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Junior Certificate English CBA- Oral Communication - Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) Guide Workbook

Junior Certificate English CBA- Oral Communication - Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) Guide Workbook

Junior Certificate English - Oral Communication - Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) 10 page Student Preparation workbook Overview sheet and workbook that guides students through the task from ideas to performance Plan your topic and delivery method Research your topic Write the script Perform it in front of the class Complete a written Student Reflection Note. Space for student planning, research and writing of task Infographics on speeches and oral performance Flashcard cutouts *Reflection note
Critical-Thinking Activities

Critical-Thinking Activities

Critical-Thinking Activities Engaging Activities and Reproducibles to Develop Kids’ Higher-Level Thinking Skills Recognizing and Recalling Activities Distinguishing and Visualizing Activities Activities for Following Directions and Classifying Sequencing and Predicting Activities Activities for Inferring and Drawing Conclusions Evaluating Activities Analyzing Activities Synthesizing Activities