Coopers School

Bromley, United Kingdom

Location: Bromley, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 18 years

About Coopers School

Coopers is a popular and oversubscribed 11-18 school in the heart of Bromley. We  are proud to be part of the Orion Education Trust, whose mission is to improve outcomes,  transform lives and enable social mobility. This mission and our values of trust,  respect and resilience underpin everything we do. Pupils experience a broad and  balanced curriculum which is knowledge rich and inclusive. Through this and our  extended curriculum, we build resilient learners and active citizens.

We are a coaching school. Our professional culture is one of constant  development and all staff engage in our instructional coaching programme. All  professional learning is underpinned by the principles of instructional coaching:  granular action steps promote progress, deliberate practice builds strong mental  models and rituals of renewal make improvement stick. We are committed to the  development of all staff and create pathways for professional development based  on the experience and ambition of all staff, both teaching staff and associate staff.

It’s an incredibly exciting time to join us. Over the past few years, many colleagues  have been internally promoted and we are always interested in recruiting  ambitious, reflective and collaborative teaching and associate staff to work within  our community. We are looking for individuals committed to becoming a part of  our school community and promoting and sustaining the excellent routines,  rituals and teaching that make Coopers an excellent school committed to getting  even better.

Claire Bessa

Head Teacher

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Address: Hawkwood Lane, Chislehurst, Bromley, BR7 5PS, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 20 8467 3263
Positions available at Coopers School