Unscramble letters to make key words starter
Lots of images to guess what it is
Videos/ small text reading
Questions - make 3 - answer later
Worksheet for students to fill out
Information sheet for the teacher (if need knowledge)
Lots of questions and answers included for you to ask students or to use as a worksheet/ quiz etc.
Textbook information sheet in PPT (optional - not needed - I have them for SEND/ low ability to allow them to draw on and I’d highlight areas they need to look at)
Venn diagram (3 circles) to compare birth rituals between religions and their own
Recap/ retrieval
Thoughts/ agree?
Challenges for the family.
Opinion on the most difficult challenge
Textbook reading (pages available to print is included if no textbook)
Comprehension questions with directions to page/ section for answers
Handout - 2 pages to 1 page
Assessment preparation
Do you agree table
Yes / No
Option opinion line
post it
pegs on line
room standing
raise of hands
3/2/1 review
Learning intentions appear several times over PPT as one is completed
command words
progress check
Key Terms
Group task (or pair)
Series of images (1 per slide)
guess what is happening
-feedback ideas
Scan room for information
Information sheets
Pilgrimage worksheet
Pilgrimage SEND worksheet
Opinions/ feelings
SEMH (print out if needed)
Intentions pop up each section
command words
Willingness question
Christian holidays list
Ramadan - anyone who partakes?
Importance of Ramadan
Why they fast
Information sheet
Volunteers to read
Task - 2 events and emotions
builds empathy
print feelings for SEMH students
examples available
challenge included
2 questions to answer
Answers on board
Ramadan information sheet
Task: Create a timetable of a typical day
bold words to assist students
2 challenges included
ADD OWN INFO - or have students share if you are not sure * e.g. usual day = 3 prayers but ramadan is 5 prayers a day (need to wash and pray). e.g. need more time.
Info like - not everyone needs to do it at that time if they aren’t able (not visible) - e.g. running a marathon BUT you MUST complete before next Ramadan.
Things like elderly and pregnant don’t do it
Females on periods delay it etc.
Boys vs. Girls
Q & A
Points system
Conscription and Conchies. I really like this lesson.
Starter: Image of white feather - thinking - no answer as they find out during lesson
Introduction - reading
Lots of discussion
Gap fill - paragraph information summed up
Word bank
Definitions included to help
Answers available in green
Worksheet table - students read information and decide
Students read. I fill out first one and explain my decisions on the table - onto board or share screen
Students read. We do this together. Cold call. Good modelling and scaffolding.
Double sided sharing 3-6 for them to work with the person next to them or alone
Plenary: About themselves. Enlist or object? Both are brave.
Key features
Sharing thoughts
Marriage - why?
Image and speech bubbles
4 parts - images and names
Henna design
Video - 3 notes
Intentions met so far = time to apply knowledge
Leaflet creation (handouts)
Use what they learnt today and the information sheet to help make leaflet
Extra worksheet if you want to use - gapfill, word bank, exam questions (level included)
Image - thinking and list
Key terms
Video (5mins)
Photograph story
Article of man
Recruitment strategies
(definition of words on board)
Songs - brief - can play in background
Posters (several slides)
Did it work? Yes, facts.
Creative task
2 options: Letter/ Poster
Sentence starters
First lesson
Questions/ key terms stick in
Causes of war images - list them
Challenge included
Map skills
M.A.I.N - remember
Reading - note taking of MAIN
Images and maps included
must be printed BLACK and WHITE
match up key terms
Colour map for triple alliance and triple entente
Rank the causes tension
Describe two main causes of WW1
Sentence starters
Challenge included
Peer marking
Draw it MAIN
Image/ labels
Mind map - partner work
Intention 1 done
Intention 2 done
Information sheet with questions
Think/ Pair/ Share - discoveries advancements and improvements in WW1 used today
How did WW1 help medicine after war
20-30 words, with examples to support
Intention 3 done
Extra work available as challenges etc.
Image starter - tactics used
Slide information
Mind map
Images/ video
Discussion (pair)
Objective 1 done
complete grid from information
explain (sentence starters x3)
Objective 2/3 done
Pair quiz
3 questions/ answers
Self regulation.
Worksheet included
Weapon information sheets included (different formats for adaptations)
Opinions about statements
Dictionary term
Differentiated sheet for SEND
Reading volunteers
Most important part
Agree? Discuss.
Success Criteria - highlighted key words
Writing Task
Template with sub headings and sentence starters
4 sections
peer assess
Draw it
Letter 1: Geography (2 pages)
Letter 2: English (2 pages)
I had quite a few people ask for my letter so I thought I’d share it, along with my experience. I sent a generic letter to several schools and I was invited to every interview. You should personalise it.
All my experience was not included in the letter or application forms because I felt that it is too time-consuming. You should include relevant information though and increase your employability. I am a very picky person when it comes to the work environment and highly value myself. I lined up interviews day after day for about 1.5 weeks. I went to the first few and I did not like them. For example, I saw a black student wearing his traditional wear and I made a nice comment. The headteacher referred it as a special day where “they” get to wear “costumes”.
I went to one that really stood out and I have told them I have another interview. You shouldn’t do this unless you are the better candidate. You should just say that you can’t answer the phone at placement.*Never agree to a job unless you are certain. Backing out is unprofessional, leads to bad references and blacklisting = you’re stuck with the school you changed to. Remember if you fail as ECT you are barred from teaching. However, if you are failing, you can quit and rejoin as an ECT in another school - but not if you are blacklisted!
I asked further schools to cover my travel expenses. 1 school didn’t. I felt that they didn’t value teachers so I rejected them. In the interviews I attended, it was common to over-run by a little bit. That’s okay. However, in one school I got to leave after my interview (lunch time for me) but the interviewers went for lunch and made the other candidate wait until after their lunch before interviewing him, and not offering any food for him. I liked that school as I went around but not the way they treated the interviewee so I decided against it. You have to remember your workplace needs to treat you right.
In another interview, I had travelled 3 hours to. They over ran by more than 1 hour. I was debating to just leave. They never offered me the option to leave early. I felt that they did not value people’s time considering the other candidate was local and was interviewed first, yet I was interviewed later. I didn’t like it. They had a good reputation by the locals which is why I accepted the interview. They loved everything I did with the students and class, however when I asked about pay etc. I rejected the offer. With relocation costs, it wasn’t worth it. They reimbursed me £90 (railcard).
After that interview, I decided to take the earlier offer and cancel the rest. I interviewed them and negotiated masters, extra holidays, £3k higher pay etc. Don’t do this unless you’re in a good position. I was a trainee for reference but believe my experience is valuable.
Atlas (optional)
History sheets (optional)
Prepare for Learning – Entry Activity
Silent reading for 10 minutes
Starter activity: Spot the odd one out images x2
Learning Intentions and Agree Learning Outcomes
Understand the causes of the English Civil War
• Describe the location of Africa
• Recognise the difference regions of Africa
• Explain how Africa has changed over time
Present New Information
Map skills with Africa/ continents
History of Africa (literacy reading)
History of Africa (10minute video – if time)
Construct Meaning – Learning by Doing
Map of Africa
Rank figures onto tables
Apply to Demonstrate Understanding – Opportunity
Identify regional scale in UK and compass regions in Africa
Find countries in different regions of Africa
PEE paragraph on how Africa changed over time
Write down 3 things you found interesting
Additional Support (SEN support, EHCP, PP FSM, LAC)
Checking in
Word bank
Colour and number coded
Answers on board
Stretch and Challenge
Challenge – using challenge key word bank
Recognise that the continent of Africa is made up of 54 countries.
Describe the human and physical features of the continent.
Analyse data to understand the diversity of Africa.
Addresses misconceptions and stereotypes
CLOCC locations
Africa is diverse - exam type question
Writing PEE paragraph
I included an example of a fieldwork booklet.
It is adaptable and sections can be removed depending on how much time you have.
This school was huge and they walked around separately as we had 4 buses of students.
Since we walked, I was the guide and mentioned all the prices etc.
The school is deprived so you need to address misconceptions during evaluation on whether it was successful or not as the students will think these big shops are amazing/ or unaware due to their hometown being small.
With a different school, we did the boat tour instead so they were able to easily take photos to annotate, write a lot and complete a full booklet (different to this booklet). In that booklet, the main difference was we added a map of the locations the boat goes and labelled it. Students made notes on each part. The boat tour guide may know some things, otherwise I (and you) know the information already to share. On the boat tour, you’ll see the giant boat that Bristol paid millions to move a few yards down for “regeneration” of the food shops nearby. When walking, we never saw it.
Bristol has a lot of history and original butts, cranes etc. in the area which people may not know. Things like vegetation drainage, use of brown field sites etc. I included some information for you in case you are unaware, and some articles.
With other schools, they decided to not visit Bristol.
I use to live and teach in rural Tanzania for a bit so I wanted to share culture about it to the students in an engaging way
Starter: images guessing where
Images and storytelling (short)
Information sheets - around the room task for engagement - up to date info 2024
Tourism posters
Plenary sharing
Starter - crime in London vs. your town
Key terms - challenge included
Crime rates calculation - handouts and modelling examples - available on PPT - challenge included
Answers available on PPT (also handouts for slow students to keep pace)
Description paragraphs (gap fills), using the data as examples - challenge included
Choropleth map - instructions - modelling examples - challenge included
Peer assessing (with marks and WWW/ HTI) - deeper assessment - Thinking box included
Describe crime in books questions (using data) - challenge included
Review objectives
1hr lesson, can easily be 2 depending on ability/ pace you want to go