of beginners including EFL students Worksheets and games are suitable for use from age 8 to adult. The booklets could be suitable for use with a group of refugees who have a wide age range and who are beginning to learn English. The word matching activities could be particularly useful for students who have had little education in their first language and perhaps might not be literate in their first
English as an Additional Language Worksheets and Games Colour Vocabulary

English as an Additional Language Worksheets and Games Colour Vocabulary

This is booklet 2 of a set of 5 booklets. The colours introduced are red, blue, yellow, purple, green, orange, black, white, brown, grey and pink. There is a reference page at the beginning where the colour word is written under the colour. This enables the student to complete worksheets independently by looking at the reference sheet when colours are unknown. By doing this, students are not only increasing opportunities for the retention of new vocabulary but they are also improving reading and writing skills. The games provide opportunities for speaking and listening and interaction with peers. Worksheets and games are suitable for use from age 8 to adult. The booklets could be suitable for use with a group of refugees who have a wide age range and who are beginning to learn English. The word matching activities could be particularly useful for students who have had little education in their first language and perhaps might not be literate in their first language. Some games could be used with children younger than 8 years. The games/activities include cut and stick, colouring to match the colour word, colour the object (vocabulary used is introduced in booklet 1 School Vocabulary) sentence completion, crossword, word search, dominoes - colour to colour, dominoes - colour to word, snap game colours only. The colour to word dominoes could also be used as a matching activity by cutting the dominoes in half. These types of worksheets and games have been found to be very useful in mainstream schools with Initial Learners of English particularly new arrivals who are also isolated learners. They are also suitable for classes of beginners including EFL students. The students can be given opportunities to experience success in using a new language and consequently build confidence. The other 4 booklets, called School Vocabulary, Number Vocabulary, School Clothes Vocabulary and Food and Drinks Vocabulary will soon be available in the EALEE store.
Present and Irregular Past Tense Playing Cards for EAL/ESL/ELL/EFL

Present and Irregular Past Tense Playing Cards for EAL/ESL/ELL/EFL

These cards provide fun ways for EAL/ESL/ELL/ EFL students to learn / reinforce the correct form of irregular verbs. The preview provides ideas for games and use. In game 2, there is a choice of the winning card suitable for use with a wide age range. They are , a trophy, a chequered flag, a young boy, spider man, superman, batman, a bottle of champagne and a glass of beer. The last two have been included for use with adults. These games are suitable for use with all students.
English as an Additional Language Worksheets and Games for Initial Learners School Vocabulary

English as an Additional Language Worksheets and Games for Initial Learners School Vocabulary

This booklet has over 60 pages of worksheets and games for Initial Learners. The vocabulary is introduced in 3 sections. At the beginning of each section you will find a look and say page which has pictures of the items with the name of each item written underneath. This can be used as a reference page if vocabulary has been forgotten. The worksheets include: match the words, match the words and pictures, cut and stick, crosswords, word searches and write the word under the picture. This range of worksheets caters for students with little or no English and allows students to successfully complete work right from day one using reading and writing skills. The games ( all designed to reinforce the targeted vocabulary) include snap, dominoes and bingo, provide opportunities for listening and speaking by trying out their newly acquired vocabulary. The games enable interaction with peers and can help towards building friendships. A record of work sheet is included.