Beal High School
Redbridge, United Kingdom
About Beal High School
Beal High School is at the heart of the Beacon Multi Academy Trust. We are committed to working in partnership with The Forest Academy, The Beacon Business and Innovation Hub and NELTA – North East London Teaching Alliance and SCITT – to provide high quality learning experiences for all students
• Beal is a mixed, community comprehensive for students aged 11 – 18 (including a small number of 19 year olds in Yr 13)
• Our examination results place us in the top 25% of schools for achievement and progress and the top 20% of Sixth Forms
• We are a large school, with over 2,600 (September 2018) students on roll including over 800 in the Sixth Form. Students are divided into 12 forms on entry. We are one of the largest secondary schools in the UK.
This is an outstanding school. “Exemplary behaviour, mutual respect and a highly inclusive culture are key contributory factors’ (Ofsted 2012)