richardfraserKey fob design and make cover task(0)A3 design and make task. can be completed with workshop scraps and coping saws for cover lesson.
richardfraserClassroom rules display. Toilet breaks, hands up, pair talk.(0)10 A3 pages. These can be displayed around your board to remind students of basic rules.
richardfraserColouring in Christmas lesson (Cover work)(0)End of term colouring in lesson. Appropriate for a cover lesson.
richardfraserDesign and technology careers display A3(0)Images of a range of career options for D&T. 11 A3 pages.
richardfraserBlister pack, packaging symbols, typography(0)Graphic design lesson. Redesigning sainsbury’s blister pack. To vacuum form, you will need to make a form.
richardfraserErgonomics and anthropometrics . Exam questions. Design tasks.(0)Ergonomics and anthropometrics . Exam questions. Design tasks. This can be split over 2 lessons or taught together.
richardfraserCustomer profile. Inslusive design. NEA(0)Lesson for NEA. Helping students select and write up their customer profile page. Includes design for the elderly and disabled.
richardfraser2D design mirror tool lesson with tutorial(0)Lesson with starter and step by step tutorial