Material Escolar (Stationery) - Poster
Material Escolar - Stationery
Can be used as a Poster or as a matching activity.
1 - Full Poster
2 - Poster without the words
3 - Poster without the pictures
The pictures and names are included at the end so the student can match them.
das schulmaterial (School Supplies) - Poster
das schulmaterial - School Supplies
Can be used as a Poster or as a matching activity.
1 - Full Poster
2 - Poster without the words
3 - Poster without the pictures
The pictures and names are included at the end so the student can match them.
Emotions Handout
Includes one with words and another without.
Sopa de letras Emociones - Emotions Wordsearch
Sopa de letras Emociones - Emotions Wordsearch
Sopa de Letras Números 0-20 21-31 - Word search Numbers 0-20 21-31
Sopa de Letras Números 0-20 21-31 - Word search Numbers 0-20 21-31
Póster Números 0 - 31 - Poster Number 0-31
Póster Números 0 - 31 - Poster Number 0-31
Colour and Black and White
Las Asignaturas (The subjects) - Poster
Las Asignaturas - The subjects
Can be used as a Poster or as a matching activity.
1 - Full Poster
2 - Poster without the words
3 - Poster without the pictures
The pictures and names are included at the end so the student can match them.
Las Mascotas (Pets) - Flashcards
Flashcards of the pets in Spanish (With and without names). They can be used as posters, flashcards for the students to revise or to play memory games.
The one I suggest is laying the colors upside down and make the students turn over 2 of the cards, reading the words, and if they are the same color they get to keep the cards. If they are different, they will have to turn them back again.
The student with more pairs wins.
Las Asignaturas (subjects) - Flashcards
Flashcards of the subjects in Spanish (With and without names). They can be used as posters, flashcards for the students to revise or to play memory games.
The one I suggest is laying the subjects upside down and make the students turn over 2 of the cards, reading the words, and if they are the same subject they get to keep the cards. If they are different, they will have to turn them back again.
The student with more pairs wins.
Pronombres Personales - Personal pronouns
Pronombres Personales - Personal pronouns
Can be used as decoration, games or learning stations.
I recommend to use with verb conjugations.
Pronombres reflexivos - Reflexive Pronouns
Pronombres reflexivos - Reflexive Pronouns
Can be used as decoration, games or learning stations.
I recommend to use with verb conjugations.
Verbos -AR / Verbs -AR display
**Verbos -AR **/ Verbs -AR display
Spanish verbs ending in -AR. (Bailar, cantar, Escuchar, Estudiar, Hablar and Nadar)
Can be used as decoration, games or learning stations.
I recommend to use with Pronouns.
6 pages
El reloj y las horas - The clock and the hours
El reloj y las horas - The clock and the hours
Can be used to teach, as decoration, games or learning stations.
6 pages
Los Transportes (Transports) - Poster
Los Transportes - The Transports
Can be used as a Poster or as a matching activity.
You will get 3 posters:
1 - Full Poster
2 - Poster without the words
3 - Poster without the pictures
The pictures and names are included at the end so the student can match them.
6 pages