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Plant Mineral Requirements - Complete lesson for Section 2E Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Plant Nutrition)

Plant Mineral Requirements - Complete lesson for Section 2E Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Plant Nutrition)

This is a complete set of lesson materials for the section of the specification about the specific minerals plants need to grow successfully. Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. *The resources have been numbered, to show the order in which this unit of work would be taught. If you prefer, simply delete the lesson number from the included files.
Ecology and Population Investigations - Complete lessons for Section 4A of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

Ecology and Population Investigations - Complete lessons for Section 4A of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

This is a complete set of lesson resources for the section of the specification about ecology and population investigations - with details on ecological key terms, and how to effectively use a quadrat to obtain data - the resources have been specifically matched to include details from all previous exam questions. Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. *the documents with key terms and ecological definitions can be printed and done as a large scale card sort i.e. give one to each person in the class and ask them to move to find their partner.
Biodiversity and Measuring Distribution - Complete lessons for Section 4A of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

Biodiversity and Measuring Distribution - Complete lessons for Section 4A of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

This is a complete set of lesson resources for the section of the specification about biodiversity and measuring distribution using transects. Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. (please note, resources are labelled as ‘Lesson 2’, as this is normally taught as the second section of Specification Unit 4A - if you’d prefer, just rename the files)
Feeding Relationships - Complete lessons for Section 4B of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

Feeding Relationships - Complete lessons for Section 4B of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

This is a complete set of lesson resources for the section of the specification about feeding relationships - with details on food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids, with sample exam questions and answers. Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. *(included in the package is a PPT called ‘Images for Marine Food Web Challenge’ - I would recommend that you print these images out, and you could either let students hold them up, or even better, make them into mini face masks/hats to wear, and students can then act as those animals - others then use string to connect them like in a real food web)
Magnification and  Microscopy - Complete lesson as part of Section 2B of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

Magnification and Microscopy - Complete lesson as part of Section 2B of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

This is a complete set of lesson resources which covers microscopes and magnification calculations. Whilst it doesn’t have an explicit specification reference, it is a skills that students are required to master, and exam questions do cover this aspect. Includes materials for both teacher + student. *Please feel free to remove the cartoon image of myself! I use this purely as a means to engage the students, so do replace with other more applicable photos! :) If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk.
Cell Structure - Complete lesson as part of Section 2B of Edexcel IGCSE Biology specification.

Cell Structure - Complete lesson as part of Section 2B of Edexcel IGCSE Biology specification.

This is a complete set of lesson resources for the section of the specification about animal, plant and bacterial cells - structure and function. This has been designed to cover all Edexcel-specific examples. Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk.
Osmosis - For Section 2D Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Movement of substances in and out of cells)

Osmosis - For Section 2D Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Movement of substances in and out of cells)

This is a complete set of lesson materials for the section of the specification about osmosis and how you can use potato tissue to examine percentage gain/loss of mass. Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. *The resources have been numbered, to show the order in which this unit of work would be taught. If you prefer, simply delete the lesson number from the included files.
Photosynthesis, uses of glucose and the test for Starch - 2E Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Plant Nutrition)

Photosynthesis, uses of glucose and the test for Starch - 2E Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Plant Nutrition)

This is a complete set of lesson materials for the section of the specification about photosynthesis (covering word and symbol equations), uses of glucose and the test for starch in variegated leaves. Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. *The resources have been numbered, to show the order in which this unit of work would be taught. If you prefer, simply delete the lesson number from the included files.
Limiting Factors and Greenhouse Design - For Section 2E Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Plant Nutrition)

Limiting Factors and Greenhouse Design - For Section 2E Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Plant Nutrition)

This is a complete set of lesson materials for the section of the specification about limiting factors of photosynthesis, with an engaging design task looking at maximising yield using a greenhouse. Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. *The resources have been numbered, to show the order in which this unit of work would be taught. If you prefer, simply delete the lesson number from the included files.
Leaf structure and Stomata Observations - Section 2E Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Plant Nutrition)

Leaf structure and Stomata Observations - Section 2E Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Plant Nutrition)

This is a complete set of lesson materials for the section of the specification about the cross section of a leaf, and a microscope task looking at stomata with Edexcel-specific questions (comprehensive answers included) - Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. *The resources have been numbered, to show the order in which this unit of work would be taught. If you prefer, simply delete the lesson number from the included files.
Pondweed Bubble Practical for Photosynthesis - Section 2E Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Plant Nutrition)

Pondweed Bubble Practical for Photosynthesis - Section 2E Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Plant Nutrition)

This is a complete set of lesson materials covering the practical aspect of measuring photosynthesis rates using pondweed. Includes materials for both teacher + student. The practical guide allows for students to thoroughly write up the investigation, with a comprehensive marking scheme to follow. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. *The resources have been numbered, to show the order in which this unit of work would be taught. If you prefer, simply delete the lesson number from the included files.
Characteristics of Living Organisms - Complete lesson for Section 1A of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

Characteristics of Living Organisms - Complete lesson for Section 1A of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

This is a complete set of lesson resources for the section of the specification about MRS C GREN and the characteristics of living organisms. Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. (please note, resources are labelled as ‘Lesson 1’, as this is normally taught as the first section of Specification Unit 1 - if you’d prefer, just rename the files. In addition, the million pound drop game can be adapted as you like - I normally play the theme music during the game, and students can either pretend they have a fixed amount of money to play with, or you can print off the money as give students a set amount)
Variety of Living Organisms - Complete lesson for Section 1B of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

Variety of Living Organisms - Complete lesson for Section 1B of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

This is a complete set of lesson resources for the section of the specification about the variety of living organisms, the different kingdoms that exist and a dedicated section about viruses. This has been designed to cover all Edexcel-specific examples. Includes materials for both teacher + student. If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk. (please note, resources are labelled as ‘Lesson 2’, as this is normally taught as the first section of Specification Unit 1 - if you’d prefer, just rename the files)
Levels of Organisation - Complete lesson for Section 2A of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

Levels of Organisation - Complete lesson for Section 2A of Edexcel IGCSE Biology

This is a complete set of lesson materials for the section 2.1 of the specification. Includes materials for both teacher + student - *the game included is best played when the cells are printed in full colour :) If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk.
Fish Farming - for Section 5A Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Food production)

Fish Farming - for Section 5A Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Food production)

This is a complete set of lesson resources for the section of the specification about fish farming. Includes materials for both teacher + student, and summary questions which can be used to consolidate the whole of topic 5A Food Production (simply use whatever you find appropriate) If you have any questions at all about the resources - how to use a particular component, then please do email me at roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk.