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Year 2 - The Snowman Planning
Medium Term Planing for The Snowman by Ramyond Briggs
Suitable for Year 2.

Maths Times Table Tests / Clubs - Complete Scheme - Tables Clubs
A complete set of times table clubs / tests for use across the whole school.
Over 20 different tests - each test has an increased number of questions
All aligned to national curriculum expectations with progression from Y2-Y6.
Each test includes a shape question to challenge children.
Each tests is named after a shape (in order of complexity) - to improve children’s knowledge of shape vocabulary, too.
Tests start with basic objectives covered in Year 2 - Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s etc and progress through all times tables up to 12x12 and then squared numbers, cubed numbers, percentages etc,
Also includes certificates.

Drama and English Display Key Words & Terminology Posters
Drama posters:
Included are Drama key terminology words presented artistically on A4 posters for the classroom. There are 47 drama methods in total which can be printed on A3 or A3 for full effect.
On each poster, there is a drama method, a definition and an appropriate image, whether this is a cartoon interpretation or an image from a play, practitioner or musical that links to it.
Posters include references to practitioner processes, key words, rehearsal devices, theatrical terms, types of theatre etc.
English posters:
Included are English language terms presented artistically on A4 posters for the classroom. There are 39 language methods in total and 31 structural methods (which are particularly useful for AQA GCSE Language Paper 1 Question 3).
On each poster, there is a language method, a definition, an example and an image to link to the example.
I have also included some examples of structural methods on the posters such as sentence types, anaphora, quatrains etc. On the second attachment, there are examples of structural device methods with coloured backgrounds.
Posters include references to An Inspector Calls, Jekyll and Hyde, Macbeth and other Shakespeare texts

AQA English Language Growing Up June 2017 Paper
A 53 slide PowerPoint based on a sequence of lessons covering the 2017 AQA GCSE Paper based on the theme of childhood and growing up.
The PowerPoint covers:
Lesson activities
Exemplar responses
Plans and sentence starters for each question
References to the mark scheme
-Includes a Language Paper 2 knowledge organiser.
A focus on Question 1-4 in depth and then introduction of Q5 task.
Language Paper 2 Top Tips cheat / help sheet
There is no written scheme included, it is just the PPT and the KO.