Fabulous reading / speaking fun!! Adapted from an excellent english resource (from a colleague, I don't know the original, I'm sorry...). This can be adapted for any MFL and ability. Create a text document / print a webpage etc of suitable reading, about three/four paras is good. Pupils have up to 20 mins free access to dictionaries / online dictionaries. Help with idioms or complex language as needed. Then once ready, teams of equal ability (max. 4). One student starts to read and can be 'tackled' after 10 words for the definition / spelling etc. All instructions are in German and English but is completely adaptable. Pupils must shout 'tackle' or 'goal' in TL. Extremely good fun, have a whistle ready as referee!!
Focus on listening skills at GCSE, based around BBC Berlin clip. Higher ability gapfill listening and dictionary work, then listening to an embedded file, people saying what they did and their opinions.
All feedback welcome.
Higher ability but could be differentiated. Students must scan and retain information with time constraints, then deliver back orally and give advice in the conditional based on what they have read.
Reading comprehension from Boardworks, higher level content reading, formatted and added to by me. All feedback much appreciated, please...
Lots of scaffolding to encourage personal responses of opinions and advice on healthy eating at breakfast. Lots of focus on subordinate clauses to hit A* material for controlled assessment. Can be used for spoken and written. (Sorry - just edited to say I've missed out an umlaut on gesunder - please add it in!)
designed for KS3 students who are having additional SPaG lessons. Variety of activities, reading, thinking skills, especially holding information in their heads to then write down.
Lots of group talk / higher level discussion in this lesson exploring christian viewpoint on suffering - who is responsible? Tracing back to Adam and Eve who 'let in' evil via free will etc... Fun video, lots of AfL and group discussion. WITH THANKS to another TES uploader - I nicked a slide off one of your presentations!
very scaffolded materials to help students cope with conjugating verbs whilst describing themselves, and then other people. Lots of thinking and speaking work to maximise interactivity
Simple writing activity - text taken from TES (thanks to the author...forgotten from whom I lifted this!) and A*/A/B level prompts added to improve the quality of the writing significantly.