These five complete PowerPoint lessons help to teach a student about division and multiplication. Each of the lessons starts with a mental warm up. This is followed by a fun, interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons finish with fun, differentiated learning challenges.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: multiply and divide numbers
use multiplication and division vocabulary
multiply and divide by 10
find unknown numbers.
Lesson 2: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: complete multiplication and division problems
use multiplication and division vocabulary
multiply up to 5 x 5
know our 2, 5 and 10 times-table facts
use a symbol to stand for an unknown.
Lesson 3: Week 10
Title Multiplication and Division, Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems
Learning Objective: multiply and divide
use multiplication and division vocabulary
know multiplication is repeated addition
know simple multiplication and division facts
recognise coins and solve money problems.
Lesson 4: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: multiply
use multiplication vocabulary
check results
solve money problems
choose the correct way to answer a question.
Lesson 5: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: understand multiplication
understand words about multiplication
check results by adding in a different order
solve money problems
choose the correct number operation.
A fun way to teaching counting during Halloween.
I have combined three of my Halloween Resources to make them even better this year, a Halloween counting song, Number and Letter Handwriting worksheets linked to Halloween and 31 suggested ways of using these ideas in the classroom.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different skeletons being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about the Halloween Skeleton Counting Song.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different groups of skeletons. The students can then discuss what they think each skeleton was saying or thinking.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
I have developed a set of weekly Mental Maths for Year 3 children for teachers who want to include Minecraft in the classroom.
I wanted to develop resources where a teacher can teach with Minecraft in a classroom with a single computer and a projector.
I need to mention that Minecraft was created by Mojang AB. and I am not endorsed, associated or affiliated with Mojang AB in any way.
FREE Maths PowerPoint Presentations for DFES SpringBoard 5 (Also Use As Year 4 Booster Lessons)
FREE Maths Lessons Content:
Lesson 1: Developing your preferred ways of doing multiplication.
Lesson 2: The area method of doing multiplication
Lesson 3: The idea of 'carrying' when doing multiplication
Lesson 4: Developing the area method for doing multiplication.
Lesson 5: Using doubling in multiplication
Lesson 6: Developing a doubling - and - addition method of doing multiplication
Lesson 7: Finding pairs of factors
Lesson 8: Division of larger numbers
Lesson 9: Division as repeated subtraction
Lesson 10: Developing a standard method
Lesson 11: Flexible approaches to division.
Years ago I wrote series of numeracy lessons which converted all the DFES Numeracy SpringBoard 5 lessons into interactive PowerPoint lessons.
I think these will still be great for optional SATS revision also also for covering lessons, or for giving to supply teachers.
Please leave a comment.
I have developed a set of weekly Mental Maths for Year 2 children for teachers who want to include Minecraft in the classroom.
I wanted to develop resources where a teacher can teach with Minecraft in a classroom with a single computer and a projector.
I need to mention that Minecraft was created by Mojang AB. and I am not endorsed, associated or affiliated with Mojang AB in any way.
I have been a keen fan of this book for a long time. I was really excited to see as part of the Open Government scheme, I was able to take this book and make it into something I believe is much more user friendly.
When I used the original book with an interactive whiteboard, I was always annoyed at having to skim to the end of the book to show an answer. I wanted it on the next page.
In addition, I have now replaced all the pictured with much more stimulating colourful pictures. I have also taken the time to follow the advice of Dudley council and sorted the different problems into age groups and blocks.
You will notice there is some repetition of problems both between blocks and in different year groups. The students can try the same problem twice at different times, as this is excellent consolidation. It is also an excellent time to suggest students think about how they could change the problem.
How can this be used in the classroom?
This could be used as an assessment at the start or the end of a unit. It also could be used as an emergency set of lessons for any teacher while covering another teacher’s maths classes.
In addition, it is also an excellent set of resources to prepare for different exams. Look at how the students resolve a problem and identify the different ways different students attempt to answer the same problem.
In addition to answering the problems, this is also an excellent time to look into inverse operations. How do we know we have found all the answers? How do we know we have found the correct answer?
I have really enjoyed making these mental maths problems a lot more accessible. I have enjoyed teaching them in a wide range of different classes and I hope that you too will enjoy making maths fun.
Teachers now use YouTube more than PowerPoint and so I am now developing my resources ton reflect this new Powerpoint - YouTube combo in the in the classroom. It has the additional benefit that you can then share the links to the lessons directly with the students’ parents for extra homework.
The Multiplication Symbols YouTube Maths PowerPoint Presentation - Year 2 Spring Term
FREE Year 2 Maths PowerPoint Presentation - The Multiplication Symbols - Spring Term is ideal for revising for the KS1 SATs tests. You can also use this lesson in the classroom or as a homework task. If you like this lesson, you will love my FREE Year 2 11 Maths Lessons pack at
YouTube Examining statistics FREE Year 6 Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Autumn Term
I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
FREE Year 6 Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Examining statistics - Autumn Term
This lesson’s learning objectives
Identify and use appropriate operations to solve word problems.
Explain methods and reasoning orally and in writing.
This FREE year 6 lesson came from my FREE Year 6 Lesson pack (11 lessons in total) -
YouTube Investigating Calendars FREE Year 6 PowerPoint Lesson Autumn Term
I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
FREE Year 6 PowerPoint Lesson -Investigating Calendars - Autumn Term
Learning Objectives:
Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers by finding examples that satisfy it.
Develop from explaining a generalised relationship in words to expressing it in a formula using letters as symbols.
This lesson came from my FREE Year 6 Maths pack (11 Lessons) -
I want to make KS2 SATs revision fun. I want it to be something students and teachers really enjoy. I have taken each of the SATs revision tests and combined the original test papers and the original marking schemes into PowerPoints where you ask a question and immediately see the the answer on the next slide. This teaching packs covers KS2 Maths and KS2 SATs SPAG tests (Spag is English grammar, punctuation and spelling Papers)
The idea is that you can now ask a question and all your students show you the answer on their mini-whiteboards and then you discuss the answers together and see what would have got one or two points. As the students can work in pairs or small groups on the questions, they are less stressed and enjoy the whole revision process. In addition, it gives them a chance to learn about other student’s strategies.
This pack could be used in the classroom for whole class teaching, for small groups or at home as a great teaching resource.
FREE YouTube Year 6 Ratio and proportion Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Autumn Term
I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
FREE Year 6 Maths PowerPoint Lesson - Ratio and proportion - Autumn Term
Learning Objective:
Solve simple problems using ratio and proportion.
Identify and use appropriate operations to solve word problems.
Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers by finding examples that satisfy it.
If you like this FREE Year 6 Maths lesson, you should also look at my FREE Year 6 Math pack (11 lessons) -
I have developed a set of weekly Mental Maths for Year 1 children for teachers who want to include Minecraft in the classroom.
I wanted to develop resources where a teacher can teach with Minecraft in a classroom with a single computer and a projector.
I need to mention that Minecraft was created by Mojang AB. and I am not endorsed, associated or affiliated with Mojang AB in any way.
YouTube Number patterns in multiplication tables - Year 4 Maths PowerPoint - Spring Term
I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
FREE Year 4 Maths PowerPoint Presentation - Number patterns in multiplication tables - Spring Term
Lesson Objectives:
I can extend the operations of multiplication and division.
I can use addition to discover multiplication facts.
I can extend my understanding of the operations of multiplication and division.
If you like this lesson, you will love my FREE Year 4 Maths Teaching Pack (11 Maths Lessons) at
These five complete PowerPoint lessons focus on capacity, shape and space. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up activity. This is followed by a main, whole class learning session. The lessons end with a differentiated learning challenge.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 5
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: solve problems
use words about capacity
know relationships between units
estimate, measure and compare capacity.
Lesson 2: Week 5
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: solve problems
use words about capacity
know relationships between units
estimate, measure and compare capacity.
Lesson 3: Week 5
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: solve problems
use words about capacity
know relationships between units
estimate, measure and compare capacity.
Lesson 4: Week 5
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: use words for direction and movement
recognise quarter, half and whole turns
know that a quarter turn is a right angle
give instructions.
Lesson 5: Week 5
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: understand that a quarter turn is a right angle
recognise a right angle
give instructions
describe the position of an object.
Multiplying by 9 YouTube Maths PowerPoint Presentation - Summer Term FREE Year 4
I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
FREE Year 4 Maths PowerPoint Presentation - Multiplying by 9 - Summer Term
Lesson Objectives:
I can tell you something about the properties of numbers.
I can multiply one- and two- digit numbers by 10.
I can multiply by 10 and then adjust in order to multiply by 9.
I can practise multiplying by 9.
If you liked this lesson, you will really like my FREE Year 4 Maths Lesson Pack (11 Springboard Lessons) -
Lots of different Year 6 (KS2) revision tests. What makes these teaching resources special? I have combined the different official documents, so you have the questions and answers all in one place. You can choose if you have the questions followed by the answers or if you prefer all the questions together, followed by all the answers together. This means it is much more flexible in the classroom as you can set a question, then review the question as a class or you can work your way through a whole test paper at once!
When I used the original book with an interactive whiteboard, I was always annoyed at having to skim to the end of the book to show an answer. I wanted it on the next page.
In addition, I have now replaced all the pictured with much more stimulating colourful pictures. I have also taken the time to follow the advice of Dudley council and sorted the different problems into age groups and blocks.
You will notice there is some repetition of problems both between blocks and in different year groups. The students can try the same problem twice at different times, as this is excellent consolidation. It is also an excellent time to suggest students think about how they could change the problem.
How can this be used in the classroom?
This could be used as an assessment at the start or the end of a unit. It also could be used as an emergency set of lessons for any teacher while covering another teacher’s maths classes.
In addition, it is also an excellent set of resources to prepare for different exams. Look at how the students resolve a problem and identify the different ways different students attempt to answer the same problem.
In addition to answering the problems, this is also an excellent time to look into inverse operations. How do we know we have found all the answers? How do we know we have found the correct answer?
I have really enjoyed making these mental maths problems a lot more accessible. I have enjoyed teaching them in a wide range of different classes and I hope that you too will enjoy making maths fun.
I have been a keen fan of this book for a long time. I was really excited to see as part of the Open Government scheme, I was able to take this book and make it into something I believe is much more user friendly.
When I used the original book with an interactive whiteboard, I was always annoyed at having to skim to the end of the book to show an answer. I wanted it on the next page.
In addition, I have now replaced all the pictured with much more stimulating colourful pictures. I have also taken the time to follow the advice of Dudley council and sorted the different problems into age groups and blocks.
You will notice there is some repetition of problems both between blocks and in different year groups. The students can try the same problem twice at different times, as this is excellent consolidation. It is also an excellent time to suggest students think about how they could change the problem.
How can this be used in the classroom?
This could be used as an assessment at the start or the end of a unit. It also could be used as an emergency set of lessons for any teacher while covering another teacher’s maths classes.
In addition, it is also an excellent set of resources to prepare for different exams. Look at how the students resolve a problem and identify the different ways different students attempt to answer the same problem.
In addition to answering the problems, this is also an excellent time to look into inverse operations. How do we know we have found all the answers? How do we know we have found the correct answer?
I have really enjoyed making these mental maths problems a lot more accessible. I have enjoyed teaching them in a wide range of different classes and I hope that you too will enjoy making maths fun.
When I used the original book with an interactive whiteboard, I was always annoyed at having to skim to the end of the book to show an answer. I wanted it on the next page.
In addition, I have now replaced all the pictured with much more stimulating colourful pictures. I have also taken the time to follow the advice of Dudley council and sorted the different problems into age groups and blocks.
You will notice there is some repetition of problems both between blocks and in different year groups. The students can try the same problem twice at different times, as this is excellent consolidation. It is also an excellent time to suggest students think about how they could change the problem.
How can this be used in the classroom?
This could be used as an assessment at the start or the end of a unit. It also could be used as an emergency set of lessons for any teacher while covering another teacher’s maths classes.
In addition, it is also an excellent set of resources to prepare for different exams. Look at how the students resolve a problem and identify the different ways different students attempt to answer the same problem.
In addition to answering the problems, this is also an excellent time to look into inverse operations. How do we know we have found all the answers? How do we know we have found the correct answer?
I have really enjoyed making these mental maths problems a lot more accessible. I have enjoyed teaching them in a wide range of different classes and I hope that you too will enjoy making maths fun.
This summer I improved my Place Value presentation. I have created both a PowerPoint and a YouTube version of my presentation.
I have been looking at the materials I need to update and improve and I found this little gem.
If you are looking for a fun, free, Year 3 Autumn term lesson about place values, complete with a warm up, main lesson and a plenary, then I would highly recommend you try this one. If you go to, you will find it as part of my complete FREE Year 3 Maths teaching pack.