60+ slides each with a new thinking skill/discussion point.
Eg: What is lurking in the middle of this maze? (with picture)
Why is this man upset? (with picture)
Who would you rather be friends with? (with pictures)
Why did this cat eat? (pic of fat cat)
Perfect for thinking time while you take the register - then you can discuss it for a few minutes after. I have tried to make them appeal to girls and boys, as well as including some emotional questions, practical and just fun things. There are what if's, hows, whys, whens, who....
Hope you find them useful.
4 posters all showing different vocabulary used when using the four operations. They have a large title, then the symbol in the middle surrounded by vocabulary. I have done them in different colours to hopefully(!) aid chn’s memory when it comes to using them. Topics also included: using mental addition and subtraction.
A4 sheet containing number lines (x2, 0-100 and 0-20), various facts, shape names (2D and 3D) time reminders, 4 times table, data handling vocabulary, days of the week etc..
All in funky fonts, and black and white for easy photocopying.
Some writing is small (lots of things on here!), but when blown up to A3 it is very effective.
Pitched at Year 3 LA, but fully customizable to your own needs.