richardfraserLesson 2 Spanish greetings and classroom questions.(0)Lesson 2 Spanish greetings and classroom questions.
richardfraserFirst year Spanish Lesson 1 introductions. How are you. Como estas. Classroom instructions(3)First year Spanish Lesson 1 introductions. How are you. Como estas. Classroom instructions If you like it please give a rating!
richardfraserThe formal elements(0)Students learn about the formal elements and make themselves a reference page.
richardfraserSectional views. Cross sectional drawing. Technical drawing(0)Sectional views. Cross sectional drawing. Technical drawing. Worksheet included.
richardfraserScale of Production. Batch production. Mass production.(0)Scale of production lesson. The main task is to page paper boats as a production line vs one-off.
richardfraserQuality control and quality assurance lesson(0)Starter, class discussion, notes from youtube video. The video is of condom manufacture- very high standards of checks but you will have to warn your class.
richardfraserProduct life cycle assessment lesson. Scale of production starter.(0)Product life cycle assessment with plastic water bottle as case study.
richardfraserIntroduction to Plastics. Thermoplastics. Thermoforming plastics.(0)Lesson introducing students to plastics.
richardfraserPlastics in the Environment(0)Lesson looking at the effects of plastics in the sea. Main task is piece of extended writing.
richardfraserPhotoshop logo tutorial(0)Photoshop lesson tutorial. Students recreate the snickers logo. Details of where files can be found will need to be adjusted to match your school.
richardfraserPewter Casting lesson(0)Introduction to casting to support teacher demonstration of process.
richardfraserOne point perspective(0)Lesson contains some art history about perspective and activities.