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A range of resources produced for assemblies, various courses including GCSE Media Studies, Business Studies, School Assemblies and much more.




A range of resources produced for assemblies, various courses including GCSE Media Studies, Business Studies, School Assemblies and much more.
'I, Daniel Blake' GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Film

'I, Daniel Blake' GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Film

Resources for the Close Study Product for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone discussing the social realism film ‘I, Daniel Blake’. The resources study the Media Industries around the film and how it relates to the global film industry; it compares key points to the other Film CSP, Dr. Strange. The Powerpoint includes all resources and three lessons work (with possible expansion). Lesson 1: What is ‘I, Daniel Blake’? Who is Ken Loach? Which companies produced ‘I, Daniel Blake’? All linked to video and key statistics. Lesson 2: What were the production costs for ‘I, Daniel Blake’ and why? How does this compare with major studio films such as Dr. Strange? How was the film marketed? What is guerilla marketing and why was this so important with ‘I, Daniel Blake’? How was the film released and why? Was ‘I, Daniel Blake’ a box office success and how did it compare with ‘Dr. Strange’? Lesson 3: What film certificate is ‘I, Daniel Blake’ and why? What merchandise has been produced in response to ‘I, Daniel Blake’ and what is the #wearealldanielblake movement? What countries has ‘I, Daniel Blake’ distributed to? What is globalisation in the film industry and how does this impact on film production? All of the above are linked through activities to ‘I, Daniel Blake’ and could extend into further lessons and discussions. As previous 5-star reviews for other CSPs published on TES have stated ‘these are great starting points’ for lesson delivery. Powerpoint file contains all resources, along with a Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) for students to RAG-rate their knowledge, skills and understanding. As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs: "Just buy it!" “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” "These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money" Reviews welcomed
Apple Beats 1 Julie Adenuga GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Radio

Apple Beats 1 Julie Adenuga GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Radio

Resources for the Close Study Product for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone discussing the launch of Apple Beats 1 in 2015 and the changing radio/streaming landscape. The resources study the Media Audiences and Industries around the Beats1 launch and the social and political aspects of this decision. The Powerpoint includes all resources and four lessons work (with possible expansion). Lesson 1: How has radio changed since the launch of Radio 1.? The historical development of Apple Beats 1 - what is Beats 1? Who are the launch DJs and why have they been chosen? Lesson 2: What is the Julie Adenuga Show? How does Beats1 compare with traditional media forms. Lesson 3: How much of a threat is Beats1 to the traditional radio industry? How do Apple target their audience? How does Beats 1 fulfill the needs of listeners Lesson 4: What is the future of radio? How do the launches of Radio 1 (other CSP) and Apple Beats1 compare? All of the above are linked through activities to the Apple Beats1 Launch Show and could extend into further lessons and discussions. As previous 5-star reviews for other CSPs published on TES have stated ‘these are great starting points’ for lesson delivery. Powerpoint file contains all resources, along with a Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) for students to RAG-rate their knowledge, skills and understanding. As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs: "Just buy it!" “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” "These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money" Reviews welcomed
Radio 1 Launch Tony Blackburn GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Radio

Radio 1 Launch Tony Blackburn GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Radio

Resources for the Close Study Product for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone discussing the launch of Radio 1 in 1967 and the changing radio landscape at this time. The resources study the Media Audiences and Industries around the Radio 1 launch and the social and political aspects of this decision. The Powerpoint includes all resources and four lessons work (with possible expansion). Lesson 1: The historical development of Radio 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the rationale for this, the growth of pirate radio and the politics of their legal challenge and how BBC radio is funded and the impact on content. Lesson 2: The Radio 1 presenters on launch and the reasons for their appointment, an examination of the early audience reaction to Radio 1, how ‘needletime’ impacted on the content and success of Radio 1 and the longer term audience response to Radio 1 and its impact on popular culture. Lesson 3: An analysis of some of the features of the launch programme and how this linked to the target audience. The conflict that emerged after the launch of Radio 1 and beyond and how this links with the BBC public service remit. Lesson 4: Comparing the way we consumed radio (and music) in 1967 and today. Includes Personal Learning Checklist to review learning. All of the above are linked through activities to the Radio Launch Show and could extend into further lessons and discussions. As previous 5-star reviews for other CSPs published on TES have stated ‘these are great starting points’ for lesson delivery. Powerpoint file contains all resources, along with a Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) for students to RAG-rate their knowledge, skills and understanding. As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs: "Just buy it!" “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” "These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money" Reviews welcomed
Lara Croft Go GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Online Social and Participatory

Lara Croft Go GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Online Social and Participatory

Resources for the Close Study Product for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone discussing the mobile game industry and feminine stereotypes in gaming. The resources relate to the Lara Croft Go app/game, and study the Media Representation, Audiences, Industries and Language around theTomb Raider / Lara Croft brand, feminism and sexualisation in gaming, the positive and negative aspects of gaming and game industry regulation. The Powerpoint includes all resources and six/seven lessons work (with possible expansion). Lesson 1: Introduction to the game and the Lara Croft brand, female stereotypes and women in gaming, evolution of the Lara Croft franchise, Lesson 2: How is the game structured, narrative techniques used. Lesson 3: Game analysis, NICS, codes and conventions. Lesson 4: Visual and aural semiotic codes, intertextuality. Lesson 5: Audience uses and pleasures, advertising and marketing, positive and negative aspects of gaming on audiences. Lesson 5: The Tomb Raider franchise, critical and commercial reception, the multi-platform game market, game regulation, comparing Lara Croft, Kim Kardashian and Zoella. All of the above are linked through activities to Lara Croft Go and could extend into further lessons and discussions. As previous 5-star reviews for other CSPs published on TES have stated ‘these are great starting points’ for lesson delivery. Powerpoint file contains all resources, along with a Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) for students to RAG-rate their knowledge, skills and understanding. As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs: "Just buy it!" “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” "These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money" Reviews welcomed
KS3, KS4 and KS5 Assembly: The importance of sleep

KS3, KS4 and KS5 Assembly: The importance of sleep

An assebly on the vital role of sleep on well-being and school achievement. This 9 slide Powerpoint presentation includes: Slide 1: Title slide - introduction to theme. Slide 2: How much sleep should a teenager have? Slide 3: How does lack of sleep impact on us? Slide 4: Why is lack of sleep becoming a social issue for teenagers? Slide 5: Do you recognise these ‘bad sleep habits or behaviours’? Slide 6-8: Top ten tips for a good sleep. Slide 9: It’s up to you. What student will you be? Reviews welcomed and feedback often actioned.
AQA GCSE Media Studies Options Assembly

AQA GCSE Media Studies Options Assembly

An assembly for Year 8s or 9s on the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. The presentations clarifies what Media Studies is and the various Close Study Products (CSPs) that students will study. It also highlights key questions for each CSP so that students will understand more of the content of the course.
Class 'Co-owner of a lonely heart' TV Series GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP

Class 'Co-owner of a lonely heart' TV Series GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP

Resources for the Close Study Product for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone discussing the impact of vloggers and their expansion into the media/celebrity landscape. The resources relate to the Class ‘Co-owner of a lonely heart’ Dr. Who spin-off TV series and studies the Media Representation, Audiences, Industries and Language around TV Series, SciFi, the BBC, etc… The 24-slide Powerpoint includes all resources and 7 or 8 lessons work (with possible expansion). Lesson 1: Class PLC and introduction to Class [inc character intro and video links] Lesson 2: The episode Lesson 3: Class codes and conventions, mise-en-scene, narrative structures. Lesson 4: Intertextulaity /Hybridity / Character representation Lesson 5: Social, political and cultural relevance of character representation. Uses and Gratification and Representation theory. Lesson 6: Audience response to Class and why. Critical response to Class and why. The marketing and distribution model for Class and the possible impact of this. Lesson 7: Analysis of BBC Three and changing online TV services model and regulation. Comparing ‘Class’ to ‘An UnEarthly Child’ There is clearly potential here to go into more than seven lessons. As previous 5-star reviews for other CSPs published on TES have stated ‘these are great starting points’ for lesson delivery. Powerpoint file contains all resources, along with a Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) for students to RAG-rate their knowledge, skills and understanding. As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs: "Just buy it!" “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” "These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money" ***Reviews welcomed***
Holocaust Memorial Day HMD 2018 Assembly: The Power of Words

Holocaust Memorial Day HMD 2018 Assembly: The Power of Words

An assembly with key information, images and video to support the 2018 Holocauts Memorial Day drive on the importance of words and the impact on our beliefs and actions. The Powerpoint includes the following slide plan and is branded with all key 2018 logos and images to raise awareness: Slide 1: Anne Frank quote Slide 2: Video - who was Anne Frank (short animation) Slide 3: The power of words Slide 4: Words written during the Holocaust and during the subsequent genocides including a) perpetrators, b) by critics and c) by people who wrote to survive, or to record their experiences for the future. Slide 5: Famous writers and their responses to genocide. Slide 6: Words today including images from newspapers and social media. Slide 7: How we respond to words Slide 8: Free speech and censorship including the ‘No Platform’ agenda. Reviews welcomed and feedback often actioned.
Doctor Who An Unearthly Child TV Series GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP

Doctor Who An Unearthly Child TV Series GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP

Resources for the Close Study Product for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone discussing the impact of vloggers and their expansion into the media/celebrity landscape. The resources relate to the Dr Who ‘An Unearthly Child’ opening episode, and studies the Media Representation, Audiences, Industries and Language around TV Series, SciFi, the BBC, etc… The 33-slide Powerpoint includes all resources and eight lessons work (with possible expansion). Lesson 1: The Codes and Conventions of SciFi Lesson 2: The BBC and Doctor WhoWho is Doctor Who, how important is the Doctor Who franchise to the BBC, the BBC [how is it funded and the public service remit and how has it changed] Lesson 3: How is the BBC regulated and how are programmes commissioned Lesson 4: An introduction to ‘An Unearthly Child’ and watch episode Lesson 5: Narrative theory and ‘An Unearthly Child’ [inc Propp and Todorov] Lesson 6: The semiotic codes in ‘An Unearthly Child’ Lesson 7: Character analysis of ‘An Unearthly Child’ Lesson 8: Use of stereotypes in ‘An Unearthly Child’ , audience analysis and Use and Gratifcation Thoery. As previous 5-star reviews for other CSPs published on TES have stated ‘these are great starting points’ for lesson delivery. Powerpoint file contains all resources, along with a Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) for students to RAG-rate their knowledge, skills and understanding. As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs: "Just buy it!" “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” "These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money" ***Reviews welcomed***
Kim Kardashian Hollywood GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Online Social and Participatory

Kim Kardashian Hollywood GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Online Social and Participatory

Resources for the Close Study Product for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone discussing the impact of celebrity and monetised apps and their expansion into the media/celebrity landscape. The resources relate to the Kim Kardashian Hollywood app/game, and study the Media Representation, Audiences, Industries and Language around the Kardashian brand, celebrity culture, feminism in gaming, monetisation of apps and game industry regulation. The Powerpoint includes all resources and seven lessons work (with possible expansion). Lesson 1: Introduction to the game and the Kardashian brand. Lesson 2: How is the game structured, narrative techniques used. Lesson 3: Representation of celebrity, uses and gratification theory and marketing of the game. Lesson 4: Media convergence, gender roles and influence on target audience, gender in the gaming industry. Lesson 5: Game industry regulation, the canging nature of the gaming industry and monetisation of 'free' apps. All of the above are linked through activities to Kim Kardashian Hollywood and could extend into further lessons and discussions. As previous 5-star reviews for other CSPs published on TES have stated 'these are great starting points' for lesson delivery. Powerpoint file contains all resources, along with a Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) for students to RAG-rate their knowledge, skills and understanding. As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs: "Just buy it!" “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” "These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money" ***Reviews welcomed***
Galaxy TV Advert Close Study Product CSP Audrey Hepburn GCSE Media Studies Advertising Marketing

Galaxy TV Advert Close Study Product CSP Audrey Hepburn GCSE Media Studies Advertising Marketing

Resources for the Close Study Product Galaxy TV Advert for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone teaching the Advertising and Marketing Close Study Product - Galaxy TV Advert. Using prompts outlined in the AQA Summer 2017 Ready to Teach resource pack, this intensively-structured 14 slide resource includes the following and could be used over 4 or more lessons: the social and cultural context of the advert: links nostalgia in confectionary advertising, the use of CGI, moral and ethical issues related to use of dead celebrity image in advertising. the Media Language [semiotic analysis of the advert and narrative structures used]. This analyses issues related to the different elements used and the established codes and coventions of Media products - includes analysis of Todorov and Propp’s narrative theories and how this applies to this advert. the Media Representations [examines intertextuality, themes around stereotypes vs reality in advertising the the factors that affect audience response]. Also includes a PLC Personal Learning Checklist for this Close Study Product CSP As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs: "Just buy it!" “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” "These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money"
OMO Print Advert GCSE Media Studies Advertising Marketing  Close Study Product CSP

OMO Print Advert GCSE Media Studies Advertising Marketing Close Study Product CSP

Resources for the Close Study Product OMO for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone teaching the Advertising and Marketing Close Study Product - OMO Print Advert. Using prompts outlined in the AQA Summer 2017 Ready to Teach resource pack, this intensively-structured 12 slide resource includes the following and could be used over 3 or 4 lessons: the social and cultural context of the advert: links to Maslow, representation of 1950s women and how this relates to other advertising CSPs (namely Galaxy and NHS Represent] the Media Language [semiotic analysis of the advert and narrative structures used]. This analyses issues related to the different elements used and the established codes and coventions of print adverts. the Media Representations [examines themes around stereotypes in advertising, sexism in 1950s advertising and the impact of personal political opinion on audience response]. Also includes a PLC Personal Learning Checklist for this Close Study Product CSP **UPDATE** Includes an examination feedback PPT resource that clarifies exemplar responses from AQA Sample Assessment materials related to OMO task As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs: "Just buy it!" “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” "These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money" **Reviews and feedback very much welcome. Thank you**
Road Safety Week Assembly November 2019 Speed Down Saves Lives

Road Safety Week Assembly November 2019 Speed Down Saves Lives

An assembly suitable for KS2 - KS4 (language may need a small edit for KS2 on some slides) for The Road Safety Week 2019 - November 18th to November 24th. Updated with latest BRAKE resource “Speed Matters” video. Slides include: Slide 1: Introduction Slide 2: Speeding facts for 2016/2017 Slide 3: Why is speeding such an issue? Slide 4: The impact of speeding - Avril’s story (video) Slide 5: Key messages Slide 6: Stopping distances - what are they? Slide 7 and 8: What can you do to raise awareness and be safe? Slide 9: Speed Matters video with Maddie Moate [KS2 recommended] Slide 10: Closing message and links for more information
'How to be Happy' Assembly

'How to be Happy' Assembly

An assembly incorporating the top 10 tips for personal happiness. Deliverable to any year group - although some of the scientific and holsitic aspects are more KS3 and KS4. Includes slides and full script for each slide in the ‘notes’ section.
NHS Blood and Transplant Represent CSP GCSE Media Studies  Advertising Marketing Close Study Product

NHS Blood and Transplant Represent CSP GCSE Media Studies Advertising Marketing Close Study Product

Resources for the Close Study Product 'Represent’for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone teaching the Advertising and Marketing Close Study Product - NHS Blood and Transplant online campaign video ‘Represent’ featuring Lady Leshurr. Using prompts outlined in the AQA Summer 2017 Ready to Teach resource pack, this intensively-structured 13 slide resource includes: the social and cultural context of the advert and the niche audience [what is niche, BAME community] with associated external video links. the Media Language [semiotic analysis of the advert and narrative structures used]. This analyses issues related to hybridity, intertextuality, linear/non-linear narrative and single/multi strand narrative] with associated external video links. the Media Representations [representations of BAME audience in advert and why, Selection, Mediation and Construction in Media texts, Audience interpretation and response]. Also includes a PLC Personal Learning Checklist for this Close Study Product CSP As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs: **“Just buy it!” “Your resources have been life savers!” “Well worth the money and really saved my life” “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.” “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!” “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.” “Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.” “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money” ** **A new TES uploader - reviews welcomed**
Anti-bullying Week Assembly - All different All equal

Anti-bullying Week Assembly - All different All equal

An assembly utilising a range of resources from the anti-bullying alliance and elsewhere. Using the 2017 branding it outlines the important message of ‘All different, All equal’ and can be briefly edited to suit primary or secondary audiences. Key outline of the PPT is: - Different types of bullying - Bullying statistics - Impact of bullying on the victims - Why do bullies bully? - Some thoughts for the week - What to do for help - Additional slides (2017 celebrity quotes, 2017 anti-bullying alliance video)
NCFE Level 2 Health and Fitness SOW - Unit 1 Principles of Fitness Unit

NCFE Level 2 Health and Fitness SOW - Unit 1 Principles of Fitness Unit

USED SUCCESSFULLY IN 2016-2017 ACADEMIC YEAR. PLEASE WATCH TES EMBEDDED VIDEO TO SEE SIZE AND SCALE OF THIS PRODUCT. A full scheme for the delivery of the NCFE Level 2 Health and Fitness course for Unit 1. Including all lesson resources and booklet for pupil work which encompasses the criteria for the whole unit. Successfully passed by external moderators in 2017, this should be all you need to meet the criteria for this exciting course. Teacher Resource (PPT) includes all resources to support the course, links to a range of online videos that support all aspects of the unit, exemplar responses. Pupil workbook (DOC) includes the complete workbook to submit for external moderation when completed and links to PPT. PPT can be used as a teacher-led resource to facilitate whole-class teaching or as an independent pupil learning resource that can be used flexibly to build the core knowledge to complete the unit assessment. **A new TES uploader - reviews welcomed**
Employability Skills: Preparing and Learning from Work Experience

Employability Skills: Preparing and Learning from Work Experience

A 4 lesson scheme of work that can form part of PSHE, careers-focus days or be completed independently with Key Stage 4 or 5 students. The Powerpoint resource can be used to support delivery and there are two pupil booklets to focus thinking and action planning. The units are: - preparing for work placement [including logistics, expectations, etc] - learning from work placement [an evaluation and self-assessment activity]