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Nervous System: Cranial Nerves Matching Cards (Anatomy, Biology)

Nervous System: Cranial Nerves Matching Cards (Anatomy, Biology)

This hands-on, engaging product will help your students to learn about or review the CRANIAL NERVES of the Nervous System. Product includes: 12 Cranial Nerves (scientific name) cards- (Blue) 12 Cranial Nerves (Roman Numerals) cards- (Pink) 12 Cranial Nerves (Functions) cards- (Purple) 12 Cranial Nerves (Sensory/Motor/Mixed) cards- (Royal blue) Student worksheet chart with 12 cranial nerves/roman numeral/motor/sensory/mixed/functions for students to fill out Instructor answer key Students can work individually, in pairs or small groups to sort/match cards and complete worksheet chart. Instructors may choose to give Student worksheet chart after students have sorted and matched cards as Cranial nerves are in numerical order. Students can also sort/match cards for review. Ideal for an Anatomy, Biology or related class and can be used as classwork or review. Cards can be laminated and reused. Number of pages includes all cards, student chart and instructor answer key
Systems of the Human Body Matching Cards (Anatomy, Biology, Body Systems)

Systems of the Human Body Matching Cards (Anatomy, Biology, Body Systems)

This hands-on product will help your students to learn about or review the systems of the human body. Product includes: 12 body system cards- 11 body systems and blood (Blue) 12 body system function cards (Yellow) 12 body system organs/structures cards (Pink) Student worksheet chart with 12 body systems/functions/organs for students to fill out Instructor answer key Students can work individually, in pairs or small groups to sort/match cards and complete worksheet chart. Students can also sort/match cards for review. Ideal for a Life Sciences, Biology, or related class and can be used as classwork or review. Cards can be laminated and reused.
A Day at The Clinic... Nutrition Project (Nutrition/Health)

A Day at The Clinic... Nutrition Project (Nutrition/Health)

Students will assume the role of a registered dietitian and create a detailed and appropriate three day meal plan for their patient and then present their project to the class. Activity includes 11 patient profiles, including age, height, weight, relevant diagnoses, food allergies, exercise preferences and personality traits. Instructor can assign a patient to students or they can pick one that interests them. Ideal for nutrition classes, advanced health classes or any course with a nutrition unit. Project is available as a word document so that the instructor can edit profiles or grading criteria as desired. Suggested grading criteria included.
Genetics Key Terms Matching Cards (Biology, Vocabulary, Heredity)

Genetics Key Terms Matching Cards (Biology, Vocabulary, Heredity)

Learning key terms in any unit is essential but can often leave students glassy-eyed and dozing off…this hands on product offers a way to teach vocabulary and other important terms and keep students engaged at the same time. Genetics key terms include: phenotype, mutation, DNA, hybrid, homozygous, carrier, and many others. Product includes: 56 cards (28 key terms on blue cards/28 definitions on hot pink), instructor answer key, student worksheet with terms (they add definitions) Ideas on ways to use cards: Individual, pairs, or small groups to match cards Students research terms in your text, internet, power point, etc and complete student worksheet. Then use matching cards for reinforcement and review. Divide the cards in half or thirds to make multiple assignments- easier for students to manage. I usually circulate to check student progress and answers. Sometimes, depending on the class, I provide a copy of the answer key for students to check their own work. Ideal for a Life Science or Biology course and cards can be laminated and reused.
Body Regions Matching Terms (Anatomy and Physiology, Health Sciences)

Body Regions Matching Terms (Anatomy and Physiology, Health Sciences)

This hands on product offers a way to teach and review body regions and keep students engaged at the same time. Product includes: 84 cards (42 scientific name for body regions on light blue cards/42 common names on royal blue cards), instructor answer key, student worksheet with abbreviations (they fill in correct terms). Ideas on ways to use cards: Individual, pairs, or small groups to match cards Students learn body regions by power point, textbook, or by researching online. Then use matching cards for reinforcement and review. Divide the cards in half or thirds to make multiple assignments- easier for students to manage. I usually circulate to check student progress and answers. Sometimes, depending on the class, I provide a copy of the answer key for students to check their own work. Instructor can just use the scientific name body region cards to circulate and “quiz” students as they work on other assignments Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology, Health Sciences or related course. Cards can be laminated and reused.
Infection Control Key Terms Matching Cards- Vocabulary, Health Sciences, Nursing

Infection Control Key Terms Matching Cards- Vocabulary, Health Sciences, Nursing

Learning key terms in any unit is essential but can often leave students glassy-eyed and dozing off…this hands on product offers a way to teach vocabulary and other important terms and keep students engaged at the same time. Infection Control key terms include: asepsis, opportunistic infection, spores, pathogen, virus, autoclave, and many more Product includes: 72 cards (36 key terms on blue cards/36 definitions on hot pink), instructor answer key, student worksheet with terms (they add definitions) Ideas on ways to use cards: Individual, pairs, or small groups to match cards Students research terms in your text, internet, power point, etc and complete student worksheet. Then use matching cards for reinforcement and review. Divide the cards in half or thirds to make multiple assignments- easier for students to manage. I usually circulate to check student progress and answers. Sometimes, depending on the class, I provide a copy of the answer key for students to check their own work. Ideal for a Health Sciences, Nursing Assistant or related course. Cards can be laminated and reused.
Infection Control in Health Care POWER POINT (Nursing/Health Sciences)

Infection Control in Health Care POWER POINT (Nursing/Health Sciences)

This 98 slide power point presentation will help to teach your students about infection control in health care. Topics include: very basics of microbiology (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, parasites, spores, difference between bacteria, viruses, treatment of infections), the chain of infection, local vs system infections, body defenses, hospital acquired infections, carriers, vectors, fomites, superbugs, medical asepsis, hand hygiene (handwashing vs waterless cleaners), potentially infectious excretions or secretions, sharps, standard precautions, use of PPE, types of transmissions (direct, indirect, airborne, droplet and vector), isolation, sequence for applying and removing PPE, things to remember and exposure incidents. Ideal for a CNA/GNA/CCMA, dental assistant, surgical tech, or related course and can be used in lecture.
Let's Talk Vocab...Muscular System (Anatomy and Physiology, Biology)

Let's Talk Vocab...Muscular System (Anatomy and Physiology, Biology)

This worksheet includes 100 common vocabulary terms/concepts from the Muscular System Unit of Anatomy and Physiology. Students will provide the term to the correct meaning. It can be used as a vocabulary worksheet or review (students can work independently, with a partner, or in small groups) or as an assessment. Contains a word bank and answer key.
Let's Talk Vocab...The Skeletal System Worksheet (Anatomy, Biology)

Let's Talk Vocab...The Skeletal System Worksheet (Anatomy, Biology)

This worksheet includes 100 common vocabulary terms/concepts from the Skeletal System Unit. Students will provide the term to the correct meaning. It can be used as a classwork assignment (individual, pairs, or small groups), assessment or as an end of the unit review. Word bank and answer key provided.
Name That Tissue Histology Slides (Anatomy)

Name That Tissue Histology Slides (Anatomy)

This Power point presentation will allow students to practice the skill of identifying tissue types from 25 histology slides. Slides include types of epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscle tissue and is ideal for an anatomy and physiology course. Slide of tissue is followed by slide of tissue with correct answer. Teacher may also choose to hide answer slide and use as an assessment.
A Day at the Clinic: Nervous System- Diseases and Disorders Mini-Case Studies

A Day at the Clinic: Nervous System- Diseases and Disorders Mini-Case Studies

This activity includes 7 mini case studies on disorders of the nervous system (Alzheimer’s disease, migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and more). Each case involves a patient who presents with symptoms and students will come up with a diagnosis by identifying key symptoms, determine diagnostic tests, offer treatment options, and finally, discuss the prognosis for the condition. Teachers can determine the depth of student response and whether students work independently or with a partner. Ideal for an anatomy and physiology or human body course and can be used as classwork or as a project. Suggested answer key provided. Note: These scenarios are designed for educational purposes only. In reality, it often takes a long time to diagnose neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or Multiple Sclerosis. When teaching about these disorders, I share with my students that symptoms can be intermittent or vague (like fatigue) for some time, which makes a definitive diagnosis difficult to obtain.
Anatomy and Physiology Pre Test- What Do You Know? (science)

Anatomy and Physiology Pre Test- What Do You Know? (science)

This 100 multiple choice question pre-test is a great first or second day activity to see what prior knowledge students are bringing into your Anatomy and Physiology class. It can be used in class or as a homework assignment, as an individual pre-test, or given to small groups to discuss and work on together. Can also be given at the end of the year as a post test, to see student growth. Questions vary in complexity! Answer key provided.
The Lymphatic System (Immune System, Anatomy and Physiology) POWER POINT

The Lymphatic System (Immune System, Anatomy and Physiology) POWER POINT

This 73 slide power point presentation will introduce your students to the lymphatic/immune systems. Topics include: functions, lymph, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, lymph circulation, organs of the lymphatic system (tonsils, thymus, Peyer’s Patches, spleen), immunity, T/B lymphocytes, antigens and antibodies, and cells of the immune response and other defenses. Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture or in student driven instruction.
The Chemistry of Life POWER POINT (Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology)

The Chemistry of Life POWER POINT (Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology)

This 96 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn how chemistry is related to the human body. Topics include: matter, atoms, isotopes, periodic chart, most common elements of living matter, bonds (ionic, covalent, hydrogen), common substances in living systems (water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, ammonia, nucleic acids, ATP), reactions, movement of substances into and out of cells, and pH. Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture.
Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

This 126 slide power point will help your students to learn about the urinary system. Topics include: kidney anatomy, nephron anatomy, formation of urine, filtration, reabsorption, secretion, urinary output, urinalysis and findings, ureters, urinary bladder anatomy, chemical control of urinary secretion (ADH, Aldosterone, Renin), and brief descriptions of some urinary disorders (UTI, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, dialysis, renal calculi, hydronephrosis). Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture. Can also be used with available Urinary System worksheets.
A Day at the Clinic: Endocrine System Diseases and Disorders Case Studies

A Day at the Clinic: Endocrine System Diseases and Disorders Case Studies

This activity includes 11 mini case studies on disorders of the endocrine system (diabetes, acromegaly, Grave’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, and more). Each case involves a patient who presents with symptoms and students will identify the gland involved, diagnosis of disorder and treatment options. Teachers can determine the depth of student response and whether students work independently or with a partner. Ideal for an anatomy and physiology or human body course and can be used as classwork or as a project. Can be used with other Endocrine system worksheets. Answer key provided.
The Articular System (Joints, Anatomy and Physiology) POWER POINT

The Articular System (Joints, Anatomy and Physiology) POWER POINT

This 45 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about the articular system. Topics include: synarthroses (sutures, syndesmosis, gomphoses), amphiarthroses (symphysis, synchondrosis), diarthroses or synovial joints, types of movement at synovial joints, types of synovial joints, bursitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. Ideal for an anatomy and physiology or related course and can be used in lecture or student driven learning.
Neoplasms (Cancer)   POWER POINT (Anatomy/Health Care/Nursing)

Neoplasms (Cancer) POWER POINT (Anatomy/Health Care/Nursing)

This 84 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about neoplasms. Topics include: definition, growth pattern and appearance, benign/malignant, tissues of origin (sarcomas, carcinomas, lymphomas), normal cell growth, differentiation, benign/malignant neoplastic growth, hyperplasias, cancer development, lymph/blood system metastasis, grading/staging, causes of cancer, personal risk behaviors, cancer prevention, CAUTION acronym. signs and symptoms of cancer, cachexia, and cancer treatment.
Hematology/Blood:  Identifying Leukocytes (POWER POINT) (Anatomy and Physiology)

Hematology/Blood: Identifying Leukocytes (POWER POINT) (Anatomy and Physiology)

This 42 slide power point presentation will help your students learn how to identify the five types of leukocytes. Presentation reviews functions and normal lab values of leukocytes, characteristics of granulocytes/agranulocytes before identifying key information about each of the leukocytes, along with microscopic slide pictures. Finally, students can practice identifying leukocytes with microscopic slide pictures. Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology, laboratory, Medical Assistant, health sciences or related course and can be used in lecture or student-driven learning.