17 different brag tags:
Great job cleaning up
Super sharer
Great job working with others
Fantastic listener
I helped a classmate
Hard worker
Center star
I did my best work
I did an amazing job on my homework
I’m a great role model
It’s my birthday
It’s my first brag tag
Wonderful handwriting
I said something amazing
I have a neat desk
I was rug ready
Beautiful job on line
A great introduction to poetry. Use in many different ways this great tool that has students Close Reading poetry.
I love introducing my younger students to higher order thinking skills!
Use this adorable printable at a center, for Morning Work, in sub plans or however else you’d like
Each student will need access to two dice- they can work in pairs and share.
Students determine if expressions should get on the “Friends of” Bus. Includes Friends of 5-10. Can be used as a Math Center, Independent Practice, HW or Morning Work.
I simple activity that your students can do independently. Reviews story elements for Fiction and asks for facts from Non-Fiction. Can be used as a center, homework or any way you’d like!
Help your students little ones more about where they live with this great flipbook. Teacher will provide information on their state and country (president, governor, state bird, state flower).
It’s a no prep activity that can be used in a variety of ways!
Students find the beginning sound in each picture word, then put them together to determine the secret word. Fantastic beginning phoneme practice.
9 Pages
For students in grade k-2
Cut out and assemble the snowmen according to the numbers on their hats and body parts.
A fun no-prep mathtivity that you can use in many different ways. Makes a cute display when finished!
Five cute Month activities with a train theme: Place the missing month car, put the months in order, use the clues to figure out which cargo to deliver, wordsearch and word scramble. By the time they’re done, they WILL know the months of the year!!
Would be great for Center Time!
This is a great hands-on alternative to the traditional worksheet. Have your students fill each piggy bank with the coins needed to make the designated amount.
10 pages for primary students.
A fun center for students who need a “hands-on” aspect to fluency practice. Have them use a magnifying glass to read the dolch words, then write them on the lines at the bottom of the page. All pre-primer, primer, first and second level words included.
This cute little book is so easy to assemble and makes for a great beginning of the year Center or Independent Activity.
Get kids started with Conventions of Print, Letter Recognition and Centers Routine.
Print, copy, slice right down the middle and staple! Voila!
This is a great way to reinforce the Short Vowel sounds! Your students cut out the pieces then glue them down to the letter that makes the corresponding short vowel sound. Comes out cute enough for a bulletin board!!
Simple enough to use for Independent Work or a Center.
I used it during an observation and my principal loved it!!
A great center…kids use bingo dabbers or crayons to indicate which letter represent the sound that is missing. Can also be used as morning work, independent practice, remediation or homework. There are two sets. Each with 24 pictures. Enjoy
4 full pages.
My first grade students struggled with the concept of syllables. So, I made this center which served as a great solution. There is a picture, a word and dots representing the syllabic breakdown of each word. A great re-usable center or independent activity.
I printed and laminated my cards and plan on using over and over!
This is an adorable motivational tool that will get your students writing. Print out the cubes (I like to use card-stock) and assemble (glue spots labeled to make it easy!). Then have your kids pick three cubes to roll. They use the images on those cubes in their writing. Writing stationary included that has them circle the images they rolled for teacher reference. Two different types of lines included to suit K/1 and 2/3 writing.