This biography is on America Ferrera, a Honduran-American actress. It discusses her early life, education and career. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary and a true/false reading comprehension section.
Level: In present and past tenses
Includes answer key.
This 4-page file includes:
~A beginner French reading that includes descriptions of three young people’s eating habits: cooking with family, eating out and being a vegetarian. Includes a lot of food vocabulary. The reading is followed by 8 reading comprehension questions in English.
~The same reading but with the questions in French.
~Answer key. (2 pgs)
Activity idea: After reading, have students discuss their own eating and cooking habits in class or write about it for homework.
This easy German reading includes descriptions of three young people’s eating habits: cooking with family, eating out and being a vegetarian.
Includes 8 reading comprehension questions.
Answer key included.
Ideal for beginner learners to review basic vocabulary!
Activity idea: After reading, have students discuss their own eating and cooking habits in class or write about it for homework.
This German worksheet is a great review for students on recognizing weak nouns. The worksheet features three parts:
Matching up the German weak noun with the English meaning
Declining weak nouns in sentences
Reading a short passage and circling all the weak nouns in context
Includes the following nouns:
der Architekt
der Mensch
der Student
der Kunde
der Rabe
der Name
der Herr
der Löwe
der Tourist
der Junge
der Neffe
der Held
der Schimpanse
der Nachbar
der Gedanke
Editable word file.
Answer key included.
German Relative Pronouns Worksheet with 16 fill in the blank sentences.
Ich sehe den Mann, mit………… ich Tennis spiele.
Wir besuchen den Mann, ………… sehr reich ist.
Das Kind, ………… sehr intelligent ist, hat einen Preis gewonnen.
Editable word file.
Answer key included.
Note: This worksheet is in my Beginner German Workbook.
This beginner German reading includes descriptions of three young people’s hobbies.
Includes 8 reading comprehension questions.
Editable word file.
Answer key included.
Ideal for beginner learners to review basic vocabulary of hobbies, days of the week
and present tense verbs.
Activity idea: After reading, have students discuss their own hobbies in class or write about it for homework.
A biography of the famous Mexican actress Salma Hayek. It includes a bit about her early life, rise to fame and successful films. Includes a glossary of new vocabulary and a true/false reading comprehension section.
Level: Uses present and past tenses
Answer key included.
A biography of the famous Spanish actress Penélope Cruz. It includes a bit about her early life, rise to fame and successful films.
Includes a glossary of new vocabulary and a true/false reading comprehension section.
Level: Uses present and past tenses
Editable word file.
Answer key included.
This German biography is on the life of Johannes Kepler, a famous astronomer of the 16th century. It talks about his early interest in science, education and scientific legacy.
The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary and 6 short answer reading comprehension questions.
Answer key included.
This beginner French reading is great for students to review vocabulary around weather, seasons and clothing. It talks about three young people in different cities at different times of the year: London (raining), Medellin (hot + sunny), New York City (cold + snowy).
The reading includes 8 reading comprehension questions in English OR French
Answer key included.
This short biography on the life of singer Selena Quintanilla is missing all the preterite tense verbs! Using a word bank, students must place 16 verbs in the correct location to complete the biography. Great way for students to see the 3rd person singular and plural verb forms of both regular and irregular preterite verbs in context.
The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary.
Answer key included.
Students can work alone, in pairs or in small groups to fill in the missing information about 20 famous Hispanic people. It is a great way for students to get to know or review famous Hispanic leaders.
NOTE: There are two versions of the worksheet:
~One version contains hints by allowing students to know how often each profession and nationality is used.
~The second version has no hints at all.
Ideal as a sub plan or for cultural/grammar homework, or even as a competitive game between groups!
Includes answer key.
NOTE: This resource is in English, I also offer a similar resource in Spanish in my store.
This 4-page resource includes:
~An explanation of when to use and not to use the personal a in the Spanish language. The explanation is followed by examples in English and Spanish.
~10 gap-fill exercises where students decide if they should use the personal a or not!
~An exercise where students need to fill in the personal a or not into a paragraph
~Translation sentences.
Answer key included. (2 pages)
This 3-page file includes:
~A reading with the descriptions of 4 people’s morning routines including preparing for work or school.
~A worksheet based on the reading with 12 reading comprehension questions and a short writing assignment.
~Answer key.
Activity idea: After reading, have students discuss their own family’s daily routines or write about it for homework
By using the information provided in the diagrams, students must answer 6 true/false and 7 short answer questions on who is the oldest and youngest or older and younger and who has more or less siblings and pets than the others!
The focus of the exercise is on comparatives and superlatives including:
older/the oldest
younger/the youngest
Afterwards, students may talk about their own siblings and pets!
Answer key included.
A script between two high school friends discussing what they and their siblings will study and do for work in the future using the future tense.
Reading includes 8 true/false reading comprehension questions and a short writing assignment in the future tense.
Activity idea: Have students underline all the future forms they find in the reading!
Level: Intermediate (mostly in future tense)
Answer key included.
This 3-page file includes:
~A Spanish language reading on the Atacama Desert found in the north of Chile. It includes information on its history, climate, geography, flora and fauna. It also talks about how the ancient indigenous population of the Chinchorro made it their home. Finally, it explains how the desert is home to space observation stations, NASA training for Mars missions and adventure tourism. The reading includes a full glossary of new vocabulary.
~A second page with 9 nine reading comprehension questions.
~Answer key.
Makes for a great complement to studies on South America, or ideal as a nonfiction reading at the low intermediate level!
Level: present and past tenses only
Editable word file.
This worksheet is a fun way for students to review the present tense while learning about Shakira, the famous Colombian singer! To complete the simple biography students need to fill in the blanks with 16 verbs from a word bank.
The worksheet also includes a short glossary of new vocabulary, and 8 short answer reading comprehension questions based on the reading.
Answer key included.
Ideal for Hispanic heritage or sub plan!
This -page file includes:
~A fun French reading in which four friends are discussing the existence of mythical creatures and extraterrestrials! There are numerous examples of the use of subjunctive with doubt and denial for students to see in context. The reading is followed by 5 short answer questions in English.
~The same reading with the subjunctive forms underlined to help students see them in context.
~Answer key.
Activity idea: After reading, have students circle all the subjunctive forms they find. Afterwards have students discuss their own views on the existence of unknown creatures.
Editable word file.
This 3-page file includes:
~A Spanish cultural reading on the food associated with Day of the dead or Día de los Muertos celebrated annually in Mexico at the beginning of November. It includes one paragraph each on: Pan de muerto, Calaveras, Mole y Sopa Azteca. The reading also includes a glossary of new vocabulary.
~Seven comprehension questions based on the reading.
~Answer key.
Level: In present tense but with harder vocabulary
This reading makes for a great cultural addition to beginner classes for the Day of the Dead!