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The Work of Pax Christi

The Work of Pax Christi

This GCSE religious studies lesson looks at Pax Christi - The International Catholic Movement for Peace - as an example of a religious organisation working to create world peace. By examining stories of how Pax Christi members live their vocation to peacemaking students will understand what Pax Christi is and what they are trying to achieve, the work they are engaged in, and how their faith inspires their work.
The Christian Contribution to Issues of War and Peace

The Christian Contribution to Issues of War and Peace

This lesson explores the contribution of Christian theology to issues of war and peace. By examining the major strands in Christian thinking on the issue, students will understand the historical context within which they developed, the scripture and theology that underpins them, and the ongoing influence these ideas have. [Edexcel A-level Religious StudiesPaper 2: Religion and Ethics; Section 3.1: War and Peace] Produced by Pax Christi UK and Quakers in Britain
Peace Sunday 2024 Children's Liturgy Resources

Peace Sunday 2024 Children's Liturgy Resources

This is a children’s liturgy resource with ideas to use in a session and with an accompanying worksheet. The resource is based on the theme of Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace Message 2024, ‘Artificial Intelligence and Peace’. The resource has links to readings for Mass for the 14th January and also has ideas for further activities. There is also an accompanying worksheet.
Dorothy Day: Saint or Troublemaker?

Dorothy Day: Saint or Troublemaker?

On his 2016 visit to the United States Pope Francis, addressing Congress, praised an American lay-woman, Dorothy Day, for her social activism and her passion for justice. This sparked a huge spike in Google searches as people who had never before heard of her tried to find out who Dorothy Day was and why the Pope thought so highly of her. They will have learned of a prayerful woman, a faithful Catholic, and a woman devoted to the poorest in society. They would have also found a woman who was unafraid to court controversy; who was an outspoken critic of governments and their wars, and who spent time in prison for her activism. In this assembly we will meet Dorothy Day: Saint and Troublemaker.
The Peace Movement

The Peace Movement

This lesson examines the work of the Peace Movement. By examining a variety of peace organisations students will critically assess their motivation and inspiration, their work and its effectiveness, and what opposition or barriers they face. This lesson will enable students to analyse the role of the pacifist movement and pressure groups. [Curriculum Links: Edexcel Paper 2: Religion and Ethics; Section 3.1: War and Peace] Produced by Pax Christi and Quakers in Britain
Elements of Peace extension

Elements of Peace extension

These cards contain short activities to explore different peace issues with young people and how they might be linked to their faith. They include references to Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si’. They are an extension to the original Elements of Peace cards found on our website. The cards cover What is Peace?, Water, What is Nonviolence?, Environment and Peace and Climate Justice.
Nuclear weapons- reflection and discussion

Nuclear weapons- reflection and discussion

These two cards are designed to encourage reflection and discussion on nuclear weapons. The first card is an introduction to nuclear weapons, exploring the morality of nuclear weapons, and the second introduces the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Advent Peace Activities and Reflections

Advent Peace Activities and Reflections

This resource is a collection of activities and reflections for Advent on the theme of peace. The resource can be used as a whole or parts can be taken and used as a stand-alone activity. Activities include exploring what peace is, a reading from Isaiah and creative writing.
Nuclear Weapons and the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear Weapons and the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

This lesson introduces nuclear weapons and the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. It explores key facts about nuclear weapons, some of the arguments surrounding nuclear weapons, the role of the treaty and the voice of the Catholic Church. This session is aimed at young people in Key Stage three and above, and may be useful for the GCSE themes of peace and conflict. The resource includes a PowerPoint and a Teacher Pack with notes and resources.
Women Peacemakers

Women Peacemakers

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we created a resource to explore the life and work of some inspirational women peacemakers. Each profile also has two reflection questions to challenge us on working for peace in our lives and a link to further information or resources.
Peace Sunday Assembly/ Form Time Resource 2023

Peace Sunday Assembly/ Form Time Resource 2023

This PowerPoint can be used as an assembly or form time resource to explore Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Peace 2023, which is marked in England and Wales on the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time. The message is titled ‘No one can be saved alone. Combatting Covid-19 together, embarking together on paths of peace’. It includes ideas for further activities.
Peace Sunday 2020 assembly

Peace Sunday 2020 assembly

This resource is an can be used in tutor time or as an assembly to reflect on the Pope’s Peace Message for 2020: Peace as a Journey of Hope: Dialogue, Reconciliation and Ecological Conversion. It encourages conversation and reflection on some of they key themes of the message. The reflections link to peace through discussion on fear, security, dialogue, reconciliation and ecological conversion. Each section includes a question, a reflection on the message and a prayer. The resource is a PowerPoint with additional notes for teachers in a PDF file.
Franz and Franziska Jägerstätter reflection and discussion cards

Franz and Franziska Jägerstätter reflection and discussion cards

These two cards introduce the story of Franz and Franziska Jägerstätter. Franz was a conscientious objector in World War Two due to his religious beliefs. Franz was supported in his decision by his wife, Franziska, who had to face the consequences of this decision at home. This resource looks at how faith inspires us to act courageously and what we can learn from their story.
Peace Sunday 2021

Peace Sunday 2021

This resource for Peace Sunday explores the Pope’s World Peace Day message for 2021 and the theme “A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace”. The resource includes a Powerpoint with activities that can be used as a presentation, discussion or for reflection. The accompanying worksheet follows the same outline but includes extra activities and is designed for independent study and reflection.
Children's Liturgy - Peace Sunday

Children's Liturgy - Peace Sunday

This is a children’s liturgy resource to explore the topic of peace for Peace Sunday 2022. On Peace Sunday, Pax Christi promotes the Pope’s World Peace Day message. This year the theme of the message is ‘Dialogue between generations, education and work: tools for building lasting peace’.