I was born in Ireland and grew up in South Africa. I have had a wondefully rich life in terms of experiences, travelling and learning about different cultures. I currently live in Dubai, UAE. My best travel spots so far have been Peru, Prague and Jordan! All of them are must see's!
I create engaging and creative resources for early years and primary students.
I was born in Ireland and grew up in South Africa. I have had a wondefully rich life in terms of experiences, travelling and learning about different cultures. I currently live in Dubai, UAE. My best travel spots so far have been Peru, Prague and Jordan! All of them are must see's!
I create engaging and creative resources for early years and primary students.
These 80 Task Cards are a great way to introduce or reinforce Verbs for your kiddo’s. They are differentiated to include 2 levels so that you can challenge, support or meet your learners needs.
Task Card Set 1: Identify the verb in the sentence (Multiple choice option a,b,c) Level 1
Task Card Set 2: Identify the verb(s) in the sentence(s) Level 2
Task Cards Set 3: Identify the verb in the picture (Multiple choice option a,b,c) Level 1
Task Card Set 4: Identify the verb in the picture
There are 4 options of worksheets : 1 - 20, 1- 10 and landscaped square boxed style.
This is inspired by Jolly Phonics. It includes 26 bubble letters from A - Z and pictures inside. Students need to search for and color the pictures that match the initial sound :)
Simply print and go! No fuss :) It follows the progression of initial sounds as below :)
On My Own Center- This math center is designed for independent 'On My Own' practice to develop the concept of odd and even numbers,
There are 5 different centers for odd and even included in this pack.
Center 1:Odd and Even number sort - Numbers 1 - 45 with numeral and number word.
Center 2: Odd and Even sort with numbers from 1 - 99
Center 3: Write the Room odd and even numbers - 2 versions. 1-20 and 20 - 99
Center 4: Odd and Even number puzzles- match the number puzzles with odd and even numbers - differentiated. 10 Frame, 1-10 and 20-99
Center 5: True and False: Sort the statements about odd and even numbers into true and false e.g.: 7 is an even number
This is a perfect station/center to help your kiddo's improve their voice/expression while reading as well as fluency! :) This allows kids to be independent at their centre.
Center 1: Kiddo's choose a voice/expression card and can read one of their books using that expression.
Center 2: Kiddo's use the fluency strips and read the phrases/sentences in the voices indicated. There are repeated phrases with different voices to work on fluency or their are sentences that match the picture to focus on expression. (These strips can be cut and laminated and put together with a key ring so they can flip)
Center 3: Kiddo's use one of the two stories I have included with the expression face cues to help them read the speaking part with expression.
Center 4: Create your own fluency/expression strips using the blank fluency/expression strips.
Included in the pack:
17 x expression/voice cards
2 x stories (Gingerbread Man and 3 Little Pigs)
24 x voice strips
6 x fluency strips
1 x blank fluency or voice strips.
4 x tub/jar/center lables.
Enjoy! :)
On My Own Center- This math center is designed for independent 'On My Own' practice to develop the concept of skip counting in 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4.
There are 5 different centers for skip counting included in this pack.
Center 1:Skip counting by 2's
Center 2: Skip counting by 5's
Center 3: Skip counting by 10's
Center 4: Skip counting by 3's
Center 5: Skip counting by 4's
This Write and Wipe CVC product is great for reinforcing letter sounds introduced as well as initial, final, medial and blending skills.
There are 5 different ways you can use this product and it can be differentiated.
Option 1: Tracing of the word to match picture
Option 2: Filling in the missing vowel sound
Option 3: Beginning sounds
Option 4: Ending sounds
Option 5: Writing the whole word independently.
These Fluency Pyramids are a great tool to help struggling readers improve their confidence. These Fluency Pyramids cards are based off TRICKY WORDS. This is perfect for an independent literacy centre, home reinforcement or extension. It includes one fluency Pyramid for each TRICKY WORD.
Included in this are:
I The He She Me
We Be Was To Do
Of Are All You Your
Come Some Said Here
There They Go No
So My One By
Only Old Like Have
Live Give Little Down
What When Why Where
Who Which Any Many
More Before Other Were
Because Want Saw Put
Could Should Would
Right Two Four
Goes Does Made Their
Division wheels are a fantastic way to practice addition facts. These can be used as math centers for independent math practice or as support or extension work. They can also be used during small group math instruction.
There are two differentiated options included in the pack so you can meet your students needs.
Subtraction wheels are a fantastic way to practice addition facts. These can be used as math centers for independent math practice or as support or extension work. They can also be used during small group math instruction.
There are two differentiated options included in the pack so you can meet your students needs.
Addition wheels are a fantastic way to practice addition facts. These can be used as math centers for independent math practice or as support or extension work. They can also be used during small group math instruction.
There are two differentiated addition wheel options included in the pack so you can meet your students needs.
On My Own Center- This 61 page math centrer is designed for independent 'On My Own' practice. These math number bonds have 3 versions to meet your students needs.
Version 1: Write the missing number in the blank box.
Version 2: Add the two numbers together and write the missing number in the top box.
Version 3: Look at the number in the top box and write two addends that equal the number in the top box.
Each page has 4 number bond boxes for easy printing options.
These Task Cards are a great way to introduce or reinforce Synonyms for your kiddo’s. They are differentiated to include 2 levels so that you can challenge, support or meet your learners needs. In total there are 84 Task Cards
Task Card Set 1: Identify the noun in the sentence (Multiple choice option a,b,c) Level 1
Task Card Set 2: Identify the noun(s) in the sentence(s) Level 2
Task Cards Set 3: Identify the noun types (person place animal thing)
Task Card Set 4: Identify the noun types (person place thing)
There are 5 options of worksheets : 1 - 20, 1-24,1 - 10 and landscaped square boxed style.
These Task Cards are a great way to introduce or reinforce Contractions for your kiddo’s. They are differentiated to include 2 levels so that you can challenge, support or meet your learners needs. In total there are 110 Task Cards
Task Card Set 1: Write the two words eg.: it’s - it is
Task Card Set 2: Write the contraction e.g.: he is - he’s
Task Cards Set 3: Multiple choice contractions: am, is, are, not
Task Card Set 4: Multiple choice contractions: have, has
Task Card set 5: Multiple choice contractions: will, would
There are 5 options of worksheets : 1 - 20, 1 - 32, 1 - 10 and two landscaped square boxed style.
There are many ways to use the task cards. They could be used as oral prompts with small groups or whole class and have student discussions. They could be used individually in a notebook or on the answering sheets provided, they could be used in paired or partner work or as a game board. There is a game board included in the download. You could use them orally with small groups and have students ask each other questions.
An answer key is included.
On My Own Center- This math center is designed for independent 'On My Own' practice to develop the concept of 2D Plane Shapes,
There are 9 different centers for plane shapes included in this pack.
Center 1: Roll It, Graph It, Tally It - roll the shape dice, graph the shape rolled and tally it.
Center 2: Roll and Build: You will need popsicle sticks. Students roll the dice and build a shape with the attributes shown: e.g.: build a shape with 4 sides etc.
Center 3: Shape Hunt: Find the 2D shapes in the picture.
Center 4: Shape Riddles: Read the riddles and match the shape to the riddle.
Center 5: Shape riddle 2: Choose a shape and create your own riddle
Center 6: Shape Puzzles: Read the rule and build the puzzle.
Center 7: Picture Shape Match: Match the real life shapes to the 2D shape mat
Center 8: Picture Shape Match: Match the shape word to the real life picture shape
Center 9: True and False: sort the statements into true and false.
On My Own Center- This math center is designed for independent 'On My Own' practice to develop the concept of non standard measurement.
There are 4 different centers for plane shapes included in this pack.
Center 1: Sail Away: Use the fish or anchor ruler to measure the sailing themed cards. Record answers on the sheet.
Center 2: Clip It! Use the egg ruler to measure the lines. Clip the egg with the line that matches the number on top.
Center 3: Spin it, Find it, Measure it: Choose a unit: paperclip, blocks, fingers etc. Spin a number and find an object to match.
Example: paperclip unit, spin a 4, find an object that is 4 paperclips in length.
Center 4: Measurement Hunt:Search around the room for objects to match the number in the measurement hunt.
I Spy Tiny Words CVC and Digraphs
All my kids LOVE using magnifying glasses! All you need to do is give your kids a magnifying glass so they can find the tiny words in the picture. Your kids will get tons of reading practice as well as writing practice. There are 2 recording sheets included. Simply print and laminate for durability.
There are Color and BW versions included in this resource.
Included are the following sounds:
On My Own Center- This math center is designed for independent 'On My Own' practice to develop the concept of number order.
There are 7 different centers for number order included in this pack.
Center 1: Monster Order: Differentiated (Numbers 1 - 10, 11-20, 1 - 50) Look at the numbers on the card and write them from biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest.
Center 2: Sunrise: Spin 4 numbers on the sun and record the numbers you have spun. Then sort them from smallest to biggest.
Center 3: Sunset: Spin 4 numbers on the sun and record the numbers you have spun. Then sort them from biggest to smallest.
Center 4: Rabbit holes: Fill in the missing numbers to complete the number order pattern.
Center 5: Color up and down. Place the crayons upside down, choose between 3-5 and write them from either biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest (differentiated numbers 1 - 50 for your choice)
Center 6: Puzzle strips - put the numbers in order from 1 - 10 or 11-20 to build the puzzle
On My Own Center- This math center is designed for independent 'On My Own' practice to develop the concept of fractions,
There are 5 different centers for fractions included in this pack.
Center 1: Fraction Action - Match the fraction picture and numeral from 1/2 - 1/8ths
Center 2: Write the Room Fractions
Center 3: Fraction puzzles - Find the fraction displayed and build the puzzle
Center 4: Fraction Bag Drop - pull a fraction card and use 2 different colored counters to represent that fraction.
Center 5: Fraction Match with a cute doggy theme :)
On My Own Center- This math center is designed for independent 'On My Own' practice to develop the concept of adding 3 numbers.
There are 5 different centers for adding three numbers in this pack.
Center 1: Find and circle 3 numbers that make the number in the square.
Center 2: Sort the equations into true and false on the mat. Rewrite the false equations.
Center 3: Match the missing number to make the addition sentence true.
Center 4: Write the equation that matches the picture cards.
Center 5: Roll 3 dice, add them together and cover the number.
On My Own Center- This math center is designed for independent 'On My Own' practice to develop the concept of tally marks.
There are 6 different centers for number order included in this pack.
Center 1: Spotty Balloons: Count the spots on the balloons and record them as tally marks. Numbers 1 - 18.
Center 2: Match the tally puzzles. Numbers 1 - 30
Center 3: Tally Draw: Choose a number card between 1-45 and record them as tally marks on the tally sheet.
Center 4: Spin or Roll and Tally. Spin or roll an animal from the animal farm, graph it and tally it.
Center 5: Up Up and Away: Match the hot air balloon number with the tally cloud.
Center 6: Clip It: Count the tallies and clip the correct answer.