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I have shared with you all of my best lessons I have developed over the last 11 years. I'm a Teacher of English with excellent achievement rates making me among the top 2% of the GCSE English team and a consistent strong grade 2 in observations. I have taught a wide range of English qualifications within FE including Functional Skills (English and Maths) and GCSE. I hope you find these resources as useful to your students as I have.




I have shared with you all of my best lessons I have developed over the last 11 years. I'm a Teacher of English with excellent achievement rates making me among the top 2% of the GCSE English team and a consistent strong grade 2 in observations. I have taught a wide range of English qualifications within FE including Functional Skills (English and Maths) and GCSE. I hope you find these resources as useful to your students as I have.
DiCaprio vrs Kanye : Paper 2 Question 4 GCSE English Language AQA 8700

DiCaprio vrs Kanye : Paper 2 Question 4 GCSE English Language AQA 8700

This is an entire lesson for AQA English Language (spec 8700) for Paper 2 Question 4 where the students must compare two sources. For this lesson I have used two modern sources as opposed to one modern, one older as it would be in the exam. The reason for this is highlighted in the lesson and is clear to the students what they will expect, however I have found that by using this method helps the students build confidence in tackling this overwhelming question and is a good way to build them towards comparing older sources. This lesson looks at the award speeches made by Leo DiCaprio and Kanye West, the lesson starts with a personal values starter and this idea of personal values continues throughout the rest of the lesson by looking into the values these two celebrities display in their speeches. There is room to develop the personal / British values concept if desired. The lesson has 2 videos, links to the you tube site is on both the worksheet and the power point. The activities are timed, short and allow for group discussion and discovery learning. The lesson ends with the students writing their findings in a structure which will suit the examiners needs and a short, self assessment plenary. The power point provides slides which can be printed and distributed as support / scaffolding materials for the weaker students if needed. Hope it helps
P2 Q3 + Q4 : BITE SIZED ASSESSMENT GCSE English Language  8700 SPEC

P2 Q3 + Q4 : BITE SIZED ASSESSMENT GCSE English Language 8700 SPEC

A handy bite sized assessment to help support and track students towards their paper 2 of the AQA GCSE English Language exam (spec 8700). This assessment tests students on paper 2 questions 3 and 4 by using comparable sources on festivals (Greenwich and Glastonbury). Rather than throw the students in cold to an assessment, this assessment is broken down and uses reinforcement of prior learning and paired work to help students prepare, discuss and scaffold (2 scaffold templates, one populated with examples, one not as to stretch and challenge your students) their answers before the final timed assessment.I find that by having these bite sized assessments at the end of each term helps to build up confidence and allows for tracking progress through out the year. It also helps to reduce your marking. Please note that these resources are designed to be modified by yourselves to support your students needs in whatever way you see fit. Also, the TES preview does at times distort the look of the resource and this is not always a true reflection. Hope it helps
Warrior: Paper 1 Question 2. Introduction to inference and PQI answer structure

Warrior: Paper 1 Question 2. Introduction to inference and PQI answer structure

This exciting lesson is designed to help students prepare for paper 1 question 1 from the AQA English Language exam - spec 8700. It's primary focus is to help students gain a understanding of inference and how to use it in a structured answer for the exam. This is done by weaving activities focused on PQI (POINT, QUOTE, INFERENCE) around clips from the Tom Hardy movie "Warrior" (cert 12A) in where we look the Character of Tommy, played by Tom Hardy, and use inference to examine what kind of person he is. This lesson uses bite sized activities to keep the lesson moving forward at a good pace and to engage the students, this includes team activities and class discussions. The lesson includes some high level analysis of the character of Tommy and low level activities to help those who have mixed level classes reach all students. Hope it helps
FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH - hair and beauty embedded E3 / L1 workpack

FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH - hair and beauty embedded E3 / L1 workpack

Having taught Functional Skills English within an FE setting, I understand how difficult it can be to reach students within a curriculum area and to encourage engagement with English. Often not being specialists in those areas ourselves as English Teachers, embedding can be a challenge. My largest challenge was often with students of hair and beauty and so I devised this work pack which worked fantastically well. This pack embeds E3 and L1 English elements into areas of hair and beauty such as face shapes, hair disasters and nail art, incorporating celebrity culture. This pack builds as you move through it, looking at areas such as reading for information, proofreading, identifying correct homophones and descriptive / persuasive writing. I found with my groups that this did not need to be a taught session but rather they ran with it themselves and engaged independently with it, leaving me to act in a supportive role rather than a lead delivery role. This is down to the group and paired activities within the pack, discussion topics and the options for students to make choices and to design their own nail art. This pack encourages a positive attitude towards English and helps students to see how it can help in their chosen industry. IHope it helps.
GCSE English Language - Writing ( either AQA or Edexcel compatible)

GCSE English Language - Writing ( either AQA or Edexcel compatible)

This fantastic and fun lesson can be used with either AQA or Edexcel exam boards for GCSE English language. This lesson focuses on writing skills, emphasising ambitious vocabulary, developing language / structural features and writing for an audience. It is a perfect refresher to build on already taught skills and is an excellent lesson to use after a break or half term to re-inspire students and re-engage them in to English. This full lesson has enough material to fill 3 hours and can be used as one complete session or broken into 2 sessions, it is designed to re-awaken students imagination and uses plenty of bite sized group and team activities to encourage self motivation and independent learning. This session starts off with the "design your dream house" theme and uses MTV Cribs and plenty of stimulating visuals to inspire students and get their engines running. It ends with a look at Tolkiens description of a Hobbit Hole and the use of structural features used to engage his audience and bring them on a journey , therefore progressing students skill level from simple descriptive writing to something more sophisticated. The final main task is for the students to write a piece of mind blowing descriptive writing of their own dream house using all the skills covered. Resources include ppt of the full lesson with slides which can be printed and distributed, Hobbit extract with Q&A section, video with accompanying worksheet, writing scaffold, MTV cribs blurb sheet for those who don't know the programme. This lesson has engaged and inspired students every time I have used it and has lead to some really great pieces of writing. Hope it helps.
A picture of Dorian Gray, Language focus  for either AQA or EDEXCEL GCSE exam papers.

A picture of Dorian Gray, Language focus for either AQA or EDEXCEL GCSE exam papers.

This lesson was a big hit amongst my students and co-workers as it is a stretch and challenge lesson designed to be used once the students are comfortable with identifying and explaining language features. It is a quick paced and fun lesson, with enough material to fill 3 hours and it can be used with either AQA or EDEXCEL GCSE English Language exam papers. Using a extract from Oscar Wilde’s A picture of Dorian Gray this lesson takes your students through ,step by step, a deeper thinking process to help them access tricker texts which may crop up in the exam - where the answers are not obvious but hidden. To do this, the resource uses a trailer from the movie, there are group and paired activities, group discussions to promote shared learning and develops your students self confidence in being able to formulate ideas and answers on their own merit. These tasks are all designed to help your students accumulate everything they need to answer the final question, which is structured how it would be in the live exam. Please be aware that TES preview can distort the look of the resource and this is not a true reflection. Hope it helps.


This is a brilliant resource I have used with both GCSE and Functional English students to help them understand bias writing and inference. I have an FE background and so encouraged to embed English into other disciplines, this resource was initially used to teach dance students however I quickly found that students from almost any discipline responded to this resource and so its compatibility naturally grew. Therefore this resource can be used when teaching Paper 2 Question 3 with AQA GCSE English Language students or L2 FS. This resource uses a clip from Americas Best Dance Crew, this dance troop are diverse in culture, gender and age - as the youngest is only 15, knowing small details like this can help students confidence and can go a little way to helping to break down barriers of gender and culture. It also allows the teacher to expand on these ideas and themes if they so wanted to. This lesson uses group and team discussion, allows the students to share and build on their own ideas therefore encouraging independent discovery and learning and looks into biased writing, identifying biased language and phrases and ends with a final writing task of their own with a peer marking assessment. The identifying task is designed to challenge and there are words banks to support the weaker students. This resource can be altered and developed further to suit your course and / or students if desired. Hope it helps
Short story examples and tips - GCSE English - can be used with any exam board

Short story examples and tips - GCSE English - can be used with any exam board

This is a diverse resource allowing you to use / deliver in a way which suits you and your learners. It is a 9 page handout which has 2 short story examples with questions, aimed at both lower and higher ability students, and writing prompts in the form of titles and images. The aim of this resource is to help students not only create stories but to keep them short. Many of my students over the years, both teens and adults, seem to struggle on how to keep a story short, they will write themselves either in circles or into a corner and will usually fall back on lazy and typical writing techniques such as " then she woke up and it was all a dream" or " 10 years later he was…" which is why I came up with this resource. This handout comes with paired and / or individual activities and offers tips on how to avoid these typical pit holes and plenty of prompts in order to practice their story writing skills. This resource can be used either as a piece of homework, extension class activity or can be adapted to form apart of the main lesson and it can be used with any exam board for GCSE English language. Please keep in mind that the TES preview can at time distort the resource and this is not a reflection of how it looks. Hope it helps
AQA PAPER 2 QUESTION 4, English Language 8700

AQA PAPER 2 QUESTION 4, English Language 8700

4 Resources
This bundle features two of my most popular resources, DiCaprio vrs Kanye and Bryson Vrs Engels. The resources in this bundle cover a range of levels and offers 2 introductory lessons and 2 lessons where the students skills are put to the test and the extracts match those which would be found on the actual exam. Each resource is a complete lesson, with ppt, worksheets and extract with 3 hours of material and activities in each lesson. The total for these resources is £14 but I’m willing to sell this bundle for £10, giving you a discount of 29% Hope it helps.


This is a full lesson with 3 hours worth of resources and activities. This session breaks down and examine the comparative question A6 from paper 2 (WJEC / EDUQAS exam board) by using 2 texts which describe Manchester at different periods, Engels from 1844 and Bill Bryson from 1995. This session encourages independent / discovery learning and is filled with quick paced paired activities in which the students work together to identify and source conclusions from the text given. There is a short class discussion fore the students pool all their findings together in order to come up with a structured answer. Work sheets and support material is available to support weaker students and a starter paragraph is available to get the students into the swing of writing a prepared exam style answer. There is a start and plenary included in the session but there is also enough room for this session to be adapted any way you need it in order to suit your own students and teaching style. Please keep mind that TES previews sometimes distorts the PPT slides and this is not a reflection of how the resource looks. Hope it helps
WJEC GCSE ENGLISH: CREATIVE  WRITING independent study booklet

WJEC GCSE ENGLISH: CREATIVE WRITING independent study booklet

This is an 8 page booklet designed to be used as independent study to help students prepare for their creative writing task in the GCSE English Language exam. This has been designed with the WJEC EDUQAS exam board in mind but will equally work with those who are studying for other exam boards. This booklet is designed to cater for different levels. We all know we have students who need explicit structure and instructions, therefore often find it difficult to create from imagination, even with prompts. Whereas we all have students who will fly on an imaginative roller coaster with the vaguest of hints. This booklet caters for both type of student. It starts with visual prompts to help coax ideas out of the least creative of students and then walks them through a planning process where they develop language features, vocabulary and short story lines. We also have writing prompts which will allow the student to use real life experiences to help inspire a story, much like the WJEC exam board will give. To turn the level up a notch we have a wide range of writing prompts using song titles. All through out the pack there are hints and tips to help students keep on track as to the skills they need to display in their writing to ensure the most marks from the examiner. This can be used in any way you feel will work best with your students. Please keep in mind that TES preview can distort the resource, this is not a reflection of how to looks. Hope it helps.
GCSE English Language, Paper 1 Question 5, AQA - writing Haiku's

GCSE English Language, Paper 1 Question 5, AQA - writing Haiku's

This is a fun, lively student centered lesson which revolves around team work activities and allowing the students to push their creativity and imagination. Many students struggle with imagination when it comes to question 5 and many panic, especially as it holds so many marks. This lesson uses images to inspire a range of vocabulary, language features and ideas for a storyline all within the planning of a haiku, therefore underpinning some of the essential skills needed to answer this question. This is quick paced session with a range of 10 minute activities which encourage independent learning and team work. I found that many students created a range of fantastic haiku’s which I made into a booklet for the students to take away with them. This sort of thing also scores brownie points with the managers and Ofsted but also helps to develop a sense of achievement and self confidence in English, which many students lack. It is also great for the students to know their work in English has a use other than for passing an exam and many feel pride in that. This lesson covers: planning for written work, synonyms, metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole, long short sentences, imagination but can be adapted to cover much more if so desired. It ends with a peer marking assessment based on the Facebook liking system using emoticons and a chance to act like an examiner and identify language features. There is a homework task, which if desired, could be turned into a in class task other than homework. Hope it helps
Speaking and listening - Was Diana Murdered? GCSE English, Can be used with any exam board

Speaking and listening - Was Diana Murdered? GCSE English, Can be used with any exam board

This speaking and listening lesson focuses around the conspiracy theory that Princess Diana was murdered. Students love this lesson because many students love a good conspiracy theory. This lesson comes with videos to help students get a full background of her life and events. It requires the students to work together to collect their own research and develop their own opinions and counter arguments which will form part of the group debate. The videos don’t come with additional worksheets although they can be created to help form part of the students research as and when you feel necessary. This lesson can be used with any exam board and also with functional skills SP & LIST. It can be developed to underpin skills such as identifying bias and critical thinking. Please be aware that TES preview can often distort the look of the resource and this is not a true reflection. Hope it helps.
Mock exam paper, AQA 8700 Paper 2 - Perez Hilton vrs AC Swinburne

Mock exam paper, AQA 8700 Paper 2 - Perez Hilton vrs AC Swinburne

This is a complete mock paper 2 exam for the AQA English Language 8700 spec. It features all questions from 1 - 5 in the style of AQA , The sources are a twitter war between Perez Hilton and Lady Gaga and a letter written in 1874 by the poet AC Swinburne, both documents tackle the issue of public slander and public arguments. Please keep in mind that the TES preview can often distort the look of the resource, it is not always a true reflection of the how the resource truly appears. Hope it helps
Introduction to Sentence structures - used with GCSE or Functional Skills English

Introduction to Sentence structures - used with GCSE or Functional Skills English

This is a small introduction to improving your students sentence structures which can be used with GCSE English of all exam boards and Functional English classes. The session is based around a YouTube sensation and TV star Michael Cthulhu who makes"Big Giant Swords". It comes with a full powerpoint, support material and 2 videos. The lesson has group activities and individual tasks and is fast paced. I find this lesson works well with students who have completely disengaged with English or with classes largely made up of male students. As I teach within a college I teach English to students who are in grouped in their core subjects, such as bricklaying or music etc and embedding English into fun subjects such as these helps to break the barriers to learning. It is only an introduction so feel free to tinker into order to suit your students needs or to expand on the knowledge provided. Please keep in mind that the TES preview often distorts the preview and this is not a true reflection of the resources layout. Hope it helps.
Great Fire vrs Twin Towers - MOCK paper 2 AQA 8700 English Language

Great Fire vrs Twin Towers - MOCK paper 2 AQA 8700 English Language

This is a complete mock paper 2 for AQA English language 8700 based on two great disasters, 9/11 Twin towers attacks and the great fire of London in 1666. The paper uses sources which were written at the time of the disasters, an article from an American newspaper and extract from the diary of Samuel Pepys. This later extract from 1666 does not quite fit the exam spec in terms of period texts, therefore I have included a simplified version of the extracts along with the original extracts to help your students understand the text. You may want to cover some more of the difficult areas of the diary extract with your students before you set this mock if you feel the need or do some underpinning of these two events to help students put them into context. Please be aware that the TES preview can at times distort the resource and this is not always a true reflection of it’s presentation. Hope it helps.
Inspirational Quotes and confidence building booklet

Inspirational Quotes and confidence building booklet

This booklet is full of motivational, inspirational and confidence building quotes. I like to have this booklet in my classroom for students to look at, or use its in my classroom displays. This can be used either way depending on your needs. Hope it helps
Following Instructions / Imperative Verbs - Functional Skills English

Following Instructions / Imperative Verbs - Functional Skills English

This is a very fun and active lesson designed for lower level or a mixed level functional skills English class. This lesson has very few written tasks, as many lower level classes do demonstrate poor behaviour and are very reluctant to do written work. Instead we have a lesson which jam packed with group and paired activities from board games to creating an origami frog via a instructional video. This lesson also allows room to embed maths via the origami frog task. It is a quick paced lesson which also allows for stretch and challenge and offers a bridge into GCSE English by touching upon imperative verbs and explaining why such language features are used. It comes with a starter and a daily diary plenary task. Please be aware that TES previews do at times distorts the look of the resource and tis is not a true reflection. Hope it helps
Functional Skills English - Discrimination / Harvey Milk

Functional Skills English - Discrimination / Harvey Milk

This resource is a 8 page resource, with trailer, filled with tasks based around discrimination and Harvey Milk - the LGBT activist. The aim of this resource is for you to use, build a lesson around or embed in anyway you see fit based on your classes and your style of teaching. You can use all or some of the resource available based on your needs. The main aims of the resource are: To list three facts about the life of Harvey Milk Discuss different kinds of discrimination and rights. Discuss the effects of discrimination on an individual. This resource is aimed at both lower and higher ability students with scaffolds and different tasks such as comprehension, research task, discussion and summary writing. The discussion task is based on the famous experiment ran by Jane Elliot in response to the assassination of Martin Luther King and comes with teacher notes on how to run the discussion. This is a great resource to use during observations or Ofsted visits, LGBT awareness month or the run up to Pride weekends. It is also a good session to invite youth/support workers along to as they can offer support, advice or help facilitate and add an extra dimension to the session. Please note that TES preview can at time distort the look of a resource and this is not a true reflection. Hope it helps.
Edexcel GCSE English Language - high and low language features

Edexcel GCSE English Language - high and low language features

This is a fun, fast paced, team based session which comes with a full powerpoint lesson from start to finish, 3 worksheets and 2 videos. This session covers the main language features which the students will need to know for this exam (DAFOREST / POSHIMP) and addresses not just the terminology but the purpose and job the language features perform. The main aim of the session is geared towards Paper1 Question 5. I use this lesson as an introductory session to language features for my students and build on these key skills as the term moves on. There is enough material to cover a 3 hour session in tis pack. As inspiration we look at an unusual character from the TV show ‘Big Giant Swords’ and use this person to inspire creative writing from the students. Please be aware that TES previews can distort the look of the resource and this is not a true reflection. Hope it helps.