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PEOPLE WHO HELP US topic pack- school, emergency services, fire fighters
The pack contains:
1- A long colourful display banner
2- Word picture cards with different people who help us, vehicles they use and equipment they use
3- Topic words on display cards
4- A display border with pictures of different people who help us- this can be printed as many times as you need for a display board of any size
5- An A4 word mat with words and pictures
6- A number line
7- A picture bingo game
8- Writing sheets to write about the different people and how they help us
9- Writing sheets
10- A Power Point about different people who help us and how they help
11- A set of cards with equipment used by different people to match to the people
12- A set of hat matching cards to match to the different people
13- Worksheets to draw and write about different people who help us and how they help us
14- Photographs of people who help us and the equipment and vehicles they use
15- Maths counting mats from 1-10
16- Stick puppets to make
17- Colour masks to make
18- An alphabet line on people
19- A set of themed play dough mats
20- Description matching cards to match to the correct person
21- Question cards
22- Two wordsearches
23- A set of speech bubble worksheets to write what each person is saying about how they help us
24- 'Our Visitor' worksheet to fill in after a class visit from somebody who helps us such a police officer etc
25- Colouring pictures
26- A board game where children have to say how the person helps us or who uses the equipment or vehicle- a great game for discussion
The Emergency Services
A Power Point about the emergency services and how the different people help us
A number rhyme set with rhyme card and props and masks 'Five Little Firemen'
A themed writing card
An alphabet line on emergency vehicles
Worksheets about the different services and the equipment and vehicles used
Themed wordsearches
Label the uniform worksheets
Writing worksheets
Dot to dot maths sheets
A number line on hats and helmets
People who help us at school
A Power Point about the different people at school who help us and what they do
A writing mat
Topic word cards about the different people and what they do
Writing worksheets
Themed wordsearches
Various worksheets to write and draw about the different people and the equipment they might use
People who help us to keep healthy
A Power Point about people who help us to keep healthy such as nurses, doctors and dentists
Cut and stick activity to sort the equipment used by a doctor
A writing mat
Themed wordsearches
A number line on teeth
Various writing worksheets
Sorting pictures to sort the food and drink which are good and bad for your teeth

Materials science topic pack- floating and sinking, magnets, sorting activities
A topic pack for teaching about materials
The pack includes:
Display materials including posters, banner, photos etc
A materials bingo game
A Power point about different materials
Sorting pictures
Plus lots more!

The Smartest Giant in Town story resources
A bumper resource pack for the story 'The Smartest Giant in Town' by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. An engaging Literacy unit with worksheets, display materials, games and crafts.
The pack includes:
Display banner- a long colourful banner for your display
Display border- a colourful themed border to print out as many times as you need for a display board of any size
Word cards- words on decorated cards relating to the story
Title poster- an A4 poster with title, author and illustrators name
Word and picture flashcards- colourful cards with the different clothes to add to a display or writing area
A4 word card- an A4 word card with words and pictures for the children to use when writing about the story
Clothes alphabet- a lovely alphabet line on colourful clothes
Writing sheets- a set of writing sheets with borders for the children to write on and use in the writing area
Speech bubble worksheets- fill in the speech bubbles to show what the characters are saying
Word searches- two word searches with words from the story to find
Write about the story- write sentences about the different pictures
Diary- write George’s diary
Questions worksheets- write some questions you would like to ask the Giant
Labelling and matching worksheets- label the clothes and animals, write the missing words, Match the clothing to the correct animal and fill in the initial letters
Letter writing- write a letter to the Giant
Thank you letters and cards- write some letters from the animals to thank the Giant
Sequencing worksheet- cut and stick the story pictures in the correct order
What happens next- draw and write what happens next in the story
Number line- a number line to 50
Missing number worksheets- fill in the missing numbers on the shoes plus a blank worksheet so you can differentiate
Size ordering worksheets
Dot to dots- three different sheets with numbers from 1-10, 1-15 and 1-20
Colour by numbers- colour the pictures using the numbers
Repeating patterns- copy and continue the patterns on the ties
Matching pairs
Bingo- a colourful bingo game
Dice game- throw a die to collect the parts of the picture first
Design a tie- design a new tie for the giant to wear
Tracing ties- various patterns on tie to trace over the dotty lines
Draw new clothes- draw a new outfit for the giant
Finish the picture- draw the missing parts of the different pictures
Face masks- a set of coloured face masks
Stick puppets- coloured and black and white stick puppets

The Three Little Pigs story pack- traditional tales
The pack includes:
Story Powerpoint- A colourful Powerpoint of the story of The Three Little Pigs
Pigs Powerpoint- A Powerpoint about real pigs with sound
Display banner- Two different banners for displays
Character cards- Colour pictures of the Three Little Pigs, Mother Pig and the Wolf- great for retelling the story and for displays
Black and white characters- Great to use for art and crafts
Story props- Large coloured pictures of the houses and the cooking pot- these are also provided in black and white
Face masks- Face masks of the Three Little Pigs, Mother Pig and the Wolf- great to use when retelling the story or for creating new stories- these are provided in colour and black and white
Finger puppets- Puppets to make of the characters from the story
Story words- Decorated word cards with words relating to the story- a great addition to your display or in your writing area
A4 word card- A colourful word and picture card to use when writing about the story
Colouring book- A 24 page colouring book to create using the pictures which are also used in the story Powerpoint
Sequencing pictures- Coloured pictures of the story to sequence and write about
Time game- Collect the clock and matching time card in this o'clock matching pairs game
Build a house game- Roll a die and collect the parts of your house first
House labelling- A worksheet to label the different parts of a house
Photos- Colour photos of pigs and wolves
House photos- Photos of different houses and the different parts of a house
Pig model- Create a 2D moving pig model using split pins
Dominoes- Picture dominoes with pictures of the characters and props in the story
Rhyme game- Collect the correct pictures to rhyme with the ones on your board
Ordinal Pigs- An ordinal number line to 10 with the numbers on pigs
Number line- A number line to 20 with numbers on the different houses in the story
Rhyming pairs- A colourful rhyming pairs game
Display border- Print this as many times as you need for a display border of any size
Pig dice game- Roll a die and collect the parts to make your pig first
Literacy worksheets- Various worksheets such as writing about the story, speech bubbles, matching words to pictures, choosing correct words for the sentences etc
Writing pages- Coloured and black and white A4 pages with decorative borders
Story sack label- A coloured label to add to your story sack
Pigs facts- Fact cards with pictures and facts about real pigs
Tracing sheets- Pictures to trace of the pigs and the wolf and scenes from the story
Wanted poster- Create a WANTED poster for the wolf
Wordsearch- Two different wordsearches decorated with pictures from the story
HFW bricks- The 300 High Frequency words from 'Letters and Sounds' on colourful bricks
Bingo game

Nursery Rhyme bumper pack -EYFS- 10 rhyme packs +planning ideas
A huge pack of resources for use with children in the Early Years.
This pack includes over 200 pages of planning, activities, games, crafts and worksheets to print out and use again and again.
Although the activities are planned for children up to the age of 5, there are many which could be used with older children.
The Nursery Rhyme packs included are:
1- Twinkle, twinkle little star
2- Jack and Jill
3- Baa baa black sheep
4- Little Miss Muffet
5- 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive
6- Hickory Dickory Dock
7- Humpty Dumpty
8- Hey diddle diddle
9- Incy Wincy spider
10- Little Bo Peep
For each nursery rhyme there is a rhyme card in black and white and colour, rhyme sequencing pictures, craft ideas, colouring and activity sheets, puppets and face masks for acting out the nursery rhyme, literacy activities, maths activities plus a sheet of further activity ideas.

Money - Year 2 -AUTUMN BLOCK 3 White Rose Small Steps plus games and display materials
This pack contains over 60 worksheets in small steps for teaching money. The worksheets are differentiated and also include extra worksheets for homework or revision.
Also included are several games and puzzles for reinforcing the concepts.
The pack also includes display materials and large coin and note flashcards (up to £20 note), key vocabulary on display cards, a display banner and several other posters and display cards.

Bumper number rhyme pack- 30 rhymes with props, display, games, masks
Contains resources for 30 Number rhymes.
The resources in the pack for each rhyme include:
An A4 rhyme card- these can be stored with the resources for each rhyme or put together to make into a number rhyme book
Large coloured and black and white pictures- great to create a large number rhyme display and for art activities
A Powerpoint of the rhyme- this could also be printed out to make into a book
A number rhyme flip-over book in colour and black and white so the children could make their own book to take home
Face masks in colour and black and white to accompany each rhyme
A colouring sheet- great for extra activities or for wet playtimes
A number line- some rhymes have individual number lines to 10 or 20 and some have larger display size numberlines to 20 or 50
An A4 sheet to send home with the children with the rhyme on and black and white pictures so they can sing the rhyme at home with their parent/ carer
Props for each rhyme-great to include in a number rhyme sack with the rhyme cards
A game or activity- each rhyme has a different maths themed game or activity such as number bingo, number snap, missing numbers, number matching pairs, number jigsaws, dice games etc.

NEW TERM bumper pack- displays, classroom, games, activities etc
This is a huge pack ideal for a new term or new classroom
The pack includes:
Welcome posters and banners and various classroom posters
All about me workbook with lots of pages and a display banner
Twelve different alphabet lines to fit in with various topics
Areas of learning posters for Early Years and KS1
A birthday pack with display cakes to add names to, a birthday train, days of the weeks posters and flashcards, birthday balloons and a banner
A classroom calendar to make plus posters
Various classroom management posters
Colours posters and games
An emotions pack with worksheets, display materials and activities
Various games to print and play including bingo and matching pairs games
Lots if literacy resources including games, activities, posters, flash cards etc
Five different number lines
Four number rhyme power points
Lots of number resources including games, display materials, flash cards etc
A selection of play dough mats for numbers, alphabet and nursery rhymes
Sand and water area posters
Maths shape resources including activities and games etc
Two story power points
Visual timetables for Early Years and KS1
Other resources including display borders, tray and peg labels plus more

Pirates bumper pack- plus pirate ship role play
A bumper topic pack for pirates, a fun story resource pack for the book ‘Pirates Love Underpants’ and a complete role play set to set up a pirate ship.

PHASE 1- Letters and Sounds resource-IWB Powerpoints-Interactive EYFS BULK PACK
Letters and Sounds Phonics Phase 1 IWB resources
A huge pack with great activities to use on an Interactive Whiteboard or on the computer.
Lots of interactive learning activities to cover Phase 1 of the Letters and Sounds scheme
Aspect 1- Environmental sounds
A trip to the park
A trip to the zoo
Describe and find it- In the Jungle
Describe and find it- On the Farm
Guess the sound
Mrs Browning's box
On the farm
Sound lotto
Sound we like and dislike
Aspect 2- Instrumental sounds
Instrument hunt
What are we playing
Make the sounds
Aspect 3- Body percussion
Noisy neighbour
Noisy or quiet
Aspect 4- Rhythm and rhyme
Animal rhythms
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Hickory Dickory Dock
Bear rhyming pairs
I know a word
Rhyming bubbles
Odd one out
Our favourite rhymes
Rhyming soup- Four versions
Aspect 5- Alliteration
Digging for treasure
Bertha the bus
Clarice the car
Bethany goes to the beach
Sundeep goes swimming
Meet the Aliens
Meet the aliens
Silly soup- Four versions
Tongue twisters
Aspect 6- Voice sounds
Voice sounds
Make the sounds on the farm
Make the sounds at the zoo
Metal Mike
Aspect 7- Oral blending and segmenting
Toy talk
Clapping sounds
I spy
Which one

PHASE 2- Letters and Sounds resource-IWB Powerpoints-Interactive EYFS BULK PACK
Letters and Sounds Phonics Phase 2 IWB resources
A huge pack with great interactive activities to use on an Interactive Whiteboard or on the computer.
Lots of interactive learning activities to cover Phase 2 of the Letters and Sounds scheme
Teaching letters:
A Power point presentation for each letter or grapheme in Phase 2-with slides to show the letter and letter formation and listen to the sound then interactive slides to choose initial sounds.
Practising letter recognition:
Five Power points which show different sets of letters for children to say them as they are shown.
Teaching blending for reading:
Four Power points for children to use the sound buttons to read each word.
Practising blending for reading 1:
Five Powerpoints such as 'What's in the hat' and reading words on bees and clicking on the correct flower.
Practising blending for reading 2:
Three Power points similar to the buried treasure game as phase 2
Teaching segmentation:
Three Power Points using phoneme frames to sound-talk the words and choose the correct letters.
Practising segmentation:
Six Full Circle Power Points- the teacher reads out the word from a list for the children to write and then clicks on the next box on the Power Point to reveal the word for the children to check- each changed letter is highlighted each time.
Tricky words:
Five Powerpoints for reading and practising the tricky words at phase 2.
High Frequency words:
Four Power Points for the children to read the high- frequency word and then a sentence with that word highlighted and then further practice of quickly reading the words at the end.
Reading captions:
Three Power Points where children read the caption and then choose the correct picture to match it.
Writing captions:
Two Power Points which show a picture and a selection of words. Children need to read the words and then decide which order the words come in to make a caption for the picture.

Seaside bumper pack- role play, story resources and topic pack
This bundle contains the bumper seaside topic pack, two seaside themed story packs and a fun role play pack for creating a seaside role play area.

Growing beanstalk story resources - Jack and the Beanstalk, Jasper's Beanstalk, Jim and the Beanstalk
Three great story resource packs packed full with display materials, games, worksheets plus lots more

End of Term / Summer resources pack- writing, memory book, class certificates
A pack of great activites for the end of the school year or term.
Writing activities which could be made into a book or used for assessments.
A fun memory book to make for the children to take home to remember their school year.
A pack of fun, colourful certificates to give out to your class at the end of term.

Life cycle bundle- Frog, Chicken, Duck, Butterfly
Four great packs for teaching about life cycles of animals. Each pack includes display materials, games, worksheets, crafts plus much more.

New Term bumper pack- Multicultural, classroom set
A great set of resources for displaying in your new classroom.

Outdoor learning bundle- Outdoor Play EYFS, Literacy, Numeracy
Three great packs for enhancing your outdoor learning environment in the Early Years.

Minibeasts topic pack and story resources- Very Hungry Caterpillar
A bumper pack of minibeasts resources plus three book activity packs.