This 3-page file includes:
~ A reading in which four people described their weekly chores around the house.
~ A worksheet based on the reading with ten short answer questions, a gap fill exercise and a short writing section.
~Answer key
Includes the following vocabulary:
cortar el césped
lavar la ropa
preparar la comida
sacudir el polvo
limpiar el baño
pasar la aspiradora
hacer la cama
poner la mesa
ir al supermercado
lavar a los perros
This 3-page file includes:
~A biography of the famous and fascinating Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. It includes a short paragraph each on: her early life, accident at the age of 18, her artistic style, her relationship with Diego Rivera and finally her death and legacy. The reading includes a full glossary of new vocabulary.
~A worksheet with 9 reading comprehension questions and a short writing section.
~Answer Key.
Level: Mostly in past tenses
This 6-page file includes:
~A reading that’s perfect for students to see the present subjunctive in context! It is a dialogue between two best friends who are university students looking for an apartment together. They use various subjunctive constructions including verbs and conjunctions to express what they and their parents wish for themselves. The verbs are highlighted for students to see in context.
~A worksheet based on the reading with 8 true/false reading comprehension questions in Spanish a writing exercise for students to create 6 sentences in the subjunctive expressing what they would like in a dream home!
~The same reading without the verbs highlighted and a worksheet with short answer questions for differentiated learning.
~Answer Key. (3 pgs)
Activity idea: Have students underline all the subjunctive forms they find in the reading and/or have students share with each other what they would like in a dream home!
This 3-page file includes:
~A reading that covers the highlights of the life and times of Fidel Castro. It covers a bit about his childhood, university education, marriages and his takeover of Cuba. This reading is up-to-date mentioning the relaxing of restrictions in 2015 and his death in 2016. This biography includes a full glossary of new vocabulary.
~The second page consist of a worksheet with 10 true/false reading comprehension questions and a short guided writing exercise in the preterite tense.
~Answer Key.
Level: Mostly past tenses
This 3-page file includes:
~A Spanish biography of Diego Rivera, the famous Mexican muralist and husband of Frida Kahlo. It talks about his early life, European training, professional accomplishments in Mexico and the US, marriage to Frida and his legacy. The reading is accompanied by a full Spanish-English glossary of new vocabulary.
~A worksheet with 10 Spanish true/false reading comprehension questions and five questions prompting students to write Spanish sentences in the preterite tense on what major life events occurred in specific years of Rivera's life based on the reading.
~Answer Key
Level: Uses past tenses
This 5-page file includes:
~ A present tense reading with lots of ser/estar describing a young woman who is a medical student volunteering in Peru. The reading is prefaced by new vocabulary.
~A worksheet with 12 true/false reading comprehension questions as well as a short writing assignment.
~Also included is the same reading with blanks in place of the ser/estar verbs for students to fill in. You can then read the story out loud or distribute the reading for students to correct their own answers.
~Answer key. (2pgs)
Variations: Have students underline all the uses of ser/estar in the reading and discuss why they are used in class. Have students show each other pictures of friends/family and have them describe them using ser/estar.
Level: Beginner
This 3-page file includes:
~A beginner level reading in the first person about a quinceañera on her 15th birthday describing her party. Also covered is the religious and cultural significance of this event.
~A glossary of new vocabulary
~A worksheet with 8 true/false reading comprehension questions and a short exercise where students create an invitation to their own birthday party!
~Answer key
Editable file.
This 3-page file includes:
~A reading from the perspective of a 15-year-old boy in Mexico celebrating the day of the dead with his family. It is written in the first person present tense and is therefore suitable for beginning students of Spanish. The emphasis is on the cultural significance of this holiday. Reading includes a glossary of specialized vocabulary
~A worksheet with 8 comprehension questions in Spanish.
~Answer key.
Here is a video link for this celebration to show students:
This 3-page file incudes:
~A reading about the true history of Cinco de Mayo, a celebration that commemorates the battle of Puebla of 1862. It includes information on the back story that led up to this famous event as well as a paragraph about how it is celebrated today both in Mexico and abroad. Reading includes a full glossary of new vocabulary
~A worksheet with 12 true/false reading comprehension questions in Spanish and short writing assignment.
~Answer key.
Level: In present and past tenses
This 3-page file includes:
~A reading in which four young people are discussing their hobbies such as sports, tv shows, books etc. The reading includes a full vocabulary of new words and is in the present tense.
~A worksheet based the reading with 10 true/false reading comprehension questions, a short writing section and guided conversation practice in Spanish.
~Answer Key.
This 5-page file includes:
~A simple reading in the present tense in which a 16-year-old student talks about all of her classes and what time they occur. Based on the reading students must fill in her school schedule!
~A worksheet based on the reading with 10 reading comprehension questions. Afterwards students must fill in their own schedule in Spanish.
~Answer key (2 pgs)
NOTE: Includes both American style and European style clock options for reading (2:30 pm and 14.30)
Vocabulary Includes:
días de la semana
bloque libre
This 8-page file includes:
~A funny reading in which a young woman named Cecelia has a choice of five candidates to be her ideal boyfriend! Throughout the reading there are numerous uses of the present subjunctive. Cecelia describes the qualities her ideal boyfriend would have and each of the candidates also describe one or two qualities they are looking for.
~A worksheet with 15 true/false reading comprehension questions, a section where students underline all the subjunctive verbs in the reading (15 forms) as well as two short writing assignments.
~The same worksheet but with short answer reading comprehension questions instead of true/false.
~Answer key. (4 pgs)
This reading is a great supplement to help students see the present Spanish subjunctive conjugations in context!
This 5-page file includes:
~A fun reading about twin brothers who to get up to lots of mischief!
The reading includes over 20 examples of stem-changing / boot verbs! The reading also contains a glossary of new vocabulary.
~The same reading as a worksheet with blanks in place of the boot verbs for students to conjugate.
~A separate page with six reading comprehension questions and a short writing assignment where students write about what the twins are doing tomorrow using the new verbs!
~Answer key.
Extension: Have students underline all the stem-changing verbs in the reading.
Level: present tense only
Includes the following stem-changing verbs:
jugar, preferir, querer, soler, cerrar, dormir, doler, entender, poder, pensar, servir
This 4-page file includes: (100% in Spanish)
~A reading with the descriptions of four people including eye color, height, hair etc.
~The same reading with the verbs ser and tener highlighted for students to see in context on how to use these two verbs to describe people.
~A worksheet with 8 short answer questions based on the readings and a section where students must write the descriptions of two people.
~Answer key.
Level: Beginner
This 3-page file includes:
~A fun and humorous Spanish reading in which students must choose the best man for Maria to go on a date with based on their short introductions!
~A worksheet in Spanish based on the reading with: 10 true/false questions a short answer section and a short writing section.
~Answer key.
Reinforces present tense verbs and vocabulary on hobbies, family and languages.
This 3-page file includes:
~A biography on the life of the famous Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi and his masterwork La sagrada familia. This enormous cathedral is located in Barcelona and is a UNESCO heritage site. This reading includes a Spanish-English glossary of new vocabulary.
~A worksheet with 7 reading incomprehension questions in Spanish and a short writing section.
~Answer Key.
Activity ideas: As the majority of this reading is in the preterite tense students could underline all the preterite tense forms they find for contextual review.
Level: Uses mostly past tenses
This 3-page file includes:
~A reading in Spanish from the first-person perspective of a teenage girl living in Central America. She talks about how she and her family celebrate the Novena, Christmas Eve (Nochebuena) and Christmas Day (Navidad). The reading includes a glossary of specialized vocabulary.
~A worksheet with 10 true/false reading comprehension questions and a short writing exercise in Spanish.
~Answer key.
Vocabulary Includes:
la época
el nacimiento
los regalos
los villancicos
los postres
Niño Dios
hecho a mano
la misa de Gallo
los fuegos artificiales
Level: Mostly present tense
This 3-page file contains:
~A reading designed for beginner students of Spanish in which two classmates discuss classroom objects, colors and the teacher. Reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary.
~A Worksheet based on the reading that includes a reading comprehension section (10 true/false questions) and a short writing section.
~Answer key.
Level: Beginner
Vocab includes:
la mochila
el cuaderno
las plumas
la maestra
la tarea
el escritorio
la pizarra
This 4-page file includes:
~A script between three friends who run into each other in the city and discuss where they are going that day.
~The same script with the prepositions highlighted for students to see in context.
~A worksheet with 3 parts:
8 true/false comprehension questions
10 fill in the blank questions with the prepositions: a, al,a la, de la, del, en,
a short writing assignment.
~Answer key.
This 3-page file includes:
~A Spanish biography about the famous Latin pop singer Enrique Iglesias. It covers his early life, family and rise to fame. It is written in a combination of present and past tenses. Reading includes a full glossary of new vocabulary.
~A worksheet featuring 10 true/false reading comprehension questions and a short translation with some subjunctive.
~Answer Key.
This reading makes a great complement to any unit on Latin music, culture or biographies of famous Hispanic people.