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Whole lesson with activities covering medicalisation in terms of the 'Third Sex', 'Homosexuality' and 'Dying'. Covers points such as cross-cultural perspectives and social control. Originally produced for Access to Higher Education but could be adapted to meet some Sociology specifications for other courses.
Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology

Whole lesson covering what forensic psychology is and treatment of criminals. Student activities contained.
Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology

LO's: Describe and evaluate two relevant theories in Attachment. Describe and evaluate supporting studies in attachment Use relevant terms and concepts relating to developmental psychology Apply the nature versus nurture debate to your chosen theories Designed for Level 3 courses. Student activities embedded throughout the presentation.
Atypical Psychology

Atypical Psychology

A very detailed, heavy session which covers various aspects of Atypcial Psychology, including activities for students. I would recommend re-formating to make slides more user friendly. Originally designed for Access to Higher Education but can be tweaked to fit A-Level specifications.
Introduction to Mental Health

Introduction to Mental Health

This PowerPoint is full of student activities and was originally created for Access to Higher Education Learners to be delivered over two days. This unit of work covers introduction to mental health and mental ill-health, defining mental health, diagnostic manuals and reliability of these, types of mental illness, data exploration activities and scenarios based on the current mental health crisis. I was observed twice throughout this unit and received a grade 1. There are lots of links which can be pulled out for lesson planning in terms of English, Maths, Employability and Equality and Diversity.