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Miss Vanessa

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(based on 15 reviews)

Hi, I'm Miss Vanessa from Colorado, USA! Welcome to my TES Shop! I specialize in creating engaging educational activities for early childhood! I've been creating digital resources since 2013 and recently started offering my resources on TES! Please let me know if I can help you with anything or create an educational resource just for you! Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Miss Vanessa




Hi, I'm Miss Vanessa from Colorado, USA! Welcome to my TES Shop! I specialize in creating engaging educational activities for early childhood! I've been creating digital resources since 2013 and recently started offering my resources on TES! Please let me know if I can help you with anything or create an educational resource just for you! Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Miss Vanessa
Journal Paper for Early Writers, Writing Paper Journal Covers & Alphabet Charts

Journal Paper for Early Writers, Writing Paper Journal Covers & Alphabet Charts

Journal Paper, Journal Covers, And Alphabet Charts Writing Pack for early writers in preK and kindergarten, as well as students with special needs! This pack contains a variety of writing paper & resources: • Pre-Writing and Drawing Paper • Lined Journal Paper ~ without dashes • Journal Paper ~ with dashed middle lines • Rainbow Writing Paper • Notebook Paper • Big-and-Bold Writing Paper ~ with minimal visual distractions and extra-bold lines • Framed & Unframed Writing Paper • Journal Covers • Inside Covers/ Alternative Writing Paper • Color + B&W Alphabet Charts Each set includes a front page for drawing and writing, and back page to continue writing on. Each set is ready to be printed one or two-sided. If you print the sets two-sided, your kids will be able to draw a picture and start writing on the front, then continue with their ideas on the back! 81 pages + cover and credits page = 83 pages total.
Telling Time By The Hour Worksheets

Telling Time By The Hour Worksheets

Telling Time Worksheets and activities for early exploration of clock numbers and features, and concepts related to telling time by the hour. Use these worksheets and activities to teach, review and assess students understanding of concepts related to telling time by the hour. What’s Included: Telling Time Worksheets. Draw the Hour Hand - For each time shown, draw the hour hand. Draw the Hour & Minute Hand - Read the time and draw the hour and minute hands. Write the Hour - Write the hour below each analog clock. Write the Hour and Minutes - write the hour and minutes below each clock. Write the Time - Write the time below each clock Match the Clocks - Draw a line to match the analog and digital clocks. Match the Clocks Cut-And-Paste - Cut out the digital clocks ad paste each one under the matching analog clock. What time is it? - Write the time below each analog clock. Telling Time Review - Review activities for telling time by the hour. Answer Keys Telling Time Flash Cards: Cut out the flash cards and mix them up. Students choose a card and read the time. Cut-And-Paste-Clock: Cut along the dotted lines and place the clock numbers and pieces onto the clock template. Students can glue the pieces in place or simply move the different pieces around on the template. You can attach the end of the short and long hands to the middle of the clock template with a brad or pin so they move around like they do on a real clock. Telling Time “I Have, Who Has” Activity: A whole group activity for practice reading analog clocks and telling time to the hour. I’m A Little Hour Hand Printable Song: A cute song to help kids remember the difference between the hour and minute hand. Ideal for morning work, math centers, large and amall group activities, and assessments! 80 pages + cover and credits page = 82 pages total.
3D Shapes Worksheets And Printables

3D Shapes Worksheets And Printables

This 3D Shapes Worksheets And Printables Pack includes activities to reinforce early geometry concepts and teach students all about 3D shapes! Use these activities for morning work, math centers, assessments, early finishers, educational interventions, and to complement your shapes unit! This pack covers these 3D shapes: spheres, cubes, cones, cylinders, pyramids, hemispheres, triangular pyramids, and rectangular pyramids, and features easy-to-use, no-prep activities you can use in the classroom and at home! What’s Included: • Introduction to 3D Shapes - Worksheets with visuals for learning about and identifying each shape. • 3D Shapes Poster - A printable poster showing labeled 3D shapes. • Matching 3D Shapes & Objects - Draw a line to match each shape with an object. • Which Shape Doesn’t Belong? - In each row, put an ‘x’ through the 3D shape that doesn’t belong. • Which Object Doesn’t Belong? - In each row, put an ‘x’ through the 3D object that doesn’t belong. • 3D Shapes Cut-And-Paste - Cut-and-paste to match the 3D objects and shapes. • Matching Words & 3D Shapes - Cut-and-paste to match the words and shapes. • 3D Shapes Sort - Cut apart and sort the shapes at the bottom of the page. • 3D Objects Sort - Cut apart the objects and sort them by shape. • Sorting 3D Shapes by Size - Cut apart the shapes at the bottom and sort them into the correct column. 2 worksheets are included for sorting 1. small and large shapes and 2. small, medium, and large shapes. • Sorting 3D Shapes by Height - Cut out the 3D shapes at the bottom and sort them by heigh (short and tall). • Find The 3D Shapes - Find and color the specified 3D shape. • Find The 3D Objects - Find and color the specified 3D object. • Color The 3D Shapes - Color each shape a different color, as shown on the key. • Color The 3D Objects - Color each object a different color, as shown on the key. • I Spy 3D Shapes - Use the key to find and count the shapes. • I Spy 3D Objects - Use the key to find and count the objects. • 3D Shapes Patterns - Cut out the shapes at the bottom and glue each one in place to extend the pattern. • Count & Write The Number - Count the shapes in each section. Write how many on the line below. • Complete The Number Bonds - Complete the number bonds for each set of shapes. • Fill In The Number Bonds - Fill in the number bonds for each set of shapes. • Adding Two Groups - Add each group of shapes and write the sum on the line. • Complete The Addition Equations - Fill in the missing numbers to complete each equation. • 3D Shapes Flash Cards - Flash cards showing a shape, object, or shape word for practice identifying and differentiating 3D shapes and 3D shapes vocabulary. 98 pages + cover & credits page = 100 pages total. Thanks for visiting! ~Miss Vanessa
2D Shapes Worksheets And Printables

2D Shapes Worksheets And Printables

This 2D Shapes Worksheets Pack includes a variety of activities to help reinforce early geometry concepts! Use these worksheets for math centers, busy bags, morning work, early finishers, and family engagement activities. Laminate the worksheets and students can write on them with a dry erase marker. The Following Worksheets Are Included In This Pack: • Learning About Shapes ~ Students color & trace each shape & shape word, color a picture, & apply their knowledge by drawing a picture of an object with the same shape. Worksheets included for the following shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, heart, star, pentagon, and rhombus. • Shape Mini-Book ~ A printable easy reader with shapes for students to color. • Matching Shapes & Names ~ Draw a line to match each shape with it’s name. • Matching Shapes & Objects ~ Draw a line to match each shape with an object. • Order Shapes by Size ~ Cut around the shapes, then put them in order from smallest to largest. • Sort Shapes by Size 1 ~ Cut around the shapes, then sort them into the small and large columns. • Sort Shapes by Size 2 ~ Cut around the shapes, then sort them into the small, medium, and large columns. • Color The Shapes ~ Color each type of shape a different color. • Trace The Shapes ~ Trace each shape as well as the name of each shape. • Shapes Cutting Practice ~ Cut along the dotted line around each shape and read the name. • Shape Search & Find Coloring Pages ~ Color the pictures and try to find all the shapes. • Shape Patterns ~ Cut out the shapes and glue them in place to complete each pattern. • Count The Shapes ~ Count the shapes in each box. Write the number on the line below. • Adding Shapes ~ Add the shapes together and write the sum on the line. • Shape Symmetry ~ Draw the other half of each shape. • Find The Circles ~ Find and color the circles. • Find The Squares ~ Find and color the squares. • Find The Triangles ~ Find and color the triangles. • Find The Rectangles ~ Find and color the rectangles. • Find The Ovals ~ Find and color the ovals. • Find The Hearts ~ Find and color the hearts. • Find The Pentagons ~ Find and color the pentagons. • Find The Stars ~ Find and color the stars. • Find The Hexagons ~ Find and color the hexagons. • Find The Rhombuses ~ Find and color the rhombuses. • Shape Sort ~ Cut out the shapes at the bottom and sort them into piles according to shape. • Shape Prepositions ~ Cut out the tabs at the bottom and glue them in position relative to the shapes on the page. • Building Shapes ~ Create different shapes by fitting the smaller shapes inside larger shapes. • Shapes Poster ~ With the following shapes: circle, star, rectangle, square, triangle, heart, oval, & rhombus. • Polygons Poster ~ With the following polygons and number of sides specified: pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, and nonagon. • Shape Bookmarks ~ Color the shapes to make your own bookmarks Plus More! 74 pages total.
Kindergarten Measurement Worksheets And Printables

Kindergarten Measurement Worksheets And Printables

This set of Kindergarten Measurement Worksheets And Printables includes easy-to-use activities to help students master early measurement concepts. This pack includes printable activities for practice with measuring, sorting, and ordering objects by length, width, height, size, and weight! This set includes no-prep and low-prep worksheets to print and use for math centers, morning work, early finishers, interventions, and assessments. Use these activities to compliment your measurement unit in the classroom and at home! The Following Worksheets And Printables Are Included: • Color by Size: Small And Large Objects - Color the small objects red and the large objects blue. • Sort by Size: Small and Large Bugs - Cut out and sort the bugs by size. • Order by Size - Cut out the shapes and order them by size by matching them to the outlines on the ordering strip. • Color by Size: Small, Medium And Large “Gems” - Color the small gems red, the medium gems blue, and the large gems green. • Sort by Size: Small, Medium and Large “Gems” - Cut out the gems at the bottom of the page and sort them by small, medium, and large sizes. • Order by Size: My Favorite Sport - Cut out the sports balls and put them in order from smallest to largest. • Order by Size: “Gems” - Cut out the gems and order them from largest to smallest. • Order by Size: Small Things Mini-Book - Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three small things. • Large Things Mini-Book - Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three large things. • Color by Height - Color the pictures to identify the short and tall objects. • Comparing Height: Which Is Shorter? - Compare the height of each set of connecting and circle the shorter set. • Comparing Height: Which Set Is Taller? - Compare heights and circle the taller buildings. • Order by Height - Cut out the buildings and order them from shortest to tallest. • Order by Height: Matryoshka Dolls - Cut out the Matryoshka (Nesting Dolls) and order them from tallest to shortest. • Short Things Mini-Book - Draw and label three short things. • Tall Things Mini-Book - Draw and label three tall things. • Comparing Length: Which Set Is Longer? Circle the longer set of connecting cubes. • Comparing Length: Which Set Is Shorter? - On the first half of the page, On the second half of the page, circle the shorter set of cubes. • Order by Length: Shortest to Longest- Cut out the connecting cubes and order them from shortest to longest. • Order by Length: Longest to Shortest - Students color the fish, then cut them out and order them from longest to shortest. • Longer and Shorter Sorting Strips - Color the sorting strips. Cut along the dotted lines and cut each strip into two pieces. Match the pieces to the sorting mat as you order them by length. • Measuring Length: Bugs - Measure the length of the bugs. Write the length of each bug in the square. Plus More! 71 pages + cover & credits pages = 73 pages total
Kindergarten Addition Worksheets Numbers 0-10

Kindergarten Addition Worksheets Numbers 0-10

This set of Kindergarten Addition Worksheets includes activities to give students practice writing numbers and solving early addition equations. Use this set of worksheets for math centers, busy bags, morning work, early finishers, and family engagement activities! 43 Pages + 43 Answer Keys + Cover + Credits Pages = 92 Pages Total. Thanks for stopping by! ~Miss Vanessa
Counting Worksheets for Numbers 0-20

Counting Worksheets for Numbers 0-20

Students practice kindergarten-level counting, sequencing, writing numbers, comparing numbers, and answering, “How Many?” questions with this set of Numbers And Counting Worksheets And Printables! This set includes number and counting activities plus number charts and reference tools to help strengthen students’ understanding of numbers, quantity, ways of representing numbers, and number relationships! This Pack Includes A Variety of Worksheets And Printables for Practice With: • Counting Objects & Tracing Numbers • Answering “How Many?” Questions • Drawing Quantities • Counting Forward • Number Sequencing • Adding On • Comparing Numbers • Comparing Quantities Counting Tools And Printables Included: • Counting Charts • Number Charts • Number Lines • Dice Activities • Flash Cards • Number And Counting Puzzles Use the activities in this pack for morning work, math centers, small and large group activities, educational interventions, and assessments! 87 pages + cover & credits page = 89 pages total. Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Miss Vanessa
Composing And Decomposing Numbers 0-10 Worksheets

Composing And Decomposing Numbers 0-10 Worksheets

Use this set of Composing And Decomposing Numbers Worksheets to introduce and teach early number composition and decomposition! Students solve and create number bonds, draw pictures, and write equations to show number families as they develop a better understanding of number relationships and early math concepts. Use the worksheets and printables in this pack for a variety of activities, including math centers, morning work, small groups, assessments, educational interventions, and early finishers! The Following Worksheets And Printables Are Included: • Number Decomposition Hand-Out - A printable handout for students or parents with simple definitions and visuals to help explain number bonds, fact families, and number composition & decomposition. • Decomposing Numbers 2-10 Worksheets - Students practice different ways of composing and decomposing the numbers 2-10. Individual activities for each number are included so students can practice decomposing the same number different ways. • Number Bonds, Two Ways - Decompose each number two different ways. Draw a picture and fill in the equations for each number family. • Decomposition, Number Bonds, and Fact Family Activities for Mixed Numbers. • Number Bonds Cut & Paste - Cut out the numbers at the bottom and glue them in place to complete the numbers bonds. • Complete The Number Bonds - Write the missing numbers to complete the number bonds. • Color the Pictures to Match The Number Bonds - Students look at the number bonds and color the pictures to match each fact family. • Building Numbers Cut & Paste - Cut out the equations at the bottom & solve. Sort each equation under the matching number. • Domino Decomposition - Cut out the dominos at the bottom, add the dots on either side of each domino and sort under the matching number. • Answer Keys • Number Decomposition Math Centers - Dice activities plus printable dice templates for practice with decomposing numbers and writing number bonds. • Number Decomposition Templates - A selection of blank templates so you can create your own differentiated number decomposition activities. Fill in the blank number bonds and create drawings, word problems, and equations for any number family. 162 pages + cover & credits page = 164 pages total.
Short Vowel CVC Worksheets And Printables

Short Vowel CVC Worksheets And Printables

This set of short vowel CVC word work worksheets, printables, and activities is designed for students in PreK and Kindergarten who are developing early reading and writing skills. These activities may also be used with students in special education to help build foundational reading skills. Perfect for assessments, literacy centers, early finishers, reading baskets, morning work and family engagement activities! Write on the pages or use letter beads to fill in the blanks. Laminate any of the pages or place the page in a clear plastic sleeve. Write on the laminated pages with a dry erase marker and erase with a tissue, rag, or traditional eraser. Add multiple laminated pages to a binder for an interactive CVC word work activity book that can be used again and again! These Worksheets & Printables Are Included: • CVC Word And Picture List • Trace The CVC Words • Beginning Sounds Practice • Middle Sounds Practice • Ending Sounds Practice • Sound Out The Words • Matching CVC Words & Pictures • Write The Missing Letter Flash Cards • CVC Color And Match • Cut-And-Paste To Match The CVC Words And Pictures • CVC Crossword Puzzles • Answer Keys Many of the pages in this pack can be cut into CVC Picture/Word Cards. Use them for flash cards, matching activities, and literacy interventions. 72 short vowel CVC words are covered in this bundle: bag, bat, bed, beg, bib, big, bug, bun, bus, cab, cap, cat, cub, cut, dad, dig, dip, dog, dot, fin, fog, gum, hat, hen, hid, hit, hop, hot, hug, hut, jet, jug, kid, lap, leg, lid, lip, log, mad, mat, map, men, mom, mop, nap, net, nut, pen, pig, pin, pop, rag, rat, rip, rug, run, sad, sit, sub, sun, tag, tap, ten, top, tub, vet, wed, web, wet, wig, & win. **90 Pages + Answer Keys, Cover, And Credits Pages = 176 Pages Total. ** Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Miss Vanessa
Beginning Sounds A-Z Clip Art Bundle, 150+ Color & Black and White Images

Beginning Sounds A-Z Clip Art Bundle, 150+ Color & Black and White Images

This Beginning Sounds A-Z Clipart Bundle Includes Images for Each Letter of the Alphabet! This set of Alphabet Clip Art includes 150+ color and black line images in .PNG format with transparent backgrounds! These high resolution (300DPI) images can be resized to fit your needs. Both the color and black & white versions are included for each image! This bundle includes a zip file containing 102 color images plus 97 black and white images. A few of the images have multiple color variations, and just one B&W version. The following images are included: ∙ Alligator, two styles ∙ Apple ∙ Aquarium ∙ Avocado, two styles ∙ Balloon ∙ Banana ∙ Bee ∙ Blueberry ∙ Cake ∙ Carrot ∙ Clown ∙ Crab ∙ Dinosaur ∙ Dog ∙ Dragonfly ∙ Earth ∙ Earth, moon, stars ∙ Egg, two styles ∙ Elephant ∙ Eye ∙ Face ∙ Fish, three styles ∙ Flags ∙ Flower ∙ Frog ∙ Giraffe ∙ Grapes ∙ Horse ∙ House, two styles ∙ Ice Cream, mint chocolate chip ∙ Ice Cream, vanilla ∙ Igloo ∙ Jar ∙ Jellybeans ∙ Jar of Jellybeans ∙ Jellyfish ∙ Kangaroo ∙ Kick ∙ Kiwi ∙ Ladder ∙ Lemon, sliced in half ∙ Lemon, whole fruit ∙ Lemon, slice ∙ Lime, sliced in half ∙ Lollypop ∙ Mountains ∙ Mouse, two styles ∙ Mushroom ∙ Night, looking out the window ∙ Numbers ∙ Octopus ∙ Orange, sliced in half ∙ Orange, whole fruit ∙ Orange, slice ∙ Oval, three styles ∙ Owl, three styles ∙ Peanut ∙ Pear ∙ Piano ∙ Pineapple ∙ Potato, two styles ∙ Puddle ∙ Puzzle ∙ Queen, standing ∙ Queen, headshot ∙ Question ∙ Rain ∙ Rainbow ∙ Scissors ∙ Snake ∙ Snowman ∙ Star ∙ Starfruit ∙ Strawberry ∙ Tiger ∙ Toad ∙ Tree ∙ Tomato ∙ Turkey ∙ Umbrella ∙ Unicorn ∙ Vine ∙ Violin ∙ Watermelon ∙ Worm ∙ X-Ray ∙ Xylophone ∙ Yak ∙ Yo-Yo ∙ Zebra ∙ Zipper Each black and white image has a white fill and a transparent background. TERMS OF USE Please give credit and link back to my shop, if you choose to use this clipart on your website or blog. You may also use the credit image on your website to link to my TES store. I've provided a credit image for you to include when using this clipart in products for sale on TES, Teachers Pay Teachers, TeachersNotebook and similar sites.
37 Color-Coded Easy-to-Play Songs for Piano!

37 Color-Coded Easy-to-Play Songs for Piano!

Children explore the piano play their favorite songs, even if they’ve never played before, with this set of 37 Color-Coded Easy-To-Play Songs! Play by Color was created to help build musical confidence while strengthening color identification and early reading skills! This activity requires no prior musical experience, and allows students to play familiar songs right from the start! Use Play by Color Song Sheets to: • Teach children early music reading and piano skills on any piano or keyboard you already own. • Help build confidence during music therapy. • Encourage your child to play songs on any piano or keyboard you already own. • Create an independent piano or keyboard center. • Play songs together as a class or in small groups on Boomwhackers*. 37 Color-Coded Song Sheets Are Included In This Set: **Children as young as four years old can successfully read the song sheets! ** An exciting introduction to reading music, and an activity that can be used prior to music lessons! Playing music has never been so easy and fun! Kids won’t realize they are also practicing early reading and color identification skills! Perfect for lower & middle elementary students and students with special needs! Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Miss Vanessa
Kindergarten Math Worksheets And Printables

Kindergarten Math Worksheets And Printables

8 Resources
This Kindergarten Math Bundle includes worksheets, printables, games, and activities to help your students master early math concepts! This easy-to-use bundle includes no-prep and low-prep activities to complement your math curriculum throughout the year! Use these activities for a variety of activities, including morning work, small group, large group, math centers, early finishers, educational interventions, and assessments! Included In This Bundle: • 2D Shapes Worksheets - Worksheets and activities to help reinforce 2D shapes and early geometry concepts. • 3D Shapes Worksheets And Printables - Activities to teach students all about 3D shapes. • Kindergarten Measurement Pack - Activities for comparing, sorting and ordering objects by size, length, width, height, and weight. • Counting and Cardinality Worksheets And Printables - Students count, write numbers, compare numbers, and answer, “How Many?” questions. • Color And Count Numbers 0-20 Coloring Pages - Students count the objects inside the number as they color each page. Composing and Decomposing Numbers Worksheets, designed to give students practice composing and decomposing numbers in order to develop a better understanding of number relationships. Students solve & create number bonds, draw pictures and write equations to represent each number family. Kindergarten Addition Worksheets for Numbers 0-10 - activities to give students practice writing numbers and solving early addition and equations. • Telling Time Worksheets - Activities for early exploration of clock numbers and features, and concepts related to telling time by the hour. **Thanks for stopping by! ~Miss Vanessa**