Vocational studies
Health Insurance Word Scramble/Vocabulary (Health Sciences, Nursing)
This product contains 25 scrambled terms relating to health insurance. Students will unscramble the term and then provide a brief definition of the term.
A word bank is included although the instructor may choose to omit in order to make it a more challenging assignment.
Ideal for a Health Sciences, Nursing or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, or review. Answer key provided.
Forensic Science- Blood and Blood Spatter Word Scramble/Vocabulary Worksheet
This product contains 25 scrambled terms relating to blood and blood spatter in Forensic Science. Students will unscramble the term and then provide a brief definition of the term.
A word bank is included although the instructor may choose to omit in order to make it a more challenging assignment.
Ideal for a Forensic Science or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, or review.
Answer key provided.
Forensic Science: Death Word Scramble/Vocabulary Worksheet
This product contains 25 scrambled terms relating to death in Forensic Science. Students will unscramble the term and then provide a brief definition of the term.
A word bank is included although the instructor may choose to omit in order to make it a more challenging assignment.
Ideal for a Forensic Science or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, or review.
Answer key provided.
Introduction to Forensic Science Word Scramble/Vocabulary Worksheet
This product contains 25 scrambled terms relating to introductory Forensic Science. Students will unscramble the term and then provide a brief definition of the term.
A word bank is included although the instructor may choose to omit in order to make it a more challenging assignment.
Ideal for a Forensic Science or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, or review. Answer key provided.
Emergency Preparedness/First Aid True False Worksheet (Health Sciences, Nursing)
This worksheet provides 40 statements on first aid/basic emergency preparedness (note: does not include CPR in this exercise). Students will read the statement and determine whether it is true or false, and if false, make it true.
Ideal for a Health sciences, CNA or Medical Assistant course and can be used as a pre-test, classwork, assessment, or an end of the unit review. Answer key provided.
Emergency Preparedness/First Aid Assessment/Quiz (Health Sciences, Nursing)
This 40 question (multiple choice) assessment will help measure your students’ knowledge of first aid/basic emergency preparedness.
Note: CPR is not included in this exercise
Students will read the statement or question and determine the correct response.
Ideal for a Health Sciences, CNA, Medical Assistant or related course and can be used as a pre-test, assessment, or review for your assessment. Answer key provided.
Health Insurance Key Terms Matching Cards (Health Sciences, Nursing)
This hands-on, fun and engaging product will help your students to learn about or review introductory Health Insurance key terms.
Product includes:
57 Key terms cards/3 blank cards (blue cards)
57 Definitions cards/3 blank cards (yellow cards)
Student worksheet with Introduction to Health Insurance Key terms
Introduction to Health Insurance Key terms Worksheet Instructor answer key
Students can work individually, in pairs or small groups to sort/match cards and complete worksheet. Instructors may choose to give Student worksheet before or after students have sorted and matched cards. Students can also sort/match cards for review.
Ideal for a Health Sciences, Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant, or related class and can be used as classwork or review.
Cards can be laminated and reused.
Medical Assistant: Assisting with a General Physical Exam POWER POINT (Nursing)
This 42 slide PowerPoint presentation will help your Medical Assistant students to learn about assisting during a General Physical Examination.
Topics include: Role of the MA, purpose of a physical exam, safety precautions, exam patient positions, exam methods, order of the physical exam, physical exam equipment, general appearance of systems, post-exam and follow-up considerations and more!
Ideal for a Nursing Assistant or Medical Assistant course and can be used as part of a lecture or in independent study.
Medical Assistant: Assisting with a Pediatric Physical Exam POWER POINT Nursing
This 52 slide PowerPoint presentation will help your Medical Assistant students to learn about assisting during a Pediatric Physical Examination.
Topics include: Role of the MA, stages of growth and development (Neonate, Infant, Toddler, Preschooler, Elementary school child, Middle school child
Adolescent), overview of developmental milestones, pediatric growth charts, pediatric/well-child examinations, recommendations for preventative pediatric healthcare, Immunizations and more!
Ideal for a Nursing Assistant or Medical Assistant course and can be used as part of a lecture or in independent study.
Medical Abbreviations: The Big Review POWER POINT (Nursing, Health Sciences)
This POWER POINT presentation will help your students to review and master 150 common medical abbreviations. Slides display the medical abbreviation on one slide, followed by the definition on the next slide.
Ideal for a Health Sciences, Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant or related course and can be used by the instructor in a whole group setting, in small groups, or for individual study.
A student answer worksheet (with answer key) is included if instructor desires to use.
Note: I also offer many Medical Abbreviation power points, worksheets, and task cards in my store which will help your students to learn these commonly used healthcare abbreviations.