A comprehensive exam support guide that breaks down each component of the exam and allows the best possible chance of success. There are exemplar materials included as well.
Edexcel Pearson Level 3
Extended Diploma in Sport
This excel document allows teacher to build KS3 assessment policy that links to the Edxcel GCSE PE specification.
Sports are awarded a score out of 35 (totaling 30% of final grade) - the tracker automatically highlights and accounts for the three highest scores. There is an option to award 5% for both leadership and AoP (totaling 10%) and finally tests conducted each term that carry 60% of the final grade.
Teacher view allows staff to track these across the year for 3 data drops from 1-9.
YOU MUST complete your own assessment policy - this document will only track and highlight areas of strength and weakness - designed to have a document per class.
This resource will enable students build longer answers and access the QWC marks. The vocabulary pyramids are to be attached.
This resource focusses on PHED1/PHED3 of the AQA GCE PE course. However with small modifications can be altered.
Ages 14-18
These are the resources used for KS3 Basketball Sports Education SoW - this was used together with the See-Saw app for iPad.
Follow the link below to see a review and how to use these resources with See-Saw:
This letter is to go with the linked YouTube video ‘Applying and Interviewing for a Teacher Position’ which can be found in the video link below: https://youtu.be/8qVskhlVv3w
Disclaimer - this is a stripped down version that should give you a starting point. Don’t ever send in a copied letter you will get found out!
Happy job hunting!