Short , overly simplistic, clunky representation of covalent bond at GCSE level. Me experimenting again. It’s a big file, so it’s probably best just to use the link to Youtube on this page.
This is really just a learning document for me to try out some software. It’s a mess , frankly, but use if you wish.
PS. the youtube version is of higher resolution. This can be accessed from this page.
I wanted some nice graphics concerning the benzene topic for my own use, so I made some vector artwork and thought they might be of some use to somebody. These are all pdf files, but if you want editable svg or eps files, contact me.
I made a tiny mutiple choice quiz widget thingy on this section of the AQA specification. Runs in your browser.
Unzip the download, read the readme, then open the organs quiz folder and double click on the organs quiz.html file.
**Please note: **in order to provide a rich interactive experience, my interactive resources are mini-web sites local to your computer. After unzipping, they comprise a folder containing the main .html file and another folder containing the graphic resources and my coding to make the resource work. Double click on the .html file and the resource will work. If, however , you move or delete any of the files from this hierarchy, the resource will not work.
The traditional textbook graph of this data is very confused. I feel that my presentation of the data emphasizes the role played by hydrogen bonding more clearly. The influence of atomic size on boiling point is also clearly shown by the bp of the noble gases.