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Spanish GCSE - Vocabulary list (AQA New Specification 8698)
A PowerPoint with all the theme-based vocabulary included in AQA's new specification. It has an interactive menu so you can jump to a specific level (foundation/higher) or different topics.
1: Identity and culture
1: Me, my family and friends
2: Technology in everyday life
3: Free-time activities
4: Customs and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries/communities
2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
2: Social issues
3: Global issues
4: Travel and tourism
3: Current and future study and employment
1: My studies
2: Life at school/college
3: Education post-16
4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Source for the vocab list: http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/spanish/specifications/AQA-8698-SP-2016.PDF

List of popular Spanish names and surnames
Sometimes while I am creating activities my brain is so exhausted that I can’t think of more than 5 proper names so that’s when I tend to have a variety of names by using this list that includes the top 100 popular Spanish names and Surnames. It really helped me so that’s why I decided to share it. I hope it helps!

Doodle slides - Free presentation template
I decided to digitalize these doodle slides I created and since they turned out to be pretty handy for me I thought that perhaps I should share them in case they are useful for someone else as well.
The slides include shapes such as notebooks, speech bubbles, arrows, folders, tags, signs...
I hope they help!

French GCSE - Vocabulary list (AQA New Specification 8658)
A PowerPoint with all the theme-based vocabulary included in AQA's new specification. It has an interactive menu so you can jump to a specific level (foundation/higher) or different topics.
1: Identity and culture
1: Me, my family and friends
2: Technology in everyday life
3: Free-time activities
4: Customs and festivals in French-speaking countries/communities
2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
2: Social issues
3: Global issues
4: Travel and tourism
3: Current and future study and employment
1: My studies
2: Life at school/college
3: Education post-16
4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Source for the vocab list: http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/french/specifications/AQA-8658-SP-2016.PDF

A2 Revision - Tengo noticias para ti
A short selection of interesting headlines for the A2 exam. The students have to guess the missing words (related to the topics) within the headline.

German GCSE - Vocabulary list (AQA New Specification 8668)
A PowerPoint with all the theme-based vocabulary included in AQA's new specification (8668). It has an interactive menu so you can jump to a specific level (foundation/higher) or different topics.
1: Identity and culture
1: Me, my family and friends
2: Technology in everyday life
3: Free-time activities
4: Customs and festivals in German-speaking countries/communities
2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
2: Social issues
3: Global issues
4: Travel and tourism
3: Current and future study and employment
1: My studies
2: Life at school/college
3: Education post-16
4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Source for the vocab list: http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/german/specifications/AQA-8668-SP-2016.PDF

Auroville - A2 Revision (Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing)
I was lucky enough to find a story I can relate to most of the topics covered in the AQA A2 exam.
It is some info about a place called Auroville (in India) and the idea seems fascinating to me and fortunately my students liked it too so feel free to have a look and use it in your lessons if you find it useful.
There is a bit of everything: Short intro, Reading, Listening (+transcription), Speaking, Writing + some activities.
Topics that can be included: ENVIRONMENT, THE MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY, CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL ISSUES. And for that reason I think it is perfect for a quick revision.
Comments always welcomed!

Cuánto cuesta (Food) Y10
Do you want to know what is the most expensive restaurant in the world? Well... there is Google and there is also this stupendous presentation that not only includes that but there is also a list of the most expensive food one can get from around the world.
The purposes of this Powerpoint are to revise high numbers, practicing the vocab related to the topic of food and a healthy diet and showing your students part of the Spanish culture.
You will find some help in a PDF and in the notes included in the PowerPoint. I hope you and your students like it!
Also... it's free! :D

A2 Speaking cards
A simple set of 54 speaking cards on the topics of:
•Protecting the planet
•Wealth and poverty
•Law and order
Just print and play!
To be honest, I love these cards simply because they are so easy to store (can easily fit into the palm of your hand) and the students can take them with them as either homework or practice. Somehow students are keener to work on a small card rather than the normal A4 format for some reason. I guess it looks like less hard work when it's really the same :) .

Y12 - Questions on Family/Relationships (Friendships)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Family/Relationships (Friendships)
• Characteristics and roles of friends
• Conflicts with friends
• Importance of friends
• Friendship versus love

Y12 - Questions on Family/Relationships (Relationships within the family)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Family/Relationships (Relationships within the family)
• Role of parents and importance of good parenting
• Attitudes of young people towards other family members
• Conflict between young people and other family members
• Changing models of family and parenting

Y12 - Questions on Healthy living and lifestyle (Health and well-being)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Healthy living and lifestyle (Health and well-being).
• Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs
• Diet, including eating disorders
• The ‘work/life balance’
• Risks to health through accidents

Y12 - Questions on Healthy living and lifestyle (Holidays)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Healthy living and lifestyle (Holiday).
• Types of holiday and holiday activities
• The impact of tourism on holiday destinations
• Purposes and benefits of holidays
• Changing attitudes to holidays

GCSE Card Game
This is a card game I created for my shyest Y11. I simply used one card once a week and it worked miracles. Most of them feared having that blank page feeling and with these cards they were able to focus on a target (which they found quite helpful) and of course they also love a bit of competition.
3.1.1 Theme 1: Identity and culture
Topic 1: Me, my family and friends
Topic 2: Technology in everyday life
Topic 3: Free-time activities
Topic 4: Customs and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries/communities
3.1.2 Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Topic 2: Social issues
Topic 3: Global issues
Topic 4: Travel and tourism
3.1.3 Theme 3: Current and future study and employment
Topic 1: My studies
Topic 2: Life at school/college
Topic 3: Education post-16
Topic 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Great for either Speaking or Writing practice and especially for some grammar revision. Although it took me ages to make them my students love them and I hope yours love them too.

Español de los negocios - Kim Kardashian
An activity to work on the vocab of business in Spanish based on an article about another article published in Forbes magazine about the celeb Kim Kardashian and her role as a business woman.

Y12 - Questions on Healthy living and lifestyle (Sport/exercise)
4 pages with questions on the topic of Healthy living and lifestyle (Sport/exercise).
• Traditional sports versus ‘fun’ sports
• Reasons for taking part in sport / physical exercise
• Factors influencing participation in sport / physical exercise
• Links between physical exercise and health

A2 Translation Exercise PowerPoint
A set of 20 sentences (English-Spanish) for the purpose of practising translation with the year 13.

Y12 - AIDS Article
This is a very clear article that I used with my year 12 to work on the topic of AIDS. There is also some activities about the text and the answers.

A2 Speaking cards - ENVIRONMENT.pdf
A simple set of speaking cards on the topic of the environment. Just print and play!
To be honest I love these cards simply because they are so easy to store (can easily fit into the palm of your hand) and the students can take them with them as either homework or practice. Somehow students are keener to work on a small card rather than the normal A4 format for some reason. I guess it looks like less hard work when it's really the same :) .

A2- Understanding Maria full of grace
A simple page with lots of interesting facts about the film that will help the students to understand it a bit better. This will probably be the last resource I share so... hasta la vista baby!