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Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.




Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Preparing for an Interview - Careers for KS4

Preparing for an Interview - Careers for KS4

A mini module that can be incorporated into any careers Program, that prepares a student for attending an interview, or indeed to support them in preparing for any school based interview process.
Stopping Swearing

Stopping Swearing

A mini-module that I wrote for Life Skills lessons in my role as Head of a PRU. It challenges the students to reflect upon using more appropriate language in and around the school site and to look at alternatives to the inappropriate words students would often use. This resource can be slotted in at any stage to a PSHE, Life Skills or Citizenship Programme.
Careers Action Plan

Careers Action Plan

A useful tool/template that can be completed by students in year 9 - 11, to help them track future career plans and identify the steps they need to take in order for them to achieve their goal. Help students answer three key questions: Where are they now? Where do they want to be in 5 years time? What do they need to do to get there?
Improving Student Behaviour - A Life Skills/PSHE module for Self Reflection and Student Action

Improving Student Behaviour - A Life Skills/PSHE module for Self Reflection and Student Action

A Mini module for students to help them reflect upon their behaviour; it is ideally suited for 1-1 intervention work, although it has been delivered in class, as part of a life skills programme. The module is based on training in basic behaviour management for staff that I delivered, which I turned on its head to help students reflect upon their actions, by putting them in the shoes of the teacher. The resource is part of the behaviour management series I have added here that includes, ‘Positive Teacher Language for Behaviour Incidents’, 'Using Appropriate Questions to Re-focus Students and Behaviour Support Packs 1 and 2.
My Personal Statement Booklet - Exploring your Future Career Pathway

My Personal Statement Booklet - Exploring your Future Career Pathway

Aims for the use of this Booklet: This booklet will help schools support students in developing positive aspirations for the future; the statement produced will help teachers to address the needs of individual students (Gatesby BM 3) and then provide evidence for encounters with employers and employees (Gatesby BM 5) as in Practice Interviews, for example. A positive Careers statement will serve any young person well and advertise their skills, achievements and experiences to future employers and for College and University applications. This extensive step by step booklet can be used for KS4 and Post 16 students alike, as both age groups would benefit from using such a statement alongside their CV. The aim of this booklet is to guide students in to writing a Careers Statement, that helps to show off their strengths, personality and achievements during their school career and to bring together the positives of their educational journey to date.
Improving, Tracking and Monitoring Behaviour Bundle for staff - Updated to include new resources

Improving, Tracking and Monitoring Behaviour Bundle for staff - Updated to include new resources

18 Resources
This Bundle has been updated to include additional resources…these include: Using appropriate language to manage behaviour incidents - for personal or staff training use The very popular IBP template An isolation Reflection Form A popular Behaviour Risk Assessment template This Extensive Bundle contains all ‘Behaviour Related Resources’ from my portfolio that have been developed throughout my career. The Bundle aims to support staff expertise in Improving, Managing and Tracking Behaviour in a range of establishments, as well as providing proven modules of work that can be added to a Life Skills/PSHE Programme to support student self-reflection and which has had proven positive impact, in a range of settings for students from a range of diverse and complex backgrounds. Just Look at what this pack contains Part 1 and 2 of my Behaviour Improvement/Life Skills Module for intensive working with small groups and 1-1 situations Behaviour Training for all staff - using appropriate language/using appropriate questioning to redirect in the classroom, appropriate transition techniques Staff self-reflection Behaviour Management assessment Behaviour targets that can be used to track and monitor student behaviour Extensive work on setting up your new student code of conduct Bullying contract and exemplar letters Advice on improving levels of FTE in your school Using class behaviour protocols to support your teachers The stopping swearing life skills module that helped reduce student swearing in my PRU Behaviour Case Study template for putting together useful case studies for inspection
Careers Education Bundle - Linked to Gatsby Expectations

Careers Education Bundle - Linked to Gatsby Expectations

10 Resources
Careers Bundle Updated. An excellent Bundle that has recently been updated - all of the resources support the development of an effective Careers Programme across KS3-KS5 I have updated this bundle to include: The new World of Work and Jobs module for either Year 7 or 8 A Year 9 Transition Booklet with a focus on next steps in Year 10 A review template to help students think about their career aspirations The Bundle also contains: Student reflection sheets for Work Experience and Work Related Learning. An extensive student booklet that guides them into producing a ‘Careers Statement’ that will prove useful when applying for jobs and College courses. A Careers module self-assessment sheet A mini module focused on preparing for an interview that can be incorporated into PSHE/Careers lessons. A Career Action Plan for students
Behaviour Support Pack 2. -Improving Behaviour Through Reflection and Positive Action

Behaviour Support Pack 2. -Improving Behaviour Through Reflection and Positive Action

Part 1 of 3 Behaviour Support Packs that have been proven to support improvements in Behaviour. A five week module of work that can be used as part of a Life Skills Programme or for intensive 1-1 targeted work. The module uses real life examples as identified by the student through reflection, to help modify and improve their future responses and relationships with staff. The programme aims to support improvements in student behaviour by helping them reflect upon their previous actions and behaviours.
Tutorial  Prompts/Reflective Questions for Students (To be led by form Tutors)

Tutorial Prompts/Reflective Questions for Students (To be led by form Tutors)

This resource identifies a number of questions that can be asked of students during a tutorial/review day or simply used to help prompt appropriate and supportive conversation between a tutor and their students. I wrote this resource for my tutors in a PRU who had to lead student reviews at the end of each term and they found it very helpful in prompting appropriate responses from their students.
An Introduction to the World of Work and Jobs - PSHE/Careers Module

An Introduction to the World of Work and Jobs - PSHE/Careers Module

This 5-6 week module of work for Year 7 or Year 8 explores students perceptions on the World of Work. It would fit well into any scheme of work that relates to the Gatsby Benchmark 1… ‘that every school and college should have a stable, structured careers programme’. The module explores student thoughts on… What students consider to be ‘work’ Thoughts on ‘what makes the ideal jobs’ Exploring the different job sectors What are skills and qualities? What skills and qualities are required of different jobs There is also a careers self-assessment sheet attached to this module which can be used to evaluate what students have learned from the work covered.
Word Quizzes 1-10...Including 5 Themed Quizzes for KS3/4

Word Quizzes 1-10...Including 5 Themed Quizzes for KS3/4

I have updated this resource to now include all 10 Word Quizzes. Guess the Word Quizzes 1-10. These fun quizzes can be used as starter or energizer for any lesson. They could also form an integral part of your Literacy sessions. This selection includes: The England, Scotland and Wales place name quiz Unusual Word Quiz A Grime Music slang selection. A Health and Well Being Quiz A College Focused Quiz 5 standard Word Quizzes A fun and engaging way to start any Literacy/English lesson. Read less
Year 10/11 Sex and Relationships Module (Aligned to RSE expectations)

Year 10/11 Sex and Relationships Module (Aligned to RSE expectations)

A 6-7 week Year 10/11 Sex Education Module that has been written with a focus on Christian ethos that links to positive relationships, love and marriage. The module meets the expectations of new RSE guidance and would be an ideal fit into any PSHE or Life Skill Programme. The main focus of the module is as follows: 1.Relationships, family and friends 2. Teenage expectations 3. What is Love? 4. Getting Married 5. Sexual Responsibility 6. The right to say no
RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Worksheets for KS3 and KS4

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Worksheets for KS3 and KS4

A range of Support/Worskheets for any KS3 and KS4 Relationships and Sex Education Modules that align with new Government guidance. Each of the resources are linked to the modules for RSE I have written, however I have removed some of the work/support sheets from them and added them to this bundle, as many schools will already have their schemes of work in place for this subject. Pick and choose from a helpful range of RSE resources to suit your needs in the classroom.
British Values Statement

British Values Statement

Do you need a British Values Statement for your Website or School Prospectus? Does your Head of PSHE require a BV statement for their departmental handbook or are you reviewing and developing your curriculum. If so, then this BV statement will provide an excellent starting point for your staff and provide all the relevant information that is required for this vital part of the school curriculum.
PSHE/Relationships Education/Life Skills Bundle - Updated for September 2021

PSHE/Relationships Education/Life Skills Bundle - Updated for September 2021

19 Resources
Are you looking to refresh elements of your PSHE/Relationships/Life Skills curriculum in readiness for the start of the new school year. This bundle will provide you with 19 complete modules that I have written and implemented for use in a Whole School Life Skills, PSHE or Relationships Education programs. They are written in lesson plan format and outline step by step the learning activities that need to be delivered. This bundle contains modules that are appropriate for all schools which are linked to expectations for the National Curriculum and National Association for PSHE.