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Language Resources by Nina

Average Rating4.59
(based on 262 reviews)

Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.




Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.
Aller + Infinitive Lecture en Français: French Reading in Conversational Future

Aller + Infinitive Lecture en Français: French Reading in Conversational Future

This French reading features three young people talking about what they plan to do for their future careers. It features numerous examples of the conversational future (aller + infinitive) for students to see this tense in context. The reading is followed by 8 reading comprehension questions in French NOTE: Includes 2 versions of the reading, one of which has the (aller + infinitive) verbs highlighted for students to see in context. Editable Word file. Answer key included.
Mi Viaje a Colombia Lectura: Feria de Flores - Spanish Reading in Ir + a + INF

Mi Viaje a Colombia Lectura: Feria de Flores - Spanish Reading in Ir + a + INF

This 4-page file includes: ~A reading about a cultural trip to Colombia written in the present tense and with numerous uses of ir + a + infinitive from the first person perspective of a traveller who is about to visit the Feria de Flores, old town Cartagena, Baranquilla and a soccer game in Bogotá! ~The same reading with the ir + a + infinitive verbs highlighted to see in context. ~A worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions based on the reading. ~Answer key Activity idea: Have students underline all the forms of ir+a+ infinitive they find in the story, they can also write their own story about an imaginary upcoming trip! Answer key included.
La Pachamama Lectura y Cultura: Spanish Cultural Reading (Inca)

La Pachamama Lectura y Cultura: Spanish Cultural Reading (Inca)

This Spanish cultural reading is on Pachamama, a south American indigenous deity mainly of the Inca. It discusses her cultural and ritual importance in the lives of the indigenous people. It also discusses the celebration in her honor on August 1 of every year and how it is celebrated. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary and 6 reading comprehension questions. Level: In present and past tenses Includes answer key.
French Reading Cleaning House: Nettoie la Maison (tâches ménagères)

French Reading Cleaning House: Nettoie la Maison (tâches ménagères)

In this humorous reading, an energetic grandmother from Quebec visits her grandson and his family and cleans up a storm! Students can learn lots of useful vocabulary for chores around the house. This reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary, four reading comprehension questions in English and a French writing prompt. Activity Idea: Have students read this in pairs and then tell each other in French what their daily, weekly and monthly chores are in the home. Editable word file. Includes answer key. Vocabulary includes: fait la vaisselle fait les lits passe l’aspirateur sort les poubelles nettoie la maison
French Subjunctive Reading: Les vœux des autres (Subjonctif en Français)

French Subjunctive Reading: Les vœux des autres (Subjonctif en Français)

In this funny reading two teenage friends are discussing how hard it is to be young as their parents, teachers and coaches all want theme to behave a certain way! There are numerous examples of the present subjunctive for students to see in context. The reading is followed by 8 true/false questions in English to ensure reading comprehension. Editable word file. Answer key included. Activity ideas: Have students underline all the subjunctive forms they find in the reading. Then, have them discuss what their parents and teachers expect of them! Example sentences: Ma mère veut que je nettoie ma chambre tous les jours et fasse mon lit tous les matins. Elle veut aussi que je lave la vaisselle après le dîner.
Spanish Relative Pronouns Reading: Vamos de caminata (que, quien, lo que etc.)

Spanish Relative Pronouns Reading: Vamos de caminata (que, quien, lo que etc.)

This Spanish reading includes various examples of relative pronouns in context. All the relative pronouns are underlined for students to see. In this humorous reading, two friends go hiking with a virtual stranger and find out they are not compatible! The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary, six short answer reading comprehension questions and a writing exercise. Answer key included. Editable Word file.
Diego de Velázquez Biografía: Biography / Las Meninas / El Prado Museum

Diego de Velázquez Biografía: Biography / Las Meninas / El Prado Museum

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish biography on the famous Spanish painter Diego de Veláquez. It discusses a bit about his childhood, art training, personal life and his career painting the royal family. It also talks about the history of the Prado museum in Madrid and his masterwork of Las Meninas. Reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 9 reading comprehension questions in Spanish based on the reading. ~Answer key. Level: mostly past tense
Mon Chien Lecture en Français: French Reading on My Dog and Pets

Mon Chien Lecture en Français: French Reading on My Dog and Pets

This beginner level French reading includes three friends talking about their pets: a dog, two cats and a parrot! Includes a glossary of new vocabulary and 10 reading comprehension questions in English to confirm comprehension. Includes the following vocab: les animaux de compagnie meilleur sympa impoli l’oiseau le perroquet le chat Editable word file. Includes answer key.
Spanish Adjectives Worksheet: Adjetivos en Español

Spanish Adjectives Worksheet: Adjetivos en Español

This worksheet contains matching and short answer questions to help students review Adjectives and Adjectives-Noun Agreement. Answer key included Includes the following: alto bajo joven rubio generoso cómico viejo largo curioso pelirrojo moreno perezoso inteligente grande pequeño trabajador
South American Foods: Arepas, Empanadas, Asados (English Verision/Sub Plan)

South American Foods: Arepas, Empanadas, Asados (English Verision/Sub Plan)

This 3-page file includes: ~A cultural reading on traditional South American foods. It includes a paragraph on the types of food cultivated by indigenous people before the arrival of European. It also includes a short paragraph of each on: arepas, empanadas, asados, dulce de leche. ~A separate page with nine reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key. NOTE: This reading is in English, I also offer a similar reading in Spanish in my store.
Julia Alvarez Biografía: Spanish Biography on Dominican-American Writer

Julia Alvarez Biografía: Spanish Biography on Dominican-American Writer

This 3-page file includes: ~A biography on the life of Julia Alvarez a Dominican-American writer best known for her novels How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accents and In the Time of the Butterflies. It discusses her early childhood, the dictatorship in the Dominican Republic of Raphael Trujillo and how this affected her literature. It also discusses her charity work and the common themes found in her literature. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~7 Reading comprehension questions based on the reading ~Answer key. Ideal as an adjunct if you teaching any poetry or books by Julia Alvarez or for a brief summary on the history of the Dominican Republic.
Salto Ángel: Cataratas en Venezuela Lectura y Cultura: Angel Falls (SUB PLAN)

Salto Ángel: Cataratas en Venezuela Lectura y Cultura: Angel Falls (SUB PLAN)

This 3-page file includes: ~A cultural reading on Angel Falls/Salto Ángel found in eastern Venezuela. These are the highest waterfalls in the world! It talks about the local indigenous population and how they help tourists reach these remote Falls. Also discussed is how the falls got their English name. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A separate reading comprehension page with 10 questions based on the reading. ~Answer key. This reading may be used on its own as a sub plan or cultural component to your class.
Spanish Past Progressive Reading: ¿Qué estabas haciendo? (gerund/continuous)

Spanish Past Progressive Reading: ¿Qué estabas haciendo? (gerund/continuous)

This 4-page file includes: ~A humorous reading with an emphasis on the past progressive tense. Pamela has been trying to call her friend all day but she was always busy! The reading includes numerous examples of the past progressive in context. ~The same reading but with all of the verb forms underlined. ~A worksheet with reading comprehension questions and short answer. ~Answer key. Editable Word file.
Comida Sudamericana Lectura y Cultura: Empanadas, Arepas, Asados etc.

Comida Sudamericana Lectura y Cultura: Empanadas, Arepas, Asados etc.

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish cultural reading on traditional South American foods. It includes a paragraph on the types of food cultivated by indigenous people before the arrival of European. It also includes a short paragraph each on: arepas, empanadas, asados, and dulce de leche. ~7 reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key.
Spanish Passive Voice Reading: El chupacabra Lectura y Cultura / Voz Pasiva

Spanish Passive Voice Reading: El chupacabra Lectura y Cultura / Voz Pasiva

This 4-page file includes: ~A reading that combines culture and grammar! This reading is on the mythical Latin American creature called the Chupacabra and it includes numerous examples of the passive voice: both the true passive and the se passive. It also discusses the history, etymology and possible scientific explanations for its existence. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A second version of the story with the two forms of passive voice highlighted for students to see in context. ~A worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key. Level: intermediate
Llamas Cultura y lectura: Latin American Animal Spanish Reading / Incans

Llamas Cultura y lectura: Latin American Animal Spanish Reading / Incans

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish language reading on the importance of the llama in ancient times and today among the indigenous populations of South America. It also includes facts on the animal and some information on Incan society, in particular how they relied on the llama for clothing and transportation of goods. ~A worksheet with 8 reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key. Level: in present and past tenses
Ernesto Che Guevara Biography (English Version)

Ernesto Che Guevara Biography (English Version)

A biography of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara with information on his childhood and early life, his travels, his medical studies and marriage, his political ideology and death. The reading is followed by 8 short answer reading comprehension questions. Answer key included. NOTE: This reading is in English, I also offer a similar reading in Spanish in my store.
Las mañanitas Song Activity: Para Cumpleaños y Día de la Madre

Las mañanitas Song Activity: Para Cumpleaños y Día de la Madre

This song activity for the song ‘Las mañanitas’ is ideal for birthdays and Mother’s Day! Includes two versions: one with a word bank and one without. Students must fill in the missing words. Answer key included. Link to song on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBsjiqA6Wm8&list=RDOBsjiqA6Wm8&start_radio=1