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Lesson 9 Dynamo 3 module 3 listening and reading revision
Lesson 9 is a listening and revision revision lesson which includes:
revision activity on the near future tense
word of the day: écouter
reading: find the person who activity
reading: read the blog extracts about 2 concerts and answer the questions (multiple choice)
listening (from the book): listen to the interview with Luna, a singer, and choose the correct answers
listening (from the book): listen to the interview with Sylvain and answer the questios in English (transcript included)
reading: translate 4 sentences into English

Lesson 6 Dynamo 3 vert module 3 - La musique, c’est ma vie!
Lesson 6 is a reading focus lesson which includes:
revision/recall activity on different vocabulary to describe a concert + challenge.
word of the day: jouer.
match up activity - students try to recall vocabulary or use infer strategies to choose the correct translation.
short KO with vocabulary for the next 2 lessons.
reading: read the text about Bastien and write down 5 sentences to summarise what he says.
reading: find all the verbs in the text and divide them into present and perfect tense.
reading: match up the answer to the question.
translate the text into English

Lesson 7 Dynamo 3 vert module 3 - la musique, c'est ma vie!
Lesson 7 includes:
recall activity: verbs in the past and present tense - translation into English.
word of the day: dernier
grammar recall: the perfect tense
reading: take into account the information about the perfect tense to find out if the verbs in the last are in the past or the present and then translate into English
reading activity from the book: find the verbs in the text and sort them out depending on if they are present or perfect tense
reading activity from the book: fill in the gaps
reading: match up the question in French to the translation in English
reading: match up the question in French to the correct answer, then write adapt the answers to write your own answer

Lesson 8 Dynamo 3 module 3 revision lesson
Lesson 8 is revision focus, it includes:
revision activity on adjectives.
word of the day: ennuyeuse
reading: copy and complete the opinions with the adjectives from the revision activity
2 reading activities
- task 1: frequency words
- task 2: comparative
reading: put verbs in brackets into the perfect tense
reading: find the verbs in the near future tense in the text then translate them into English
tangled translation of previous text

Lesson 4 Dynamo 3 vert module 3 - je suis allé à un concert
Lesson 4 includes:
revision activity on opinion phrases + challenge
word of the day: concert
match up activity with vocabulary in the perfect tense
short KO with vocabulary for the next 2 lessons in the perfect tense
reading/match up activity
grammar focus: the perfect tense
reading activity: a description of a trip to a concert
translation of the text into English

Lesson 1 Dynamo 3 vert module 3 - qu'est-ce que tu écoutes?
Lesson 1 includes:
recall/starter activity + challenge
word of the day: écouter
short KO for next 2 lessons (opinions + types of music)
match up activity
fill in the gaps with frequency words
2 prep activities in order to complete the listening activity on the book
listening activity
translation activity.
Includes challenges/extensions.

Lesson 1 Dynamo 3 vert - module 5: le monde francophone
Learning objective: to review articles, in order to use them in sentences so that we can talk about the French-speaking world
This lesson includes:
revision activity on vocabulary from module 4 (I would like, there is, to eat, I eat, it is, it is not + sentence level translations)
word of the day: le pays
small knowledge organiser with vocabulary used during the lesson
listening: listen and read the sentences, which photo is it?
reading: copy and complete the English translation, pay special attention to the articles
grammar: the indefinite vs the definite article
listening: listen and identify the correct country (1-4)
translation: translate the transcript from last task

Lesson 2 Dynamo 3 vert - module 5: le monde francophone 2
Learning objective: today we are reviewing articles, in order to use them in sentences, so that we can talk about the French-speaking world
Word of the day: aux
The lesson includes:
revision activity on vocabulary from previous lesson.
short knowledge organiser with vocabulary for the lesson
listening: use the grid to note one place and one food for each country. Then listen and check if your guesses are correct
speaking: trapdoor activity with table from previous task
grammar: fill in the gaps with the correct article
writing: write a sentence in French then swap books and your classmate translates your sentence
translation: translate the text into English

Lesson 3 Dynamo 3 vert - module 5: on va voir des choses extraordinaires
Learning objective: today we are reviewing adjectives, in order to use them in sentences so that we can describe impressive places.
Word of the day: vieux
Lesson includes a short knwoledge organiser with the vocabulary for the lesson and a variety of listening, reading and writing activities.

GCSE Spanish writing - get to know the 90-word task mark scheme
Be the examiner activity is a lesson I have designed so my GCSE students understand the mark scheme for the 90-word task better.
Students will be divided into groups and will be marking 3 texts as if they were examiners. This is a good opportunity to review tenses so I have included a slide with a short summary of: preterite, imperfect, present, near future and simple future.
Once students have finished marking the 3 texts, they will give these writings a mark and individually they will have to complete a reflection sheet that includes two questions:
Give a piece of advice to the student who wrote answer 1. How could they improve their answer?
Is there any mistake you have realised you do when completing your 90-word task that you will remember for your next task?
You will find a PDF and PPT document attached.

AQA GCSE writing
Year 11 - AQA GCSE writing revision: Foundation + Higher
The bundle includes:
writing-based activities which you can use to plan a whole lesson on writing or in order to use these activities in your own lessons.
150-word challenge booklet for Higher tier.
writing-basen lesson or project: students are the examiner for the day and will have all the resources to mark 3 writings and learn how to improve their own 90-word tasks.

Viva 2 - module 5: operación verano (5 lesson bundle)
Viva 2 - second edition
Module 5: operación verano
This material includes 5 lessons, one for each section on the book, including sentence builders and activities to develop all four skills (speaking, listening, writing and reading)

Bundle - Dynamo 3 vert module 4 - le meilleur des mondes
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11

Lesson 4 Dynamo 3 vert module 5 - réserver des excursions
Learning obejective: today we are reviewing verbs with the infinitive, in order to use them in sentences so that we can talk about holiday activities.
Word of the day: l’excursion.
The lesson includes 2 knowledge organiser on the vocabulary for the lesson, a variety of activities to review the vocabulary from last lesson and the introduction of the new vocabulary through listening and translation activities.

Lesson 5 Dynamo 3 vert - module 5: réserver des excursions 2
Learning objective: today we are reviewing verbs with the infinitive, in order to use them in sentences so that we can talk about holiday activities.
Word of the day: la piscine.
The lesson includes reading, listening, speaking and writing activities as well as two short knowledge organisers with the vocabulary for the lesson.

Lesson 6 Dynamo 3 vert - visite a un pays francophone
Learning objective: today we are watching a video, in order to review what you have learnt so that we can review gaps in knowledge.
Word of the day: un pays.
The lesson includes listening and writing activities as well as two short knowledge organisers with the vocabulary for the lesson.

Lesson 9 Dynamo 3 vert - rencontrer des jeunes francophones 2
Learning objective: today we are using the present tense, in order to describe people and what they do so that we can review the present tense.
Word of the day: rencontrer
This lesson includes reading, writing and translation activities as well as a knowledge organiser with the vocabulary for the lesson.

Lesson 7 Dynamo 3 vert - visite à un pays francophone 2
Learning objective: today we are preparing a fact file, in order to showcase what you have learnt so that we can review gaps in knowledge.
Word of the day: visiter
The lesson includes reading, grammar (the comparative), listening and writing activities as well as two short knowledge organisers with the vocabulary for the lesson.

NEW GCSE - writing checklist (foundation and higher)
This is a resource I have created to use with KS3 aiming to meet the objectives of the writing paper in the new MFL GCSE. This resource has been created after attending the get-ready-to-teach trainings from **Edexcel **and also with the help of the resources online.

Lesson 11 Dynamo 3 vert - On va jouer au foot 2
Learning objective of the lesson is: today we are talking about the future plans, in order to review the near future tense so that we can be aware of our gaps in knowledge.
Word of the day: gagner.
This lesson includes reading, listening and translation as well as a knowledge organiser with the vocabulary for the lesson.