Blessed Robert Widmerpool Academy
Nottingham, United Kingdom
About Blessed Robert Widmerpool Academy
Blessed Robert Widmerpool is an ‘outstanding’ school, which is committed to creating a happy and secure learning environment where all children can reach their potential - spiritually, morally, culturally, physically and academically.
We strive to deliver excellent outcomes for our children through an engaging and stimulating curriculum, challenging and varied learning opportunities as well as a caring, nurturing environment.
We know that achieving excellent outcomes for our pupils means investing in quality staff and we place real emphasis on providing personalised professional development for our team.
Our school is part of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-Academy Trust which brings together the 36 Catholic Primary and Secondary schools in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire. Our priority is to ensure the very best Catholic Education for all young people in our community, whatever their circumstances. We will achieve this together, through a strategic approach to sharing best practice, effective challenge and support from a central standards and performance team and opportunities for high quality Continuing Professional Development offered by the CMAT’s teaching school, The Nottingham Initial Teacher Training Hub.
Follow us on twitter @OLOLCatholicMAT and @BRWSchool