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Sue Summers Shop

Average Rating3.58
(based on 53 reviews)

I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.




I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.
Spanish Ramadan 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Spanish Ramadan 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Students learn Spanish vocabulary associated with Ramadan in a fun, hands on way with these 2 emergent reader booklets. Each contains 8 pages: the title page with 7 additional pages. One contains text and images, and the other contains text only so students can sketch and create their own versions of the booklets. The vocabulary included is: mosque, Koran, praying, lantern, prayer mat, crescent and star, and fasting. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet containing text and images. They then sketch and create their own versions with the text only template. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. 6 pages
Ramadan 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Ramadan 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Students learn vocabulary associated with Ramadan in a fun, hands on way with these 2 emergent reader booklets. Each contains 8 pages: the title page with 7 additional pages. One contains text and images, and the other contains text only so students can sketch and create their own versions of the booklets. The vocabulary included is: mosque, Koran, praying, lantern, prayer mat, crescent and star, and fasting. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet containing text and images. They then sketch and create their own versions with the text only template. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. 6 pages
Spanish Preterit AR Verbs Pair Work Escaleras Activity, Vocabulary, and Quiz

Spanish Preterit AR Verbs Pair Work Escaleras Activity, Vocabulary, and Quiz

Partners quiz each other to see who can get all vocabulary correct and climb "las escaleras", or the stairs. One student has the answer key and the other has the infinitives with subject pronouns. After one makes it to the top of the stairs, students switch parts. The download contains: 1. Activity page answer key grid for partner 1. This page contains 35 verb conjugations of 16 common -ar verbs such as hablar, cantar, bailar, buscar and caminar. They are copied 2 per page. 2. Activity page with infinitive/subject pronoun grid for partner 2. These are also copied 2 per page. 3. Instruction page with suggestions for the activity. 4. Quiz page. This contains the same verbs as the 2 activity pages but is in a quiz format with name, class period, and the total score. 5. Spanish/English vocabulary. These are copied 6 per page for student handouts. This is a good activity to use when -ar verbs are introduced and also as a review for back to school and throughout the year for upper levels. This activity is also available in the present tense. 5 pages
Selfie Sketch and Sentences - English Adjectives, Age, Name, Hair and Eyes

Selfie Sketch and Sentences - English Adjectives, Age, Name, Hair and Eyes

Students sketch a "selfie" in the cell phone and then write 5 corresponding sentences giving basic information and descriptions of themselves. There are 2 versions of the activity to allow for differentiation. One version gives sample sentence structure and students must add their own details such as hair and eye color. They other gives the requirements only. For example: Version 1: a. My name is _____. Version 2: a. Name Each version includes the instructions for the activity. This is a fun presentational activity, and the completed activities will look great decorating a bulletin board or hallway! 2 pages
Spain Booklets - ENGLISH - Spanish Culture

Spain Booklets - ENGLISH - Spanish Culture

Introduce your students to Spanish culture! These booklets contain many things for which Spain is famous such as flamenco, bullfighting, running of the bulls, soccer, olives, castles, cathedrals, Iberian ham and Don Quixote. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet that contains text and illustrations. They then create their own version using the text only template. Each booklet contains 12 pages: the title page with 11 additional pages. This item also includes suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. The booklets are also helpful additions to interactive notebooks. 8 pages
Alphabet Sketch and Color Booklet

Alphabet Sketch and Color Booklet

Students color the alphabet letters and then decide upon and draw their own illustrations for each letter of the alphabet. The booklet contains 28 pages: the title page with 26 additional pages for each letter of the alphabet and an end page. This download also includes several suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Suggested uses include: students share completed booklets with the class or with a partner, students read to a family member at home, students use alphabet pages as flashcards to practice and learn new vocabulary, teacher projects the blank booklet onto the Smart Board and students do quick sketches for each letter and teacher scans sample booklets to share student work with the class. The booklet is helpful for interactive notebook activities, as well. 10 pages
Spanish Verbs Matching Squares / Magic Squares Puzzle Bundle of 4

Spanish Verbs Matching Squares / Magic Squares Puzzle Bundle of 4

4 Resources
Students assemble 4 x 4 bilingual Spanish/English vocabulary puzzles. Just photocopy enough of each puzzle for a class set (1 for every 2 students if working in pairs, or 1 per student if working alone), cut and fasten with a paper clip or put the pieces in a zip seal plastic bag. Distribute to students and challenge them to reassemble the puzzles as quickly as possible. All puzzle sheets include bilingual word lists alongside them. This list is helpful when students are assembling the puzzles and also makes a good review list or bookmark, and can also be used for student pair work. The puzzles contained in the download are: 1. AR verbs 2. ER and IR verbs 3. O - UE stem change verbs 4. E - I AND E - IE stem change verbs Each puzzle contains a page with customer tips. All 4 are also sold individually on TES. Purchasing the the bundle yields a 25% savings over purchasing all 4 individually.
Shapes 2 Early Reader Booklets - ENGLISH

Shapes 2 Early Reader Booklets - ENGLISH

Students first read and cut out the booklet that contains text and images. They then sketch and create their own version using the text only template. Each booklet contains 8 pages: the title page with 7 additional pages containing clip art images and the following shapes: square, circle, oval, rectangle, triangle, cube and cone. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the shapes. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. 6 pages
Shakespeare Idioms and Expressions Presentation and Class Signs

Shakespeare Idioms and Expressions Presentation and Class Signs

Make Shakespeare relevant to your students! These signs will expose your students to 20 of Shakespeare's most well known expressions and idioms. Each contains an expression or idiom, plus the play from which it originates. This item can also be presented in class as a Power Point presentation. The expression or idiom appears first and then the name of the play comes out on mouse click. 21 pages
French Back to School Emergent Readers Bundle - 6 Sets of 2 Booklets

French Back to School Emergent Readers Bundle - 6 Sets of 2 Booklets

6 Resources
Save over 40% with this French back to school booklet bundle! The 6 booklets included in the bundle are: French Alphabet Sketch and Color Booklet French Numbers Bilingual Coloring Booklet French Numbers 10 - 20 Bilingual Coloring Booklet French J'ai Besoin de Class Objects Booklet French Colors Emergent Reader Booklets French My School Emergent Reader Booklets Each booklet contains at least 8 pages: a title page and 7 additional pages. Both numbers booklet sets contain 3 versions of the booklets: French bubble letter numbers with English, French bubble letter numbers with digits next to the English word, and French bubble letter numbers with digits only. Suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page are also included. Students first read and cut out the vocabulary booklets containing text and clip art illustrations. They then sketch and create their own versions of the booklets using the text only template. Your students will have fun sharing their creations with family and friends which will help reinforce their language learning! The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. The booklet pages can also be used as flashcards by folding under the text, and they are helpful additions to French interactive notebooks. Each booklet contained in this set is also available individually on TES. Individual booklets sell for $2.25 - $3.00 each so purchasing this bundle offers a significant savings!
Spanish Word Wall Bundle of 7 Walls - 156 Pages, 284 Words and Phrases

Spanish Word Wall Bundle of 7 Walls - 156 Pages, 284 Words and Phrases

7 Resources
Give your students the visual classroom resources they need to develop reading and writing vocabularies! You'll save over 35% with this Spanish Word Wall Bundle. The download includes 156 colorful 8 1/2 x 11 printable signs containing 284 useful words and phrases for the Spanish or bilingual classroom. Many of the signs have at least 1 clip art image to assist with meaning and enhance the appearance of the sign. Included in the download are the following word walls: Spanish Opinions and Survival Language Classroom Signs Spanish Opposites Spanish Adverbs Spanish Class Commands Spanish Classroom Language Spanish Adjectives Spanish Tener Expressions Each word wall is sold individually on TES. Purchasing the bundle offers a savings of $12.50 over the individual purchase price of all 7 word walls. Just print, laminate if desired, and hang where students can easily see the word wall. These downloads can also be used to present and review the various vocabulary words and phrases.
Spanish Fall Emergent Readers Bundle - 6 Sets of 2 Booklets

Spanish Fall Emergent Readers Bundle - 6 Sets of 2 Booklets

5 Resources
Save over 40% with this Spanish fall booklet bundle! The booklets included in the bundle are: Spanish Pumpkins and Feelings Emergent Reader Booklets Spanish September and School Emergent Reader Booklets Spanish First Thanksgiving Emergent Reader Booklets Spanish Halloween Emergent Reader Booklets Spanish Columbus Day Emergent Reader Booklets Each booklet contains 8 pages: a title page and 7 additional pages. Suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page are also included. Students first read and cut out the vocabulary booklets containing text and clip art illustrations. They then sketch and create their own versions of the booklets using the text only template. Your students will have fun sharing their creations with family and friends which will help reinforce their language learning! The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. The booklet pages can also be used as flashcards by folding under the text. Each booklet contained in this set is also available individually on TES. Individual booklets sell for $2.25 each so purchasing this bundle offers a significant savings!
Spanish Greetings and Leave Takings Bundle of 10

Spanish Greetings and Leave Takings Bundle of 10

10 Resources
Get ready for Back to School with this Spanish Greetings and Leave Takings Bundle! It contains 8 worksheets, Bingo, and a greetings vocabulary reference. The bundle price offers more than 40% savings over the cost of each item purchased separately! Here’s what you get: - Greetings 18 basic translations w/key - Greetings vocabulary - Greetings bingo w/vocabulary list - Greetings crossword w/key - Greetings ordering sentences w/key - Greetings and introductions 3 dialogues fill in the blank w/key - Greetings 3 dialogues fill in the blank w/key - Greetings ordering sentences with ice cream w/key - Greetings sentence corrections w/key - Greetings word search w/key 36 pages
Presidential Election 2016 - 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Presidential Election 2016 - 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Students learn the names of the people and vocabulary associated with the presidential election in a fun, hands on way with these 2 Spanish emergent reader booklets. Each contains 8 pages: the title page with 7 additional pages. One contains text and images, and the other contains text only so students can sketch and create their own versions of the booklets. There are 2 versions of the page containing Barack Obama and the 2 candidates: one with the party symbols and one without. You may choose whichever best suits your purposes. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet containing text and images. Names and vocabulary included are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Republican Party, Democratic Party, ballot, and ballot box. They then sketch and create their own versions with the text only template. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. 6 pages
Ocean Marine Life 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Ocean Marine Life 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Each booklet contains 16 pages: the title page with 15 additional pages. One contains text and images, and the other contains text only so students can sketch and create their own versions of the booklets. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet containing text and images. Words included are orca, sea turtle, krill, jellyfish, angel fish, octopus, squid, blue shark, seahorse, crab, blue whale, mussel, lobster, dolphin, and stingray. They then sketch and create their own versions with the text only template. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. The booklets also make helpful additions to interactive notebooks. 10 pages
Transportation 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Transportation 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Each booklet contains 12 pages: the title page with 11 additional pages. One contains text and images, and the other contains text only so students can sketch and create their own versions of the booklets. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet containing text and images. Words included are car, boat, bus, bike, truck, plane, train, taxi, helicopter, subway and motorcycle. Each is preceded by "Look at the." They then sketch and create their own versions with the text only template. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. The booklets also make good additions to interactive notebooks. 8 pages
Birthday 2 Emergent Reader Booklets - My Birthday

Birthday 2 Emergent Reader Booklets - My Birthday

Students learn birthday vocabulary in a fun, hands on way with these 2 emergent reader booklets. Each contains 8 pages: the title page with 7 additional pages. One contains text and images, and the other contains text only so students can sketch and create their own versions of the booklets. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet containing text and images. Words and phrases included are I am ___ years old, party, cake, party hat, candles, balloons, and gift. They then sketch and create their own versions with the text only template. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. The booklets are also helpful additions to interactive notebooks. The booklets can be used anytime, but they're also very nice to have on hand for individual birthday surprises! 6 pages
English Adjectives Grid and Sketch Activity

English Adjectives Grid and Sketch Activity

Students practice descriptive adjectives of people as they fill each of the 30 small squares with adjectives and then sketch themselves in the large box in the center.. Challenge your students to fill all 30 squares with English adjectives, or have them use a specified number of squares for words, and the rest for sketches that illustrate the adjectives that they use. The download includes: 1. Four blank versions: horizontal with/without My name is, and vertical with/without My name is. 2. Completed sample that can be projected to present the activity and to practice vocabulary. 3. Suggested uses This is a fun presentational activity, and the completed activities will look great decorating a bulletin board or hallway! 6 pages
Seaside / Coast / Beach 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Seaside / Coast / Beach 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

These readers are fun end of the year and summer school activities! Each of the 2 booklets contains 16 pages: the title page with 15 additional pages. One contains text and images, and the other contains text only so students can sketch and create their own versions of the booklets. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet containing text and images. Words included are umbrella, sailboat, pail and shovel, shell, beach, ice cream, beachball, sunglasses, towel, tanning lotion, fish, sand castle, sun, waves, and crab. They then sketch and create their own versions with the text only template. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. 10 pages