These Maths STEM sentence starters are a prompt for children to use when discussing their maths.
The sentence starters provide the children an opportunity to share what they have observed and understood about their learning. This allows you to assess children’s level of understanding.
Challenge 1- read the properties and write down what shape has been described using the word bank to support (triangle, square, rectangle and circle).
Challenge 2- read the properties and match this to the correct shape (triangle, square, rectangle, circle, hexagon, pentagon and semi-circle).
Reasoning and problem solving activity has also been included.
PowerPoint with questions based on the reading skill of sequencing. Friday’s lesson is recorded and three different challenges have been provided- depending on child’s ability.
Use the PowerPoint to learn about Samuel Pepys and why he is significant today.
Then children will complete their factfile, this has been differentiated.
Children will learn about who Christopher Wren was and why we remember him today.
They will write a letter to King Charles II pretending to be Christopher Wren telling him the plans of how London should be rebuilt.
Children will be explaining their opinion and why the poet used the language choices in the poem.
Plan, PowerPoint with modelled answers and questions have been included.