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Language Resources by Nina

Average Rating4.59
(based on 262 reviews)

Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.




Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.
Spanish Comparatives Reading: Una familia competitiva Lectura con Comparativos

Spanish Comparatives Reading: Una familia competitiva Lectura con Comparativos

This 4-page file includes: ~A humorous reading about some competitive brothers and cousins who are always comparing themselves to each other! It features numerous uses of comparisons and superlatives in context. ~A worksheet with 10 true/false comprehension questions in Spanish and a short guided writing practice using comparatives. ~2 page answer key. Activity idea: Have students share what they have written about their families with each other in class. Great for partner work and to get students talking!
German Past Tense Fun Reading: Was  hast du gestern gemacht? (perfekt)

German Past Tense Fun Reading: Was hast du gestern gemacht? (perfekt)

This 4-page file includes: (100% in German) ~A fun reading where four young people discuss what they did yesterday using the perfect tense. Includes lots of vocabulary for: family, hobbies, school subjects etc. ~The same page with the verbs highlighted to see in context. ~A worksheet based on the reading with 3 parts: short answer questions, an info gap section and a short writing assignment. Answer key included
Sonia Sotomayor Biografía: Spanish Biography

Sonia Sotomayor Biografía: Spanish Biography

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish biography on the life of Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic woman to serve as judge in the Supreme Court of the United States. This reading talks about her difficult childhood, education, marriage and legal career. The file includes a glossary of new vocabulary and 8 reading comprehension questions. ~Answer Key. Level: Uses present and past tenses
Spanish Conditional Reading: ¿Qué harias tú…? (Condicional)

Spanish Conditional Reading: ¿Qué harias tú…? (Condicional)

This 3-page file includes: ~A fun reading in which five people are interviewed about what they would do in specific situations. In the answers the students can see the Spanish conditional verb forms in context! ~A worksheet based on the reading which includes two parts: a true/false reading comprehension section and a writing section where students need to describe what they would do in the following situations: ~ Answer key ¿Qué harías si perdieras algo importante? ¿Qué harías si encontraras una cartera (wallet) en la calle? ¿Qué harías si tus padres te dieran un regalo que no te gusta? ¿Qué harías si fuera el último día de clases? ¿Qué harías si pudieras cantar muy bien? Level: Upper Intermediate
Tener Expressions Spanish Funny Reading: Una amiga quisquillosa Lectura

Tener Expressions Spanish Funny Reading: Una amiga quisquillosa Lectura

This 3-page file includes: ~A funny script that allows students to see tener expressions in context. It is a dialog between three friends trying to make plans for the day; but one of them is not into doing anything she is so picky! ~A worksheet with 8 true/false reading comprehension questions and a short writing assignment where students make their own script with tener expressions. ~Answer key. This reading includes 10 tener expressions: tener ganas de tener interés en tener dolor de tener que tener … años tener lugar tener miedo de tener sueño tener calor tener sed tener razón Level: In present tense
La Música del Caribe: Son y Salsa Lectura y Cultura: Spanish Reading on Music

La Música del Caribe: Son y Salsa Lectura y Cultura: Spanish Reading on Music

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish cultural reading that focuses on two types of music from the Caribbean: son and salsa. The reading explores the history behind these types of music, the cultural significance, the various instruments employed and their popularity abroad. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A reading comprehension page with 9 questions based on the reading. ~Answer key. Level: In present and past tenses
De vacaciones Lectura - On Vacation Spanish Reading - Imperfect / Imperfecto

De vacaciones Lectura - On Vacation Spanish Reading - Imperfect / Imperfecto

This 3-page file inclues: ~A reading entirely in the imperfect tense. The narrator is relating their experiences of taking holidays at the beach with their family as a young child. Great practice for seeing the imperfect tense in context. The reading has a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 5 short answer questions and a guided writing activity. ~Answer key.
Se in Spanish: Reflexive, Impersonal, Passive, Unintentional, Reciprocal

Se in Spanish: Reflexive, Impersonal, Passive, Unintentional, Reciprocal

This 3-page file includes: ~A handout explaining the six common uses of ‘se’ in Spanish, within example sentence in Spanish and English of each situation: Reflexive, Impersonal, Passive, Unintentional, Reciprocal and indirect object replacement. ~A worksheet to practice the various uses of ‘se’. The worksheet contains three parts: a. students must recognize which use of 'se’appears in one of six Spanish sentences b. Students must translate those sentences into English c. Students are given a set of English sentences to translate into Spanish ~Key Level: Upper intermediate Editable Word file.
Spanish Passive Voice Reading + Handout and Worksheet : La voz pasiva

Spanish Passive Voice Reading + Handout and Worksheet : La voz pasiva

This 5-page file includes: ~A Spanish language reading shows students the passive voice in context. It includes three short paragraphs with news articles from a fictitious newspaper. Each article features examples of the passive voice. Includes 8 true/false reading comprehension questions. ~A handout explaining the passive voice and how it is formed in Spanish. ~A worksheet with 15 fill in the blanks for students to practice the passive voice. ~Answer keys
Carnaval Lectura Cultural - Spanish Reading on Carnival

Carnaval Lectura Cultural - Spanish Reading on Carnival

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish cultural reading about the Catholic celebration of carnival. It talks about its religious significance and includes a paragraph each on how it is celebrated in both New Orleans and in Spain. The reading includes a glossary of specialized vocabulary. ~A worksheet with eight reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key. Level: Intermediate
Miguel de Cervantes Biografía y Lectura de Don Quijote - Spanish Reading

Miguel de Cervantes Biografía y Lectura de Don Quijote - Spanish Reading

This 3-page file includes: ~A reading that serves as both a biography on the life of Miguel de Cervantes as well as a description of his most famous book Don Quijote. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary and a true/false reading comprehension section. ~Answer key. A wonderful cultural reading as well as an adjunct on Hispanic literature for upper level Spanish students. Level: various tenses
Che Guevara Biografía - Spanish Biography + Worksheet

Che Guevara Biografía - Spanish Biography + Worksheet

This 3-page file includes: ~A detailed biography of Che Guevara with information on his childhood and early life, his travels, his medical studies and marriage, his political ideology and death. The reading is prefaced by a Spanish/English glossary of new vocabulary and followed by ten true/false reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key. Level: mostly past tenses
Fernando Botero Biografía: Spanish Biography on Colombian Artist Botero

Fernando Botero Biografía: Spanish Biography on Colombian Artist Botero

This Spanish biography talks about the life of Colombian artist Fernando Botero. It discusses his childhood, early influences, education, personal life and his unique style of sculpture. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary and a separate worksheet with 8 reading comprehension questions in Spanish based on the reading. This reading is a great compliment to any art history units and the study of famous South Americans!
El fin de semana Lectura: Weekend Plans Spanish Reading (ir + a + infinitive)

El fin de semana Lectura: Weekend Plans Spanish Reading (ir + a + infinitive)

This 3-page file includes: ~A script between two friends discussing their plans for an upcoming long weekend. They are headed to the countryside to visit family. The conversation is mostly in the (ir + a + infinitive) construction to show students some context for the conversational future. Includes a full glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 8 reading comprehension questions in Spanish and a short writing assignment ~Answer key. Vocab Includes: Va a ser voy a alquilar Vamos a manejar Voy a hacer la maleta Qué vamos a hacer voy a llevar Te voy a presentar Vamos a ir a la granja vamos a nadar Activity idea: Have students underline all the examples of ir + Infinitive they find in the story! Level: beginner
El verano que viene Lectura: Upcoming Summer Spanish Reading (future tense)

El verano que viene Lectura: Upcoming Summer Spanish Reading (future tense)

This 4-page file includes: ~A script between two friends talking about their upcoming summer plans that includes 25 verbs in the future tense! One of them is going to the Galapagos Islands while the other will be spending the summer with their grandparents. Reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 3 parts: a true/false reading comprehension section, a short answer section and a short writing assignment. ~Answer key. Activity idea: have the students read the script together in pairs. After completion of the worksheet, students can talk about their own upcoming summer plans with each other in the future tense. Level: In future tense
El medio ambiente Lectura ~ The environment/Earth Day Spanish Reading (por and para)

El medio ambiente Lectura ~ The environment/Earth Day Spanish Reading (por and para)

This 5-page file includes: ~A dialog between two brothers, one of which is trying to get the other to be more environmentally friendly! In addition to a lot of environmental vocabulary, the reading features multiple uses of por and para. Reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~ The same reading but with blanks where por and para should be. Students need to fill in the prepositions to complete the reading. ~A worksheet with 8 reading comprehension questions in Spanish as well as a short writing section. ~Answer key. (2pgs) Activity idea: Have students read the script in pairs and then translate. Afterwards, using the new vocabulary students can do pair or group debates on the benefits of recycling, transit vs.car use etc. This reading is also great for Earth Day!
Mi escuela y mi profe favorita Lectura ~ Spanish School Reading

Mi escuela y mi profe favorita Lectura ~ Spanish School Reading

This 3-page file includes: ~A beginner level reading in the present tense written in the first-person perspective of a 13-year-old student. He talks all about his school and his favorite teacher: his Spanish teacher! Includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet which includes seven reading comprehension questions based on the reading in Spanish as well as a short homework assignment for students to write a brief description of their school and their classes. ~Answer key.
San Fermín Lectura y Cultura: Los Sanfermines - Running of Bulls (SUB Activity)

San Fermín Lectura y Cultura: Los Sanfermines - Running of Bulls (SUB Activity)

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish language reading that details the events around the summer celebration of Los Sanfermines in Pamplona, Spain. It discusses the history of these events and how they are celebrated today. The reading includes a detailed glossary of new vocabulary. ~ A worksheet with 9 reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key. Can be used for extra cultural reading, early finisher activity or sub plan! Editable word file.
Las Nacionalidades Lectura: Spanish Reading + Worksheet on Nationalities

Las Nacionalidades Lectura: Spanish Reading + Worksheet on Nationalities

This 3-page file includes: ~A beginner level script in which four students from different parts of the world are discussing their various backgrounds, languages they speak and their motivations for learning. Reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~An accompanying worksheet with 8 true/false reading comprehension questions and a short writing section on how to common nationalities. ~Key. Level: Beginner
Grito de Dolores y Día de la Independencia Mexicana: Mexican Independence Day

Grito de Dolores y Día de la Independencia Mexicana: Mexican Independence Day

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish reading about the history behind the Mexican Independence movement, how it is celebrated today and also the ritual of Grito de Dolores a reenactment of the battle cry from 1810. This reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 8 reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key. Level: In present and past tenses Vocabulary includes: la lealtad la corona sacerdote el grito de batalla la campana los desfiles la víspera