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My name is Nora Stopford. I trained as a language teacher in secondary schools in the UK. I have been a private tutor since 2005. I teach French, German and English to all year groups.




My name is Nora Stopford. I trained as a language teacher in secondary schools in the UK. I have been a private tutor since 2005. I teach French, German and English to all year groups.
Y7 French Countries + Nationalities Game

Y7 French Countries + Nationalities Game

This is a PDF document containing 2 sets of cards to practise countries nationalities in a fun way. Cut out each set and give one card to each student. Students walk around the classroom to find their partner. They need to find their right partner by asking the questions: Set 1 (countries) comment t’appelles-tu? où habites-tu? Set 2 (nationalities) comment t’appelles-tu? quelle est ta nationalité?