Get your students to practice estimating (rounding to 1 significant place) with these cute halloween colouring sheets. The activity comes with two versions, an owl to colour for an integer version and a bubbling cauldron for the decimal version.
Answer questions A, look at the colour chart to see which colour it is e.g. Blue. Find all the shapes with an A in them and colour them in blue.
This logic puzzle involved reading coordinated in one quadrant and being able to name very simple straight line graphs e.g. x=2 y=1.
Possible extensions could include, what’s the fewest number of fences you could do it in. House g wants a bigger plot etc.
I used this with my bottom set year 10 though is suitable for a variety of ages.
UPDATED 4 quadrant addition
If you haven’t heard your students talking about Among Us then where have you been?
100 million people play the social deduction game Among Us and the kids love talking about it. This activity involves using scales and bearings.
If you print at 100% the scale will be 1cm to 2m, otherwise, you might have to give it a measure if you print to fit. The worksheet comes in both colour and black and white with answers provided.
Among Us is the intellectual property of Inner Sloth, no copyright infringement intended.
Practice adding and subtracting positives from positives and negatives with this floral colouring sheets. Containing two different versions, one with integers and one with decimals.
DEC2020 Update Corrections made and redesigned
4 coordinate grids with different scales for students to read off. Originally used as a starter for a lesson on scales etc.
This resource helps students practice adding and subtracting negatives and using problem-solving skills to complete these arithmagons where numbers in the circles must add to make the numbers in the squares. Comes with a integer and decimals version.
Get students to practice their ordering numbers and reasoning skills with these error filled ordering numbers questions.
In Pdf and Powerpoint/Slides version to allow for editing.
This resource consists of differentiated lessons.
These lessons are slightly differentiated to 2 different abilities exploring negatives in context. One is a lesson using integers only and the other uses decimals.
Powerpoint and Slides optimised version along with a PDF lesson plan. Also a reduced version to be used as notes or 1 to 1 teaching.
A way for your students to practice finding the area and circumference of a circle. This resource is a card sort type activity in a variety of different formats (not all include time consuming cutting out).
A set of printable cards to complete a family of four (fact family) upon.
Print these off cut them out and hand out for students to stick in their book. By using the same template each time the students will know exactly what needs to be done and get started quicker.
Write the 3 numbers of the fact family (one in each corner) and the students fill in the blanks to create the four facts.
A fact family is a group of math facts using the same numbers. In the case of addition/subtraction, you use three numbers and get four facts. For example, you can form a fact family using the three numbers 3, 4 and 7. 3+4=7, 4+3=7, 7-4=3, 7-3=4.
Students can practice using different methods of proof with this worksheet for AS/A-Level Students. This worksheet includes chance to use proof by deduction, exhaustion, contradiction and disproof by counter example.
Practicing adding and subtracting positive numbers using these pyramid worksheets.
Comes in two variations, integers and decimals. In PDF and Powerpoint/Slides version to allow for editing.
This resource helps students practice adding and subtracting negative by filling in the gaps to complete the sum. Comes with both integer and decimal versions.
This resource consists of a short activity with integer and decimals versions.
The worksheets are a set of 2 version in PDF, PowerPoint and Google Slides form for easy editing.
Get students to practice their ordering numbers and critical thinking skills with this ordering negatives puzzle.
In Pdf and Powerpoint/Slides version to allow for editing.
This resource helps students practice adding and subtracting positive numbers from both positive and negative numbers, crossing zero. Starting with the number in the box, students should conduct each operation in turn to get a final number. Three different runs including both integers and decimals. You could tell students which run to do or let them work through them all.