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Bright Spark

Average Rating3.70
(based on 18 reviews)

I am a passionate science teacher with a specialism in biology. I have over 16 years of teaching experience and have experience working and as Co-director of key stage 4 and head of biology.




I am a passionate science teacher with a specialism in biology. I have over 16 years of teaching experience and have experience working and as Co-director of key stage 4 and head of biology.
RESPIRATION ( 5.7) OCR A A-level biology BUNDLE

RESPIRATION ( 5.7) OCR A A-level biology BUNDLE

This respiraiton bundle is completely compatible with OCR A-level biology A, equipped with detailed powerpoint presentations for every lesson on the unit and exam questions. This is suitable for most exam specifications if adapted slightly. There are 3 extended syntoptic/application exam questions taken from the new specification papers, including markschemes.
OCR A-level biology A  (6.4/6.2.1) Cloning and biotechnology Practical exam, and synoptic exam Qs

OCR A-level biology A (6.4/6.2.1) Cloning and biotechnology Practical exam, and synoptic exam Qs

Fantastic practical exam questions on 6.4 cloning and biotechnology - completely compatible with OCR A-level biology A specification! This bundle contains exam questions on planning an experiment on renin, a synoptic question on asexual and sexual reproduction This also contains a resource on the effect of calcium ions on milk coagulation. This includes a practical pack, including investigative skills/experimental questions, technicians sheet, and also challenging evaluative questions such as limitations and improvements. Furthermore, it contains a really good evaluative pack on the experiment ‘estimating the number of microbes on the surface of peas’. Both of these experiments were used as controlled assessments in the old specifications - however, really relevant to module 1 skills- skills our students really struggle on! If you like this bundle, then buy my full bundle, with ALL the lessons!
OCR A-level biology PAG check lists, Student-friendly and personalised!   plus additional PAGs!

OCR A-level biology PAG check lists, Student-friendly and personalised! plus additional PAGs!

Highly recommended by OCR monitoring visitor!! Here we have personalised, student-friendly check lists for students to use to self-assess themselves against the criteria for each PAG. Teachers can also assess students skills, write the comment and date, and sign at the bottom. If students improve their work, it can be clearly written on the check-list on the ‘date achieved’ section. Additionally, i have added extra PAGs I have devised in order to allow students to meet skills they may have not met at the end of the two years. These are on skill areas: Graphs, biological drawings, collecting data and research skills. If you like this bundle- then please check out my HUGE Practical endorsement bundle, which has excellent resources and everything needed for a head of biology to implement practical endorsement. Please leave a review! :)
OCR A-level Biology 6.1 cellular control lessons and exam questions!

OCR A-level Biology 6.1 cellular control lessons and exam questions!

Here is a powerpoint presentatation and exam questions ( on 6.1 cellular control) suitable for OCR A-level biology A specification and most post-16 specifications. Topics include: mutations and their effects lac operon Homeobox genes and apoptosis Please leave a review, and check out all my other A-level biology resources!
OCR A-level biology A : PAG student checklists and personalised guidance notes and HoD resources!

OCR A-level biology A : PAG student checklists and personalised guidance notes and HoD resources!

This bundle has EVERYTHING your A-level biology department needs to successfully implement the practical endorsement component of the A-level specification! I say everything- as everything in this bundle was highly recommended by an OCR official during a monitoring visit! It consists of: Student-friendly check lists for every PAG + additional ones we have made in order for the students to meet the skills a summarised, student-friendly document of the OCR practical document showing the criteria used to assess biological drawings, graphs and table of results. moderation activity sheets for staff to fill in scanned examples of students work to use for moderation, to ensure staff are confident with assessing particular skills. Additionally, this allows departments to work collaboratively and collectively come to an agreement about how to assess the skills. Staff questionairre of the flexi-tracker- this was a fantastic way for me to assess which areas students needed training on, I was able to see their confidence level at the start of the training session and at the end! Analysis of questionairre document Additional PAG activities for students to complete incase they have performed poorly on biological drawings, graph skills or research skills. Note- you will need to add these PAGS to the flexi-tracker and add/ update the skills. NEW: Powerpoint presentation on PAG skills e.g. biological drawings, graphs etc. Having had a scary OCR monitoring visit, we were highly advised to make PAG check lists for every PAG! This has been a FANTASTIC way of documenting which skills students have met, and if not - why they did not meet a particular skill. It Also allows the monitoring visitor to see whether a student re-met the skill on a later date, therefore showing the examiner you are not freely giving away ‘mets’! Not only has this allowed us to track student’s progress, but it allows students to clearly see which criteria they need to meet, and why they have not met it, thus allowing them to use formative feedback to improve their skills. The checklists also has relevant maths skills, and a section where students can. The moderation documents are essential and will help develop consistency in marking, for all biologists in a particular department. My staff were very pleased with the moderation activities, and honestly said how much it benefited them and improved their confidence in assessing the skills. I truly hope this helps, it truly helped us as we were awarded with a pass for the practical endorsement- phewwww! please leave a review!
Photosynthesis Unit resource bundle ( 5.6/5.2.1) -OCR A-level biology A-specification

Photosynthesis Unit resource bundle ( 5.6/5.2.1) -OCR A-level biology A-specification

This is an absolutely amazing deal, and will save you hours worth of work! This   is becaus this superb Photosynthesis unit bundle contains - I repeat contains   EVERYTHING you need to effectively teach the unit to your A-level biology students! This bundle is completely compatible for the new OCR A-level biology A specification and includes: *** Detailed and informative lesson presentations on all the topics exam questions on literally all the topics - all in seperate word documents so you can print it bit-by-bit as you teach a fantastic practical photosynthesis exam question pack - have endured the painstaking process of extracting ALL- yes ALL the experimental questions on photosynthesis into one booklet! ** ** There is an pair-activity on cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation, whereby students use the grid to assess each other’s understanding on both of these processes. Students need to verbally recall or draw diagrams, while the other person acts as the assessor.** there is a fantastic, challenging synoptic extended question where students are required to compare photophosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation, students can use the fantastic diagrams provided. Topics include: The interrelationship between respiration and photosynthesis - includes a challenging synoptic question! Chloroplast and photosynthetic pigments structure and function The light dependent stage the light independent stage photophosphorylation factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis
Animal responses ( 5.5/5.1.5) lessons for the  new A-level biology OCR specification

Animal responses ( 5.5/5.1.5) lessons for the new A-level biology OCR specification

This resource bundles is completely compatible with the OCR A-level biology A specification. This power point presentation includes ALL the lessons on animal responses, every slide is colourful with eye-catching imagery to ensure students do not get bored! These lessons are informative, engaging with questions, starters and plenaries! Every lesson has relevant learning outcomes, key words and activities! There are new spec exam questions and old, and a 5.5 end of unit test!
5.1.5 or 5.5 Plant responses - OCR A-level biology A unit Bundle- everything you need!

5.1.5 or 5.5 Plant responses - OCR A-level biology A unit Bundle- everything you need!

All you need to effectively teach the plant responses unit for the new OCR A-level biology A-specification! Also compatible with other specifications! I have spent a great deal of time to make this dull topic interesting! You will find a very colourful, informative and engaging power point presentation including everything from the specification. Every lesson includes learning outcomes, key words, starters, plenaries and exam questions! Additionally, there is a plant responses end of unit test ( with mark scheme) and challenging Auxin experimental exam questions ( with mark scheme). Topics include: phototropism, geotropism, chemotropism, thigmotropism experiments on Auxin, plant hormones and cell signalling, uses and actions of: Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Abscisic acid (ABA), Ethene, The experimental evidence for the role of auxins in the control of apical dominance The experimental evidence for the role of gibberellin in the control of stem elongation and seed germination practical investigations into the effect of plant hormones on growth Updated resources: A 17 mark exam question taking from Cambridge A-level biology specification on how increasing the concentration of GA affects seed germination. This also included relevant experimental questions, Including a 7 mark question on writing a method, Animal and plant responses end of unit test Check my animal responses unit bundle for all other 5.5 resources.
Statistical tests in biology test & STATS exam q pack ( OCR A-level biology)

Statistical tests in biology test & STATS exam q pack ( OCR A-level biology)

This test is a great way to assess your students on the following statistical tests: student T- test Chi-squared test Simpson’s index of diversity Standard deviation Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient All these statistical tests are fundamental in the new A-level biology specification, These test will allow you to see how confident your students are with applying the statistical tests and interpreting the calculated values. UPDATE: A Statistical tests pack which includes all the statistical tests questions from OCR A-level biology has now been made, This also includes a mark-scheme. I have also included a front sheet which summarises the purpose of each test, examples, describing null hypothesis using examples, and when how to reject or accept null hypothesis. Print this off if you do not want to print the tests off separately!
OCR A-level biology Practical skills in Biology tests, practical skills booklets + MORE!

OCR A-level biology Practical skills in Biology tests, practical skills booklets + MORE!

100% suitable for OCR A-level biology A specification, 100% suitable for other specifications with slight tweaks! Are your students struggling with those difficult practical skills questions? Do you want to give your students some much needed practice on skills based questions on practicals, and want to identify specific areas of weaknesses? Then look no further! I have made resources which have had amazing feed back from both students AND teachers: I have made: *two practical skills tests ( a short test and a long test) These tests address all the module 1 assessment requirements, covering areas such as: Planning, analysis, interpreting data, evaluation. two booklets of ALL spec A and spec B experimental questions other smaller practical skills test packs A ‘practical skills assessed’ hand book which outlines all the requirements for module 1, including a check list for planning an experiment! UPDATE!!* I have uploaded a ‘key skills in biology’ powerpoint, this includes the differences between accuracy, precision, repeatabillity, reproducibility and validity. Also, this includes annotated practical skills questions which will help students practice essential exam skills, plus there are student exemplar answers which have been marked by examiners. Students are given examples of experimental methods in many of the questions, and are asked on many occasions to identify limitations and improvements - these questions are very common for the new specification! As head of A-level biology, I have seen a huge improvement in our students’ responses to practical skills questions after assessing them with this test! Good luck!
4.3 Classification and evolution OCR A-level biology A resources

4.3 Classification and evolution OCR A-level biology A resources

An excellent and detailed powerpoint presentation on classification. End of chapter questions included. Lessons include: biological classification Features used in classification evidence used in classification the three Domain system Classification and phylogeny A powerpoint is also included on Evolution and natural selection. There is a 4.3 exam pack, including numerous challenging questions on classification and evolution - there is a mark scheme also! A separate exam question pack is included with new specification questions on phylogeny and evidence using in classification. Lastly, smaller booklet questions is included with new specification questions on natural selection and evidence, natural selection 12 mark question, Evidence used in classification 6 mark question.
Evolution OCR A-level biology A  lessons

Evolution OCR A-level biology A lessons

All you need to teach Natural selection and Evolution for any specification! Here you have power point presentations and exam questions, all relevant to the new A-level OCR biology specification! Powerpoint presentations are very detailed, including topics such as variation, natural selection, adaptations, evidence for natural selection, and many example questions on natural selection! Check the 4.2 Exam pack, it is packed with lots of relevant evolution questions ( with classification questions also), with mark schemes also!
Cloning and biotechnology ( 6.2.1/ 6.4) BUNDLE!  new  OCR A-level biology spec resource

Cloning and biotechnology ( 6.2.1/ 6.4) BUNDLE! new OCR A-level biology spec resource

UPDATED with even more exam questions Here you have lessons needed to teach the Cloning and biotechnology unit from the New OCR A A-level biology on! Amazing price considering the amount of time invested! This resource bundle consists of individual power point presentations, lots of relevant important exam questions taken from the previous specification and legacy specification - it will save you a lot of time looking for these ! The best thing about this bundle is, it contains a resource on the effect of calcium ions on milk coagulation. This includes a practical pack, including investigative skills/experimental questions, technicians sheet, and also challenging evaluative questions such as limitations and improvements. Furthermore, it contains a really good evaluative pack on the experiment ‘estimating the number of microbes on the surface of peas’. Both of these experiments were used as controlled assessments in the old specifications - however, really relevant to module 1 skills- skills our students really struggle on! UPDATE: I have added 3 more exam question packs on industrial fermenters and population growth, and an exam pack on 6.4 using exam builder.
OCR A-level Biology A Manipulating Genomes unit ( 6.1.3 or 6.3)

OCR A-level Biology A Manipulating Genomes unit ( 6.1.3 or 6.3)

A fantastic A-level Biology resource pack, completely compatible with the new OCR A-level A biology specification, and the OCR endorsed text-book. SEVEN carefully planned lessons on Manipulating genomes unit! it will really save you a lot of time planning for this unit! This pack contains power point presentations for each lessons and challenging exam questions to help prepare students for their exams. Exam questions are mainly from the legacy specification and previous specification- will save you hours, without the need to trail through all exam papers!
Osmosis in plants observation resources

Osmosis in plants observation resources

EVERYTHING you need to teach osmosis! This resource pack includes an excellent power point presentation, which slowly introduces the concept of osmosis, step-by-step instilling key concepts including ideas on Turgidity, plasmolysis and flaccidity. This presentation also includes an experimental component on osmosis in potatoes, including a planning experiments, conclusion and evaluation section, and key skills based questions. This resource bundle is completely relevant for the OCR Gateway science 9-1 specification, IGCSE biology and any other specifications! The powerpoint presentation includes all the information needed to teach osmosis effectively, including exam questions, useful animations and diagrams, and differentiated learning outcomes. Also, there are two differentiated workbook packs for higher and lower ability students, this worked really well for the weaker and more-able students. Furthermore, there are excellent 6 mark questions and skills based questions for students to work through, including a role play activity! Hope it helps!