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A British trained KS3-5 Biology teacher, I have over 20 years teaching in the UK and internationally. I have taught AQA, CIE, Edexcel and OCR curricula.




A British trained KS3-5 Biology teacher, I have over 20 years teaching in the UK and internationally. I have taught AQA, CIE, Edexcel and OCR curricula.
CIE 2.2 Biological Molecules: Carbohydrates

CIE 2.2 Biological Molecules: Carbohydrates

This lesson starts with a review of KS4 learning on biomolecules, then progresses onto the differences between glucose isomers and concludes with how polymers are made using condensation and hydrolysis reactions. The lesson is littered with visuals and guided instruction on how to draw alpha and beta glucose isomers. Also included with the lesson are exam questions and Biofact sheets on the topic.
CIE 2.3 Biological Molecules: Protein Structure and Bonding

CIE 2.3 Biological Molecules: Protein Structure and Bonding

This lesson starts by looking at the importance of proteins in organisms. It progresses to look at the structure of amino acids and the types of bonding involved. We revisit ideas on condensation and hydrolysis reactions in polysaccharides and lipids, and then apply the same to forming and breaking peptide bonds. Student are then guided through the stages of structure from primary through to quarternary including the types of bonding involved holding all the structures together. the lesson concludes by looking at the haemoglobin molecule structure as an example of quarternary structure.
CIE 2.1 Cell Structure & Organisation

CIE 2.1 Cell Structure & Organisation

This lesson starts with a KS3 recall task on basic plant and animal cell structure. Students are then introduced to mitochondria and ribosome organelles, with a short summary task for each one. The lesson then progresses into organism organisation from cells through to the complete organism in plants and animals with a cut and sticking activity for them to complete. The final learning activity is looking at three organ systems; students are given some resource material which they should analyse in order for them to understand the organisation of the three systems. Some of the PPT slides have been taken from other sources and adjusted for the purposes of the CIE syllabus. A CIE specific assessment is also provided with mark scheme.
CIE Unit 2 Organisation of the Organism

CIE Unit 2 Organisation of the Organism

4 Resources
This bundle is the complete package necessary for the delivery of the CIE iGCSE Biology course - Cells, Organisation, Microscopy and Magnification. All PPT’s come with the resources needed for the lesson delivery. There are also CIE specific exam questions for assessments, together with mark schemes. Some content has been used from other sources and adjusted for the CIE specific syllabus.
CIE 2.2 Biological Molecules: Lipids

CIE 2.2 Biological Molecules: Lipids

This lesson continues from the teaching on carbohydrates and starts with exam questions on polysaccharides. The lesson then progresses into an overview of lipids, their general characteristics and why are are important. There is opportunity for students to build a lipid model using molybeads as structure is taught. Recall of condensation and hydrolysis reactions is required during the teaching of the ester bond. The lesson then looks at saturated and unsaturated fats, linking this into the structure of the phospholipid bilayer. Students are given a research task to discover their importance as energy storage, waterproofing and insulation. The lesson comes complete with Biofact sheets on lipds and some additional exam questions on lipids and carbs. Mark schemes in included.
CIE 15.1 Muscle Structure

CIE 15.1 Muscle Structure

This lesson starts by reviewing the role of the musculoskeletal system and the roles of the skeleton, tendons, ligaments and muscles to bring about movement. Antagonistic muscles and the three types of muscle are also explained, then focusing on straited muscle. Structure of the muscle cell following with details of the myofibrils, T-tubles and sacoplasmic reticulum (covered in more detail in the next lesson. The lesson concludes with an introduction to the roles of actin and myosin, in preparation for the sliding filament theory (next lesson). ).
CIE 14.2 Homeostasis: Plants

CIE 14.2 Homeostasis: Plants

This lesson covers all the learning objectives for plant homeostasis as per the CIE specification. It focuses on the structure and function of stomata, how they are able to open and close during their daily rhythm and the use of abscisic acid and calcium during times of water stress. Lots of visual diagrams outlining the stages of the process. CIE specific exam questions are also included.
CIE Unit 14 Homeostasis

CIE Unit 14 Homeostasis

8 Resources
This bundle includes 8 lessons, the complete course for CIE A Level Homeostasis: Homeostasis in Mammals including the concept of negative feedback Liver Structure and Function including opportunity for liver dissection. The Structure and Role of the Nephron The Role of ADH in Osmoregulation Cell Signalling Blood Glucose & 2nd Messenger Model Testing Blood Glucose Concentrations Homeostasis in Plants
CIE 15.1 Coordination and Control in Mammals: Hormones

CIE 15.1 Coordination and Control in Mammals: Hormones

These two PPT’s cover all glands and the hormones they produce. They can be used for all exam boards and their specifications. Both PPT’s contain many visuals and cover the consequences of the deficiency of certain hormones on the body. The PPT’s also cover the differences between exocrine and endocrine glands, including the 2nd messenger model for for cell signalling.
CIE 15.1 Muscle Contraction and Sliding Filament Theory

CIE 15.1 Muscle Contraction and Sliding Filament Theory

This lesson starts with a recall of actin and myosin structure. Then probes further in the the roles of the regulatory proteins troponin and tropomyosin. The structure of the sarcomere is covered including identifying parts on a micrograph. Later, the process of contraction is covered as per the sliding filament theory. the cross bridge cycle is covered in details including the role of calcium, ATP and the regulatory proteins. Exam questions included.
CIE 15.1 Resting Potential

CIE 15.1 Resting Potential

This lesson revisits the role of chemoreceptors in the tongue and then progresses into how resting potential is maintained until a stimulus reaches threshold. The lesson introduces the membrane sodium potassium pump using active transport and the voltage gated channels using facilitated diffusion. There are videos included and a short quiz as a plenary.
CIE 15.1 Cholinergic Synapse and Neuromuscular Junction

CIE 15.1 Cholinergic Synapse and Neuromuscular Junction

This lesson revisits KS4 learning of synapses and moves on to the stages involved in the passages of neutrtransmitters across the cleft. Also covered is unidirection, summation and inhibition, followed by the neuromuscular junction and a comparison between both the cholinergic synapses and neuromuscular junctions. The lesson also includes details on how drugs affect neurotransmission (not required for CIE). Lots of visuals and videos to embed learning. Details of the T-tutbule system and sacoplasmic reticulum and included in the next lesson on muscle contraction. Exam questions also included.
CIE Unit 15 Coordination and Control

CIE Unit 15 Coordination and Control

10 Resources
This bundle is the complete set to teach coordination and control in animals and plants. All the lessons are well resources with detailed visuals to illustrate difficult concepts. Most lessons have CIE specific exam questions and mark schemes, also included are some Biofactsheets for further reading and consolidation.
CIE 15.2 Control and Coordination in Plants

CIE 15.2 Control and Coordination in Plants

This lesson looks at the mode of action of the Venus Fly Trap and how it responds to stimuli. the lesson then progresses into the roles of hormones gibberellins and auxin. Lots of visual diagrams to illustrate concepts. Biofactsheets on plant hormones and CIE specific exam questions and mark scheme provided.
CIE 15.1 Coordination and Control: Neurones

CIE 15.1 Coordination and Control: Neurones

This lesson starts be recalling differences between hormonal and nervous control then revisits KS4 learning on the neurone and the CNS. Sensory, relay and motor neurones are covered, including the finer ultrastructures. All resources included.
CIE 15.1 Action Potential

CIE 15.1 Action Potential

This lesson starts with recall of how resting potential is maintained and the functions of the sodium potassium pump and voltage gated channels. The lesson then progresses into the the generation of an AP and the all or nothing response. Repolarisation and hyperpolarisation is covered. PPT is visual and includes videos to embed concepts. All resources are included in the PPT.
CIE 15.1 Impulse Transmission

CIE 15.1 Impulse Transmission

This lesson starts with a review of resting and action potential and then progresses into how the impulse moves along the axon using saltatory conduction. Later, factors affecting speed of transmission is covered using diagrams and videos. All resources included.
CIE 15.1 Sensory Receptor Cells

CIE 15.1 Sensory Receptor Cells

This lesson starts by recalling the role of receptor cells and then looks at the structure of chemoreceptors on the tongue. The lesson progresses into how an action potential is generated following salt detection. A lot of visuals to embed understanding.
CIE 14.1 Homeostasis: The Kidney Structure and Function / Dissection

CIE 14.1 Homeostasis: The Kidney Structure and Function / Dissection

This lesson continues the homeostasis theme by introducing the structure and function in it’s role in osmoregulation. The lesson starts with a kidney labelling task, progressing into an outline of it’s role in eliminating urea from the blood. There is opportunity for a kidney dissection too. Also included are Biofact Sheets relating to this topic.