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Macbeth - AQA New Spec Act 2 Scene 1 - Planning Responses Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on how to plan an effective response to the extract based task using key steps to success. Includes differentiated activities throughout, engaging group learning, examiner advice and exemplar responses.

Death of a Salesman - Aspects of Tragedy - Tragic Characters Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on Miller's characterisation, their social representations and links to the tragic genre. Includes differentiated activities throughout, engaging group learning, exemplar responses and extracts from the text annotated for elements of tragedy.

The Kite Runner - AQA Social Protest - Totalitarian Regimes Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on Hosseini's presentation of authority throughout the novel, making connections between characterisation and methods of control. Includes differentiated activities throughout, engaging group learning, annotated exemplar responses and extracts from the novel annotated for elements of social and political protest.

Death of a Salesman - AQA Aspects of Tragedy - Introduction
A series of lessons to introduce the play and the aspects of dramatic tragedy used by Miller, particularly modern and Greek tragic conventions, tragic structure, fate and dialogue.
Each lesson includes differentiated activities throughout, annotated exemplar responses, extracts from the play annotated for aspects of tragedy, an assessment point with opportunity for intervention and engaging group learning.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - AQA New Specification - Chapters 4 - 6
A series of lessons focusing on the middle chapters of the novella, particularly on essay planning, key themes and characterisation.
Each lesson includes differentiated activities and questioning throughout, annotated exemplar responses, examiner advice and group learning.
Also includes are a series of assessment papers on each of the chapters in the novel.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - AQA New Spec Chapter 6 - Characterisation and Dr Lanyon
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing the use of characterisation by Stevenson, particularly through Dr Lanyon in Chapter 6. Includes differentiated activities throughout, examiner advice, engaging group learning and differentiated questioning.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - AQA New Specification Chapter 5 - Essay Planning
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on an extract from Chapter 5 which guides students into writing effective plans for essay responses in line with AQA guidelines. Includes differentiated activities throughout, engaging group learning, annotated exemplar responses and examiner advice.

Macbeth - AQA English Literature - Act 1 Scene 3 - Characterisation of Macbeth
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on the characterisation of Macbeth in the opening of the play and the structural development of his character as the play progresses. Includes differentiated tasks throughout, annotated exemplar responses, engaging group learning and examiner advice.

Blake Poetry - AQA Social Protest Songs of Innocence - Introduction and Night
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on the structure of "Introduction" and "Night" as well as the collection as a whole. Includes differentiated activities throughout, poems annotated for aspects of political protest, engaging group learning and examiner advice.

Death of a Salesman - AQA Aspects of Tragedy - Tragic Setting Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on the initial stage directions and their relevance to the tragic genre. Includes differentiated activities throughout, annotated extracts with differentiated questioning and engaging group learning.

Macbeth - AQA Literature - Setting Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on the significance of the initial setting of the play. Includes differentiated activities throughout, annotated extracts, differentiated questioning and exemplar responses.

Death of a Salesman - AQA Aspects of Tragedy - Introduction Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on the aspects of Shakespearean, Greek and modern tragedy that Miller draws upon in the play. Includes differentiated activities throughout, group learning, exemplar responses and key contextual and genre notes.

Blake Poetry - Songs of Innocence AQA Social and Political Protest - The Echoing Green
A Full PowerPoint lesson focusing on Blake's poem "The Echoing Green" from Songs of Innocence and how presentations of place a setting are informed by social ideas. Includes differentiated activities throughout, the poem annotated for political elements, group learning, differentiated questioning and exemplar responses.

The Kite Runner - AQA Social and Political Protest - Private and Political Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson that focuses on Chapters 13 and 14, and how Hosseini presents political concepts through private depictions. Includes differentiated activities throughout, engaging group learning and extracts from the text annotated for social and political concepts.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - AQA English Literature Chapter 4 - Shock and Horror Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on how Stevenson creates emotion in the reader through language and structural techniques. Includes differentiated activities and questioning, model responses and examiner advice.

Dr Jeykll and Mr Hyde - AQA English Literature - Chapters 1-3
A series of lessons focusing on the opening chapters of the novella, particularly on the initial characterisation of the main characters, the setting and the structure.
Each lesson includes differentiated activities and questioning throughout, annotated exemplar responses, examiner advice and group learning.

AQA A Level English Literature Exam Spreadsheet and Tracker
A spreadsheet that converts raw marks into grades for each of the 3 units at A Level, calculating an overall grade for the course. Student ALPS targets can also be entered, which the spreadsheet will colour code results based on this.
This can be used for mock examinations, to demonstrate progress, or can be given to students to aid with determining strengths and targets across the course.
Grade boundaries have been determined based on the AS Level New Specification boundaries from 2016.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - AQA Literature - Chapter 3 - Dr Jekyll Characterisation Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on Stevenson's initial characterisation of Dr Jekyll. Includes differentiated activities throughout, examiner advice, annotated exemplar responses and an assessment point.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - AQA Literature - Chapter 2 - Mr Hyde Characterisation Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on the initial characterisation of Mr Hyde through language and structure. Includes differentiated activities throughout, examiner advice, exemplar responses and engaging group learning.

Macbeth - GCSE Literature - Pivotal Moments Lesson
A full PowerPoint lesson focusing on the pivotal moments in the play in connections to Shakespeare's intentions and conventions. Includes differentiated activities throughout, group and student-led learning, exemplar responses and key contextual factors.