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Sam curran's Shop

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A shop which mainly offers secondary school mathematics materials such as worksheets, revision materials and investigations. Also on offer are English Language resources in particular advice on essay writing. Finally, the shop also offers materials geared towards career education such as giving students advice on how to compose CVs, university personal statements and covering letters with templates and model examples provided.




A shop which mainly offers secondary school mathematics materials such as worksheets, revision materials and investigations. Also on offer are English Language resources in particular advice on essay writing. Finally, the shop also offers materials geared towards career education such as giving students advice on how to compose CVs, university personal statements and covering letters with templates and model examples provided.
How to write different styles of essays

How to write different styles of essays

This is a guide which covers how to answer the whole spectrum of essay questions at GCSE, A Level and university, with in-depth advice on how to answer each type of question (as well as being accompanied by a handy bank of words for each question). Whilst serving as a useful pedagogical guide for teachers, this could also be distributed as a revision aid or tool for students to help them understand how to answer each essay question.
Template for creating a model CV

Template for creating a model CV

This is a template of how to create a model CV, which is predominantly aimed at those in the upper secondary school and sixth form pupils who may wish to compose a CV to apply for a job or to possess for University. It is easily adaptable for either secondary school or college pupils. The template is designed in an accessible manner and allows students to complete their CVs easily by using this authoritative guide. This could be part of a PSHE/Careers lesson or else be an activity to be completed in form period.
A Level English Student Revision Pack

A Level English Student Revision Pack

6 Resources
A set of resources that are ideal for those studying and teaching A-Level English Language. Included in the bundle are a set of revision notes covering the main topics in Child Language Acquisition, including notable theories, definitions of key words and stages of development. It also contains a set of guides on essay writing techniques, including how to be critical and paraphrase in an essay as well as handling different types of essay questions with model answers and worked examples. The bundle concludes with an extremely useful learning mat (with colour and diagrams) on how to write essays at college including how to structure and compose essays, key words, phrases and terminology, a list of dos and don’ts of academic writing and tips for formatting and achieving good marks.
Sixth Form Student University Survival Guide

Sixth Form Student University Survival Guide

This is an incredibly informative, over 100-page guide, on how to both survive and succeed academically at university. Written in an accessible, easy-to-understand manner, this book is the ideal starter guide for prospective university students at GCSE or A-Level. It contains a wealth of advice about academic life at university including how to select the right course, writing a successful personal statement, different types of lectures, marking criteria and advice on all aspects of writing good essays including how to plan/structure essays, write introductions, paraphrase, reference, proofread and be critical. It also provides model answers and templates for creating personal statements, CVs and essays. The book also contains advice from both past and present students and a raft of handy hints, tips and tutorials, this guide is essential reading for any student considering studying at university.
GCSE Maths (Foundation and Higher) Ultimate Resource Pack

GCSE Maths (Foundation and Higher) Ultimate Resource Pack

20 Resources
This bundle is extremely comprehensive and great value, containing 20 resources which can be used in the teaching and revision of GCSE Maths (Foundation and Higher). It contains banks of starter and exam questions, whole lessons on topics such as Relative Frequency, Area and Perimeter of 2-D Shapes and Constructing and Solving Linear Equations. This is supplemented by a range of tests and worksheets, in addition to a set of thought-provoking investigations for students on topics such as Areas of Triangles and Probability. It’s rounded off by a useful subject self-audit for student and qualified teachers to examine and assess their subject content knowledge.
Sixth Form/College Student University Preparation Pack

Sixth Form/College Student University Preparation Pack

5 Resources
This bundle contains a wealth of resources to help sixth form students and their teachers prepare themselves for university. Included in this pack are 2 guides: one which is a guide to surviving academically at university whereas the other is more general and provides advice about all aspects of university life including studying, money, accommodation and employment. There’s also a useful handout of how to write essays at sixth form/university and templates for creating a model CV and comparing university courses.
Sixth Form Student Guide to University Success

Sixth Form Student Guide to University Success

This is an incredibly useful guide for sixth form/college students on how to succeed at university. It’s written in a friendly, accessible manner and contains advice on all aspects of student life including studying, accommodation, money, the application process, nightlife and university life. This would be the ideal resource for any prospective sixth form student who is considering applying to university as it’s written from the perspective of a fellow student. This guide is extremely comprehensive and contains many hints and tips on how to succeed at university, including writing a successful personal statement and CV (with templates/model answers included), how to select the right university course, infographics explaining the university marking/grading criteria and tutorials on various aspects of essay writing including how to structure an essay, reference sources, how to paraphrase and proofread work and model examples of first class essays. It also offers advice on the non-academic aspects of university life including how to apply jobs, make money and select the right accommodation.
Sixth Form Student Writing,  University and Employability Pack

Sixth Form Student Writing, University and Employability Pack

15 Resources
This bundle contains a wealth of high-quality resources to help sixth form students advance their writing skills, apply to university and also gain employment. The resources in this pack would be very useful as handouts for teachers/tutors to distribute to their students. Within the pack is a series of tutorials aimed at helping students improve their writing skills including how to write different types of essays, be critical and paraphrase in an essay. Also contained in this bundle is numerous resources to help apply to university include model personal statements (for courses such as teaching, chemistry and nursing) and a template with tips to help students create their own. It concludes with materials which assist students in applying for jobs including examples of model CVs (academic and personal) and covering letters and templates for students to create their own CV and covering letter.
Literacy/Humanities Teach Me Tell Me Cards Template

Literacy/Humanities Teach Me Tell Me Cards Template

A collaborative group activity for students which helps them with self-assessment and peer-peer learning. This resource would be most useful in subjects such as Literacy and the Humanities and works well to promote Literact across the curriculum. It gets students to interact in pairs or small groups to teach each other the meaning of key words and terminology. It reinforces pupils’ own understanding of the subject whilst boosting their confidence and team-working skills. This resource could be used as a starter, consolidation activity and plenary and is suitable for students in KS2, KS3 and KS4.
Peer and Self-Assessment CPD PowerPoint

Peer and Self-Assessment CPD PowerPoint

An extremely useful powerpoint on peer and self-assessment which could be used as an informative CPD for staff either through whole school or in departments. The powerpoint easily contains enough material for a 30-45 minute CPD session and is relevant to staff in KS2, 3 and 4. It covers how to easily incorporate self and peer assessment into lessons through 6 clear strategies, the benefits of doing so (backed up by research), examples of good practice and a framework to assess progress against.
Study Skills and Revision Techniques Powerpoint

Study Skills and Revision Techniques Powerpoint

This is an extremely useful powerpoint to deliver to KS3 and KS4 students to teach/advise them revision skills and examination techniques. This could be used in any lesson across the curriculum, as the advice within it applies to every subject. It could be used in a revision class, form period or in any lesson. It’s presented in an interactive, accessible manner and teachers students how to effectively retain knowledge whilst also providing them with a toolkit of effective revision techniques (including simplifying information, mindmapping, repetition and teaching others) as well as advice on productivity, organisation and staying focused as well as where to look for help.
Peer and Self-Assessment Teaching Pack

Peer and Self-Assessment Teaching Pack

5 Resources
A useful set of resources to help teachers incorporate self and peer assessment into their lessons. This bundle is relevant for teachers of KS2, KS3 and KS4. It contains a handout for pupils on Bloom’s thinking hats to encourage meta-cognition and higher order thinking skills and also has a peer assessment template and resource for students to use in class. The pack also includes a collaborative learning activity for pupils to use in teaching other key words and vocabulary. Also included is a CPD session on Peer and Self Assessment which explains techniques and strategies to include it within your lessons.
KS3 and KS4 English Writing Learning Mats

KS3 and KS4 English Writing Learning Mats

5 Resources
A collection of 5 learning mats to assist KS3 and KS4 students with their writing skills in English. They can all be given to students as a revision resource whilst attempting exercises in class or at home. They also act as a useful aid for revision and exam technique. The bundle includes a general writing mat for both KS3 and KS4 as well as ones which focus specifically on punctuation and spelling and non-fiction writing. Also included in this bundle is a learning mat for pupils on Bloom’s thinking hats to help them self-assess their progress and become more reflective learners.
KS3 and KS4 Writing Grammar and Punctuation Learning Mat

KS3 and KS4 Writing Grammar and Punctuation Learning Mat

This is an incredibly useful resource for pupils studying KS3 and GCSE English. It is a writing mat full of helpful prompts to assist pupils in their writing mainly focused on grammar and punctuation. It includes advice on structuring writing, different types of punctuation, common grammatical errors to watch out for, various types of clauses (with examples) and a useful bank of connective words/phrases. This is all contained on one sheet which pupils can have besides them to assist when they are doing any type of writing or answering exam questions. This would be a useful resource to distribute to students for both revision and to assist in-class work.
KS3 Writing Mat

KS3 Writing Mat

This is an incredibly useful and comprehensive resource for pupils studying KS3 English. It is a writing mat full of helpful prompts to assist pupils in their writing including different ways to structure writing, different types of sentences and punctuation (with examples), grammar, spelling connectives, how to plan your work and advice on exam technique. This is all contained on one sheet which pupils can have besides them to assist when they are doing any type of writing or answering exam questions. This would be a useful resource to distribute to students for both revision and to assist in-class work.
KS3 and KS4 Non-Fiction Writing Mat

KS3 and KS4 Non-Fiction Writing Mat

This is an incredibly useful resource for pupils studying KS3/GCSE English. It is a writing mat full of helpful prompts to assist pupils in their non-fiction writing including different ways to structure writing, types/formats of writing, different types of sentences, how to plan your work and advice on exam technique. This is all contained on one sheet which pupils can have besides them to assist when they are doing any type of writing or answering exam questions. This would be a useful resource to distribute to students for both revision and to assist in-class work.
KS4 English Writing Mat

KS4 English Writing Mat

This is an incredibly useful resource for pupils studying GCSE English. It is a writing mat full of helpful prompts to assist pupils in their writing including different ways to structure writing, different types of sentences and punctuation, grammar, how to plan your work and advice on exam technique. This is all contained on one sheet which pupils can have besides them to assist when they are doing any type of writing or answering exam questions. This would be a useful resource to distribute to students for both revision and to assist in-class work.
KS3 and KS4 Punctuation and Spelling Learning Mat

KS3 and KS4 Punctuation and Spelling Learning Mat

This is an incredibly useful resource for pupils studying KS3 and GCSE English. It is a learning mat full of helpful prompts to assist pupils in their study of English including all the different types of punctuation marks and when to use them (with examples) and a collection of common words and commonly misspelled words. This is all contained on one sheet which pupils can have besides them to assist when they are doing any type of writing or answering exam questions. This would be a useful resource to distribute to students for both revision and to assist in-class work.
Sixth Form Student Writing Toolkit

Sixth Form Student Writing Toolkit

11 Resources
This bundle contains a wealth of resources to help sixth form students with their essay writing skills and with applying to university. It contains a set of tutorials on essay writing techniques including how to be critical, paraphrase and write different styles of essays (with word banks included for each type). Also included is a model essay, and handouts for students summarising the main points of good essay writing and top tips for writing a first class essay. It has ample resources to assist students with applying to university. It has a template for creating their own personal statement, a model personal statement (with annotation and commentary) and three other examples of model personal statements applying for chemistry, nursing and primary teaching degree courses.
KS3/4 Characters of Kes Powerpoint

KS3/4 Characters of Kes Powerpoint

A fantastic powerpoint to use in KS3/4 English when studying the novel Kes. This powerpoint contains activities which allows students to analyse the characters of Kes (specifically Billy, Jud and Billy’s mother) and complete a piece of writing analysing Billy’s relationship with his family. The powerpoint is quite interactive and gets students to analyse the characters of Kes in further depth through various activities including discussions and creating flow charts/diagrams examining the personality of each character. Students are guided to write a piece of writing (using the PEE structure) exploring Billy’s relationship with his family.