I’ve made this little game to go with my christmas gifts to the children in my class so thought I’d share! I’ll be printing them 2/page as mini games but they would work great on A4 or even A3 for table fun in class.
Enjoy and Happy Christmas
3 Worksheets perfect to add to your homework bundles over the summer.
Pack includes: A back to school checklist, a how do I feel journal and a new teacher all about me. Perfect with our summer holilday wellbeing pack and Year 1 and 2 transition packs - see our bundles and other listings.
I have created these journals for our new Nama Stay and Play yoga and wellbeing club. They are intended for home use between sessions but would also make great class activities. I will be printing them 2xA4 page as an A5 booklet but they are great in A4 as stand alone sheets too.
Each journal has:
Front/Back Nama-Stay and Play cover (Don’t print this if you want to call your club something else)
Things I love page
7 x Diary reflection pages for each day of the week
A daily activity
A weekly roundup x 2
Have a look at the video to see what’s in this pack or head to the bundle to purchase the full 5 week course.
3 Worksheets perfect to add to your homework bundles over the summer.
Pack includes: A weekly summer journal, a highlights page and a colour in front cover. Perfect with our new class transition pack - see our bundles and other listings.
I have created these journals for our new Nama Stay and Play yoga and wellbeing club. They are intended for home use between sessions but would also make great class activities. I will be printing them 2xA4 page as an A5 booklet but they are great in A4 as stand alone sheets too.
Each journal has:
Front/Back Nama-Stay and Play cover (Don’t print this if you want to call your club something else)
Things I love page
7 x Diary reflection pages for each day of the week
A daily activity
A weekly roundup x 2
Have a look at the video to see what’s in this pack or head to the bundle to purchase the full 5 week course.
I have created these journals for our new Nama Stay and Play yoga and wellbeing club. They are intended for home use between sessions but would also make great class activities. I will be printing them 2xA4 page as an A5 booklet but they are great in A4 as stand alone sheets too.
Each journal has:
Front/Back Nama-Stay and Play cover (Don’t print this if you want to call your club something else)
Things I love page
7 x Diary reflection pages for each day of the week
A daily activity
A weekly roundup x 2
Have a look at the video to see what’s in this pack or head to the bundle to purchase the full 5 week course.
I have created these journals for our new Nama Stay and Play yoga and wellbeing club. They are intended for home use between sessions but would also make great class activities. I will be printing them 2xA4 page as an A5 booklet but they are great in A4 as stand alone sheets too.
Each journal has:
Front/Back Nama-Stay and Play cover (Don’t print this if you want to call your club something else)
Things I love page
7 x Diary reflection pages for each day of the week
A daily activity
A weekly roundup x 2
Have a look at the video to see what’s in this pack or head to the bundle to purchase the full 5 week course.
I have created these journals for our new Nama Stay and Play yoga and wellbeing club. They are intended for home use between sessions but would also make great class activities. I will be printing them 2xA4 page as an A5 booklet but they are great in A4 as stand alone sheets too.
Each journal has:
Front/Back Nama-Stay and Play cover (Don’t print this if you want to call your club something else)
Things I love page
7 x Diary reflection pages for each day of the week
A daily activity
A weekly roundup x 2
Have a look at the video to see what’s in this pack or head to the bundle to purchase the full 5 week course.
I have made these worksheets for our class to reflect on our year together and look ahead to next year. They are differentiated and so make a perfect whole class activity.
I plan to let our littles take them home but would make a great display too.
We also have moving onto year 2 worksheets and a bundle of both.
I have made these worksheets to follow on from our End of Year 1 Reflection Journal Sheets to look ahead to next year in year 2. They are differentiated and so make a perfect whole class activity.
I plan to get the children to give these to their new teacher as a mini passport.
Toys old and new CP Pack including:
Initial sounds cards
RWI Set 1,2,3 and additional sounds cards
Numbers 0-20 cards with +,-,=
Write your own task cards
Our Christmas RWI Bundle including:
Cut and match RWI Christmas trees x 45
Match the words to sounds Christmas tree worksheet
RWI Mixed set Christmas bingo
Bundle includes our:
Differentiated Year 1 Reflections and Celebrations
Differentiated Moving onto Year 2
Summer holiday journalling
Transition back to school wellbeing and all about me