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The Attacks on France: Creating Social Awareness
This resource is a set of worksheets that deal with the Paris Bombings on November 13th 2015 by terrorist groups. It is designed to create an open discussion among students for important social and cultural awareness development. There are 4 activities in total with one possible expansion topic dealing with research on the nature of terrorism.

Know Your Grammar:Idioms (question sheet and answer key)
This resource helps students understand complex idioms and their figurative meanings.It can be used as a test,worksheet task or as an activity.
It also comes with an answer key for the teacher.

Grammar Essentials-Nouns,Verbs,Adjectives,Pronouns and Adverbs.
This slide presentation is a slideshow of these parts of grammar. The slides include examples and can be used for ESL and first language students.

This source can be used to introduce a set of grammar work or as a whole lesson. It focusses on each of the following:
-What are connectives? (+examples)
-What punctuation works with them (+examples)
-Where can conjunctions be placed in a sentence (+examples)
-A brief recap of what was learned in the lesson

The Hibernation Game ( Set 1:Bears)
This game is targeted towards young learners.
Purpose: It focuses on hibernation and has illustrations of 3 specific bear types that hibernate. Each bear type has four in a set.
Suggestion: Allow students to colour the cards before laminating.
Hide cards around the classroom and ask students to find them.
Once found they have to give a fact on hibernation or identify an animal that hibernates.

Propaganda: A critical study (Part 1)
Purpose: This first part explores Edward Filene’s seven criteria for identifying propaganda.
The slides define propaganda and it’s origin/popularity,and also include common elements of propaganda.
This resource is aimed at students in the following subjects:
Social Sciences (Historical Sciences)
Literary study and analysis
Critical Thinking

A Cricket in Times Square Final Test Paper
The complete test for ‘Cricket in Times Square’. This test includes comprehension questions, critical thinking, multiple-choice, and vocabulary/short answer questions.
Total Pages

Book Study: Soraya: The Storyteller Chapter 1
This English set book works on issues associated with race,refugees,ethnicity and immigration.This unit of work deals with:
An introduction of the first chapter.
Character listing
Glossary of terms
Discussion questions

The San-Bernardino Massacre: Why Was this Such an Unusual Shooting?
This resource can be used as a single unit of work or as a point of reference for discussions and assessments. It tackles issues on gun laws in North America and the right to bear arms. It also has an in-depth section dealing with the unusual aspects of the events-what made this shooting so different from most others? Lastly, the resource covers the similarities of the event and why it has some likeness to other massacres of the decade.

The San-Bernardino Massacre: Why Was this Such an Unusual Shooting?
This resource can be used as a single unit of work or as a point of reference for discussions and assessments. It tackles issues on gun laws in North America and the right to bear arms. It also has an in-depth section dealing with the unusual aspects of the events-what made this shooting so different from most others? Lastly, the resource covers the similarities of the event and why it has some likeness to other massacres of the decade.

Crow Country by Kate Constable -Full Assessment Task and Rubric
A complete assessment for Crow Country!
This no-fuss resource offers four unique writing options students can choose from to respond to the text ‘Crow Country’.
It also has a complete rubric and a list of targeted skills by year level taken from the national curriculum.
You can also find the complete novel study in my store. :)

Fluffy Goes to School (Kate Mcmullan) short story workbook
This workbook works great with the short story ‘Fluffy Goes to School’. It has a fun crossword, vocabulary words, and comprehension questions. There is also a creative activity at the end, where students can imagine crazy things that Fluffy could use his cage accessories for.

Information texts: newspaper reports- lesson 2
This resource shows students how to write and identify newspaper reports as informational texts. It includes a newspaper sample and some practice questions. It also has a grammar focus on proper nouns.
It is an extension of lesson 1, also found in my shop.

Informative Texts- Newspaper Report Activity Lesson 1
**All about Newspaper Reports! **
In this engaging and interactive lesson, primary-level students are able to discover:
What constitutes an informative text and it’s narrative purpose.
How they are written, in particular, the elements that make up an effective and exciting newspaper report.
Important writing conventions that students can use to draft and write their own reports.
Students have three main activities in this lesson. They can first identify headlines in activity 1 before moving onto activity 2, where they will have to select information from a news article and label it according to the 5 elements of a report.
The last task asks students to select their own article and decode the elements independently or in pairs.

'Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl'/The Holocaust (Workbook and Homework Units)
The purpose of this resource is to not only explain the historical context of the Holocaust, but also show the social significance it had on a personal level for the Jewish nation. The source uses the context of 'Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl' to explain this in depth.
The source has:
An introduction to Jewish Persecution
An Introduction to 1933 Nazi Germany
An introduction of the novel and it's characters
12 homework units based on each chapter of the book

Improving Your Writing: Figures of Speech
This resource focuses mainly on the use and function of the following figures of speech used in Literature:
Antithesis (Opposites)
Similes and Metaphors (comparisons)
Hyperbole (Exaggerations)
Euphemism (Understatements)
Personification (personal qualities given inanimate objects)

Apartheid and Segregation in South Africa- Activity and word glossary
This worksheet is essential to those teaching Apartheid within higher levels of high school, it has a basic list of terms that students will likely encounter when studying this section. It also has a song activity (protest music of the Apartheid era) and a definition section on the aforementioned terms.

A Lamb to the Slaughter introduction-What is a Short Story
This slideshow is essential for an introduction to short story writing in the context of A Lamb to the Slaughter.

Critical Thinking Task: Refugees-Allow or Refuse Entrance?
The task focuses on the long-debated question- whether refugees deserve to seek refuge in safer countries or whether they should not be allowed entry to first world countries.The lesson includes 2 clip sets that can be shown in class, a series of questions allowing for critical thinking and a short-essay section in which students argue for or against this topic.

Adaptations: Wonders grade 3/ week 3 unit 4
This unit is a companion to the Wonders grade 3 curriculum (unit 4 week 3), on animal and human adaptation.
It covers all of the vocabulary words and has an assignment question on either human or animal adaptation.
Skills: Compare and contrast