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English language learning, clothing, TEFL
common clothing items
English language learning

Spanish common animals, language learning
common animals - spanish
language learning
presentation and matching game

Common animals - English teaching, TEFL, language cards, pets
matching cards and powerpoint.
common English animals names. pets
English language learning

Properties of 2D shapes , Year 2 , White Rose Maths
Powerpoint and worksheet for properties of 2D shapes.
Spring block 3 White Rose Maths.

Original Text - Enter The Room, for use as comprehension
Comprehension passage with questions.
Building suspense.

Year 3 and 4 Spellings from the NC word suggestions.
4 weeks worth of spellings.
Plural apostrophe.
Sc and Ch alternative spellings.
Words ending in gue, que or sion.
Ei and Ch alternative spellings.

Homophones and Near-Homophones Spellings for Years 3 /4 , look - cover - write - check
Taken from the national curriculum suggested word list.
5 weeks worth of spellings

Word Classes Powerpoint. Nouns / Adjectives / Verbs / Adverbs. KS1 Revision
Word Class powerpoint as quick revision

KS1 SATS Practice Paper Arithmetic Mathematics Part 1 (C)
Based on questions from previous years, includes answer sheet

KS1 SATS Practice Paper Arithmetic Mathematics Part 1 (B)
Based on questions from previous years tests, includes answer sheet

KS1 SATS Practice Paper Arithmetic Mathematics Part 1 (A)
SATS style questions based on previous years tests. Includes answer sheet

Spelling / Reading (Common Exception) Word Cards Years 1 - 2
Flash cards with straight edges for display or quick fire reading.

Food Tech - Food tasting sheet
Sheet of tasting vocab
sheet for children to fill out to evaluate food they have tasted

I wonder why Romans wore togas - Questions about the book
Questions to be used during guided reading about the book - I wonder why Romans wore togas
full book

Lesson resources for answering and writing in full sentences
2 activities for answering in full sentences and finding possible questions from given answers.
whole class game
powerpoint demonstrating how to use full sentences to answer questions

Dead Gorgeous - Questions to ask with the text
Guided reading questions to be used along side the book - Dead Gorgeous

The Butterfly Lion Questions about the book
Questions for the first 5 chapters of The Butterfly Lion by Michael Murpurgo
To be used in a guided reading session