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Feedback worksheets for AQA GCSE Listening 2020

Feedback worksheets for AQA GCSE Listening 2020

Worksheets pulling from the transcripts of the papers, identifying key vocabulary and key pitfalls created by the exam board. I did one for the foundation paper and one for the higher. At the end is the vocabulary listed just in German, I intend to start with the vocabulary and get them to identify the ones they know vs don’t know - different ways to exploit that. Then you can work together through the different questions on the paper. It can also be set for homework. I also attach the vocabulary that I used to create quizlets for the two papers (I kept them private for now as I don’t want overkeen students from other schools able to see them before mock exams, please be also mindful of this). This took a lot of work so please use it. Do not use it, however, to make money on the back of my work, do not create paid resources from this work.
Logical Musik

Logical Musik

Used this both with Year 9 and lower set Year 10. You have to solve the clues in order to solve the whole thing. Change the names to names of kids in your class for added motivation.
Paired translations Media - tv, computer

Paired translations Media - tv, computer

Students work in pairs and have ten sentences per sheet (four sheets in this resource) to translate either German to English or English to German - their partner has the correct translation and can guide them. The idea is that they do either the top or bottom ten sentences and the other ten are to check on their partner. (Hope this makes sense)
Studio 1 Module 3 en plus p. 62

Studio 1 Module 3 en plus p. 62

I typed up the text and created some questions (easy as target audience was my very low ability year 8). I made the first exercise a bit more hands on by cutting up the paragraphs and titles but I guess it could also just be left as it is. Might be useful as cover work.
Research based essay film edexcel - summary research

Research based essay film edexcel - summary research

This was to collate their research into one place - I printed the first two pages once on card back to back and once on A3. I gave each a sheet with an aspect of research and they noted down anything they found relevant, we then passed it around so students added other ideas. Finally, they noted it down on their summary sheet. Worked well and they found it useful. (We are doing Goodbye Lenin so there might be other sub categories relevant for other movies)
AQA German Gcse knowledge organisers unit 1&2

AQA German Gcse knowledge organisers unit 1&2

We just finished teaching the first two units of the 2026 Gcse German course (Aqa). We use the Kerboodle book. 1 Identity and Relationships with others 2 Healthy Living and Lifestyle I went through the AQA Gcse vocabulary summary from the different subtopics of the first two units and put them into different groups (e.g. verbs, adjectives, time expressions) then in alphabetical order. For the grammar section I chose the main / most important aspects for now (verb endings, stem changing verbs, sein/haben, past participles and imperfect of sein) I then decided on a space saving design that was practical for the kids to glue in / use. Print them double-sided (put the settings on flipping page on the short edge), fold them and voila! Where there is some blank spaces under the vocabulary, I put QR codes to link to online quizzes (we use wordwall). You could do this for yours. Normally I share for free but this took so long. I will do the other units as we go along - I will probably keep it to always to two units so next will be 3&4.