A 3 lesson scheme of work that can form part of PSHE, careers-focus days or be completed independently with Key Stage 4 or 5 students. The Powerpoint resource can be used to support delivery and there are two pupil booklets to focus thinking and action planning. The units are:
Personal skills audit.
Using online tools to research careers.
Describing skills for different careers.
Looking at careers development.
Writing a career development plan.
An assembly utilising a range of resources from the anti-bullying alliance and elsewhere. Using the branding and key themes, it outlines the important message of ‘Change starts with Us’ as part of #antibullyingweek and can be briefly edited to suit a range of audiences.
Key outline of the PPT is:
• ‘Change starts with Us’ Video
• Bullying statistics
• Cyberbullying statistics
• Impact of bullying on the victims
• Why do bullies bully?
• What to do for help
• Additional slides: A range of additional form time assembly follow-up activities including extra videos.
As previous 5-star assembly and lesson reviewer have commented:
"Wow - one of the best resources I have bought on TES. Thank you for putting this together. You have saved me hours of work. Great resource for a very worthy cause."
"Well presented, what I was looking for an assembly."
A 2 lesson scheme of work that can form part of PSHE, careers-focus days or be completed independently with Key Stage 4 or 5 students. The Powerpoint resource can be used to support delivery and there are two pupil booklets to focus thinking and action planning. The units are:
What is volunteering?
What is caring?
What is self-stud?
What are the benefits of volunteering?
Two Case Studies: Oxfam and London 2012
What specific skills does voluteering develop and why would they be useful?
A 3 lesson scheme of work that can form part of PSHE, careers-focus days or be completed independently with Key Stage 4 or 5 students. The Powerpoint resource can be used to support delivery and there are two pupil booklets to focus thinking and action planning. The unit is based on self-management and time management skills.