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Pompey Rich's Educational Emporium (est in the year 10,191)

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A local shop full of precious things




A local shop full of precious things
REVISION: "Stalin's Rise to Power

REVISION: "Stalin's Rise to Power

Stalin’s record as a revolutionary before 1924 The power struggle within the Communist Party ‘Permanent revolution’ versus ‘socialism in one country’ Stalin’s defeat of Trotsky and the Left Stalin’s defeat of the Right Colour coded: green statistics; yellow definitions; blue dates


Powerpoint and worksheets looking at the relief and geology of the UK's landscapes Starter: video and dice-rolling activity about the rock cycle main activities: 'Classifying rocks' worksheet (comparing formation, Moh's hardness and human uses) filled in as the pupils read and discuss the Powerpoint slides. Discussions to analyse a variety of linked physical maps. Mapwork to colour areas of granite and chalk, then to add the Tees-Exe Line (including the pattern of the age of rocks from the Grampians to the South Coast). Differentiated questions about the links between geology/UK landscapes and how the Tees-Exe Line can help describe landscape distribution. Plenary: further locational knowledge of UK upland landscapes
SMSC slides

SMSC slides

Powerpoint slides to copy into your own presentations Covers social, moral, spiritual, cultural, literacy and numeracy components
Homework booklet: "RAGING RIVERS"

Homework booklet: "RAGING RIVERS"

Eight page booklet : define rivers keywords, comparison of the Rivers Severn and Nile; a SPAG exercise about the Humber Estuary; a page to annotate a map of the Colorado to show the importance of the river basin; a moral dilemma based on the water conflict between the USA and Mexico; a look at the holiness of the Ganges; and finally research to find the etymology of British river names
Homework booklet: TOHOKU TSUNAMI

Homework booklet: TOHOKU TSUNAMI

Eight page booklet : define tectonic keywords, complete a fact file about the Tohoku Tsunami; SPAG exercise about Japan's seismicity; empathise with a parent, a businesswoman and a farmer from Japan after the disaster; a moral dilemma about the continued use of nuclear energy; a question about God's role in natural disasters; draw your own version of The Great Wave by Hokusai
Homework booklet: CHANGING CHINA

Homework booklet: CHANGING CHINA

Eight page booklet : define Geographical keywords; complete data file on China's Last Emperor; SPAG exercise about China's pollution; draw and analyse a graph of China's population; Moral decision comparing Communism and Capitalism; Cultural: copying Chinese characters for some Geographical words; drawing/colouring Chinese dragon and lion
REVISION: "Top Girls"

REVISION: "Top Girls"

A Level revision notes about ‘Top Girls’ by Caryl Churchill Context Feminism Motherhood The female body Religion Rebellion Women’s roles The state Freedom Hope
REVISION: "Water and carbon cycles"

REVISION: "Water and carbon cycles"

A Level revision notes Colour coded: green statistics; yellow definitions; blue dates Systems framework and their application Water on planet Earth, Atmospheric water Factors driving the change in magnitude of water stores Drainage basin systems Water balance The storm (flood) hydrograph Examples of how land use changes can affect the water cycle The carbon cycle Case study of a tropical rainforest setting- water and carbon in the Amazon
REVISION: "Ecosystems under stress"

REVISION: "Ecosystems under stress"

A Level revision notes Colour coded: green statistics; yellow definitions; blue dates Nature of ecosystems Food chains, trophic levels and food webs Succession Example of a terrestrial ecosystem in the UK- The chalk downlands of the South Downs Climate change Human exploitation of the global environment Global trends in biodiversity An example of a tropical coral reef system, the Jamaican coral reef Biome 1- Tropical evergreen forest Biome 2- The savannah grassland biome Case study of a specified ecosystem at a local scale- The Sefton Coast sand dunes
Homework booklet: RAW RESOURCES

Homework booklet: RAW RESOURCES

Eight page booklet : define Geographical keywords; map countries and name their main exports; SPAG exercise about consumerism; find job titles to fit the four industrial sectors; moral dilemma about buying resources from developing countries; give own opinions about religious quotes regarding the environment; a question about our disposable society and new technology
Homework booklet: SERIOUS STUFF

Homework booklet: SERIOUS STUFF

Eight page booklet : define Geographical keywords, map imported items' origins found around the house; SPAG exercise about globalisation; explain the reasons for child labour being so common; questionnaire about shopping habits and attitudes; empathising with opinions of shop owners, shoppers and child labourers; comparison of multi-cultural preferences vs traditional British life


Powerpoint and worksheets covering destructive plate margins and collision zones Starter looks at the highest and tallest mountains on Earth, then compares them with Mons Olympus on Mars . Destructive margins activity is a mystery, answering the question "Why are there a line of volcanoes down the western coast of South America?" Collision zones activity answers the question "Why are there marine fossils on top of Mount Everest?" Plenary looks at how the African-Eurasian margin has created the hills and valleys of south-east England Includes video links and differentiated questions
Development 1: "Development Revision"

Development 1: "Development Revision"

A recap of previous learning, covering contrasts in development between places, development indicators and graph analysis. Aimed at GCSE, KS4, Years 10 and 11. Contains a starter, several activities and a plenary.
The break with Rome in the 1530s

The break with Rome in the 1530s

The Reformation Parliament and the establishment of Royal Supremacy The extent of religious change in the 1530s Opposition to religious change Royal authority and government in the 1530s colour coded: green statistics; yellow definitions; blue dates